Saturday, September 2, 2017

Public School Teachers Behind Violent Antifa Group

Daily Caller

. . . "By Any Means Necessary, which has played a key role in riots in Berkeley, Sacramento and elsewhere, has dozens of public school teachers among its members, including among its most prominent leaders.
"The FBI and Department of Homeland Security began paying closer attention to Antifa groups in general after BAMN and other extremists started a riot and attacked marchers at a white nationalist rally in Sacramento last July, Politico reported on Friday. The Sacramento violence left at least 10 people hospitalized, several of whom had knife wounds.
"One of BAMN’s most prominent organizers is Yvette Felarca, a Berkeley middle school teacher and pro-violence militant. Felarca currently faces charges of inciting a riot for her role in the Sacramento violence." . . .
I'm sure BAMN did not like this either:

Trevor Noah Condemns 'Vegan ISIS' Antifa: 'You’re Also Punching Your Cause'.

However he still gets a dig in on President Trump just to keep his street cred with Hollywood.

FBI, DHS Officially Classify Antifa Activities As "Domestic Terrorist Violence"

No automatic alt text available.
Scott Ferrarello at Moretti Underground

Zero Hedge   "President Trump was crucified by the mainstream media a few weeks back after hosting an improvised press conference and saying there was "blame on both sides" for the violence in Charlottesville that resulted in the death of a counterprotester.  The comments resulted in most of Trump's advisory councils being disbanded, as CEO's around the country pounced on the opportunity to distance themselves from the administration, and heightened calls from CNN for impeachment proceedings.
"The problem is that while Trump's delivery probably could have been a bit more artful, the underlying message seems to be proving more accurate with each passing day and each new outbreak of Antifa violence.
"As Politico points out today, previously unreported FBI and Department of Homeland Security studies found that "anarchist extremist" group like Antifa have been the "primary instigators of violence at public rallies" going back to at least April 2016 when the reports were first published." . . .


Peleliu Island Revisiting a Forgotten Battlefield

"Documentary Full Movie 2014 Revisiting a Forgotten Battlefield - Peleliu Island (Full Documentary)"

From the HBO series "The Pacific"

CNN: Credit when credit is due. Like now.

CNN Accused Of Staging On-Air Rescue By… Guess Who  "Infowars fans must’ve been apoplectic when they heard a “Clinton News Network” — their term for CNN — reporter, Drew Griffin, and his news crew had rushed to save a man in a truck being swept away by flood waters on Tuesday morning.
"But they had nothing to fear, as their conspiracy theory god, Alex Jones, came to the rescue with a new twisted story accusing CNN of staging the whole thing.
"Jones’ lemmings wasted no time in pushing out the ridiculous theory and “proof.”

. . . "Anyone watching CNN live that morning — I was — saw how harrowing and affected by what happened everyone involved was. Griffin was clearly stricken by the idea that the man would likely no longer be alive if the crew hadn’t happened to be there and happened to have a rope with them.
"Unfortunately, Jones, Watson, and their ilk feel no shame pushing such fake news tripe simply to push their own “CNN is the devil” narrative." . . .

Friday, September 1, 2017

World War II: Drain The Ocean

What would we find?

Cleveland Police, EMT’s, Boycott Season Opening Flag Ceremonies After Browns Kneel During National Anthem

Warner Todd Huston at Breitbart

. . . "As the Browns prepared to meet the New York Giants on Monday, August 21, nearly a dozen members of the Browns took a knee during the playing of the national anthem at Cleveland’s FirstEnergy Stadium.

"The act enraged many local fans, including a Cleveland Veterans of Foreign Wars post which announced a boycott of Browns games in response to the anthem protest.

"Famed Browns star Jim Brown also criticized the protest telling the young players not to “disrespect the flag.” Days after Brown’s admonition, the whole team was seen standing during the anthem at the Browns’ next outing.

"However, the return to standing at attention for the anthem wasn’t enough for the local police and EMT unions., according to Fox 8 Cleveland.

"The Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association and ILA Local 1975, which represents the city’s dispatchers, EMTs and paramedics, have announced that they won’t participate in a flag ceremony the team had planned to perform for the season opener." . . .

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Kerosine Maxine

Why the Media are in a Never-Ending Hunt for Right-Wing Violence,

Remember when polite, hardworking Americans came together to oppose Obamacare at tea party rallies in 2009 and 2010? 
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Steny Hoyer called the protesters "un-American." The Democratic National Committee called them "rabid right-wing extremists." Sen. Harry Reid called the tea partiers "evil-mongers." Jimmy Carter pronounced an "overwhelming portion" of them racists. 
Ann Coulter  "After I'd spent a decade begging Republicans, including a few presidential candidates, to take up the immigration issue, Donald J. Trump came along, championed the entire thesis of Adios, America, and swept all contenders aside. 

"It's too late for the likes of Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to avoid humiliation, but if they don't want to keep making asses of themselves in public by, for example, praising today's version of the KKK, they should read my entire corpus of work, starting with Demonic. (Trump somehow grasped the whole point of that book, too.)

"The reason normal people are suspicious of the media's narrative on Charlottesville is that we've heard this exact same story many, many times before.

"Facts on the ground:

"-- Approximately every other year since forever, liberal hooligans have been rampaging through the streets, beating people up, setting off bombs, killing cops, smashing store windows, assassinating politicians and burning down neighborhoods -- against capitalism, Vietnam, Nixon, Wall Street, a police shooting, Trump, Starbucks, a sunny day.

"-- Conservatives, mostly families, have generally avoided even the mildest forms of political protest, and, when they finally are driven to petition the government over their grievances, they pick up after themselves — at tea parties, townhalls, Trump rallies and so on. 

"Result: The entire media are constantly on Red Alert for the threat of Right-Wing Violence." . . . 

"MORE FAKE NEWS": No, Mattis Did Not Defy Trump And Freeze The Transgender Military Ban

Daily Wire

"On Tuesday night, the media erupted with reports of Secretary of Defense General James Mattis defying President Donald Trump by enacting a so-called "freeze" on the Transgender Military Ban.
"In a shocking twist, this turned out to be fake news. Mattis is currently developing a plan to enact the trans ban, as directed by the POTUS, which is set for implementation in March 2018.
“ 'The department will carry out the president's policy direction,” reads a statement from Mattis. “I will establish a panel of experts serving within the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security to provide advice and recommendations on the implementation of the president's direction.”
"USA Today, for instance, ran the incorrect headline, "Mattis freezes transgender policy; allows troops to continue serving, pending study." LGBT Weekly ran the headline, "Defense Secretary Mattis delays Trump’s ban on transgender service members," and Slate went all-out with, "Mattis Freezes Trump’s Transgender Ban Pending Further Review by People Other Than the President."
"And those were just a few of the false reports.
"In actuality, as commendably reported by left-wing Vox . . ."

Harvey Will Be the Turning Point of the Trump Presidency

Roger L. Simon  "Has Harvey shaken America seriously enough to diminish the cold civil war that has overtaken our country?  Has it made our divisions seem at least a tiny bit more trivial?
No doubt a hardcore of hate-filled bozos drunk on some witless ideology will always be with us.  There's still a market for Guy Fawkes masks for adjunct junior college professors to pretend they're violent anarchist revolutionaries out of some Dostoevsky novel they never finished. And the tone-deaf nitwits on the L.A. City Council did choose the occasion of an ongoing massive natural disaster to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day, to include a paid vacation for all city employees (but not the myriad other taxpayers of the vast metropolis).

"Nevertheless, a flood of Noah-like proportions has a way of focusing the mind, at least for some, maybe even most, of us.
"And Donald Trump has clearly done well thus far in his capacity of crisis-manager-in-chief. It seems the presidential activity he was born for, the one most akin to running a large hotel construction job or renovating an historic ice-skating rink.  Moreover, reconstruction is certain to go on for quite a while and remain a focal point of our national attention for a significant period.  Trump should know how to handle it as well as anybody who has held the office.

"For this reason, Harvey will likely be the turning point in the Trump presidency.  His adversaries sense it too. You know the Never Trumpers of the left and right are pretty hard up when all they have to obsess about are Melania Trump's stilettos that she only wore onto a plane anyway." . . .

African-Americans need a Great Awakening to repair their broken culture

WOW Magazine
Rather than demanding that politicians and white people fix a broken culture, American blacks need a Great Awakening that repairs them from the inside out.
Great Awakening Blacks

. . . "White people in the West Indies were inhuman savages. What changed?
"One of the changes, of course, was the Enlightenment, which not only advanced science but began redefining Man’s relationship to government. I think, however, that there was something more spiritual and personal that dragged Westerners away from the casual, common cruelty that was an integral part of Western society, going back at least as far as the Romans."' . . .
"Based upon the above premises, I’ve concluded to my own satisfaction that whites cannot save blacks; that pulling down offensive statutes cannot save blacks; that castigating everyone in the world as the “root cause” of black suffering (even if we accept this as true for argument’s sake) cannot save blacks; that politicians cannot save blacks; and that Democrats cannot save blacks (and, indeed, will continue to inflict practical and spiritual damage on them). Only blacks can save blacks.
"To have this cultural salvation, however, one that can relieve them of their self-inflicted woes, blacks must first have a Great Awakening that makes spiritual and moral demands upon them. This Great Awakening, I hasten to add, cannot be a black Muslim kind of awakening, one that sees blacks simply add the word “Allah” to their outer-directed anger and demands. Instead, they need to have a deep, inner, spiritual change that gives them a hand up in freeing themselves from the moral abyss in which too many of them are trapped." . . .

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Do we really deserve our rich History?

Do Americans even deserve their statues?   . . . "As such, once we realize what these statues mean, we are left with a question.  We know what kind of great, great grandparents we had.  But what kind of great, great grandchildren are we? We have asked these days whether our statues are worthy of us.  A more reasonable question is whether we are worthy of our statues."

Christopher Columbus Bust Beheaded In New York  . . . "A vandal destroyed a Christopher Columbus in Baltimore earlier in August, filming the incident and posting it to YouTube. (RELATED: Vandals Smash Up Oldest Christopher Columbus Monument In Nation [VIDEO])"