Daily Caller
. . . "By Any Means Necessary, which has played a key role in riots in Berkeley, Sacramento and elsewhere, has dozens of public school teachers among its members, including among its most prominent leaders.
"The FBI and Department of Homeland Security began paying closer attention to Antifa groups in general after BAMN and other extremists started a riot and attacked marchers at a white nationalist rally in Sacramento last July, Politico reported on Friday. The Sacramento violence left at least 10 people hospitalized, several of whom had knife wounds.
"One of BAMN’s most prominent organizers is Yvette Felarca, a Berkeley middle school teacher and pro-violence militant. Felarca currently faces charges of inciting a riot for her role in the Sacramento violence." . . .
I'm sure BAMN did not like this either:Trevor Noah Condemns 'Vegan ISIS' Antifa: 'You’re Also Punching Your Cause'.
However he still gets a dig in on President Trump just to keep his street cred with Hollywood.