As President Lincoln once said of the much-vilified General Grant, "I can't spare this man; he fights!"."Mark Jarrett "The violence in Charlottesville, and the tearing down of Robert E. Lee's statue there and in Durham, has made me angry and unhappy. I, like many Americans and Southerners of my generation, have seen the tremendous progress in racial harmony. I remember the bad old days and do not want to return there, but I also do not like attacks on my ancestors. Then I listened to President Trump's remarks yesterday from Trump Tower. Brilliant.
"Trump jumped to the chase. He gets the progressive mind. He asked, "Will you tear down George Washington's statue next? Do you like Jefferson? He was a slave owner. Will you tear down his statue, too? You are changing the history and changing the culture." Finally, we have a leader who fights back against the tyranny of the culture-changing socialists.
"Trump understands that these actions are warm-ups. The progressives are tearing down Confederate statues, and they are
kicking and spitting on the memorials to the dead because they cannot yet kick and spit on President Trump and his voters. If they could imprison Trump and deport his voters, they would do that and not worry about statues. They are lashing out where they can.
"Progressives want a socialist society cleansed of traditional values. To get power, we, as a country, must reject our heritage of freedom and embrace Marxist values of state control. That is why they fight so hard to control the teaching of history and why they denigrate the ideals and values of the Founders and the pioneers.