Legal Insurrection reports that Antifa is becoming an object of ridicule "If you’ve watched any of the footage of Antifa over the last year, one thing is clear. They’re serious. They think their form of activism – if you could call it that – is serious, too. They have little to no sense of humor about themselves."With that in mind, it has been quite remarkable to watch them become an object of ridicule in venues which are known to be liberal." . . .
The Onion
"BERKELEY, CA—Vowing to derail whichever event it is by any means necessary, local Antifa organizers announced plans Monday to disrupt an upcoming neo-Nazi rally or whatever else is going on that day. “We will stop at nothing to prevent these vile f--king neo-Nazi hatemongers from gathering, or, if not them, someone else,” said Sarah Jackson, 26, adding that the only way to end the spread of fascism is to physically confront Nazis, peaceful right-wing protesters, or just random people going about their daily lives. “We need to tell these Hitler-loving f--ks or whoever else is standing there, ‘Get out of our city!’ Remember, we’re talking about white supremacist terrorists, people running errands on their lunch breaks, or a group of tourists, so if we have to throw a punch or two, then so f--king be it.” At press time, black-clad Antifa demonstrators screaming “Fascists, go home!” had swarmed a Scandinavian street festival."