Leftist "cultural revolution" |
. . . "Leftists have no respect for history because they’ve never actually read any. They’ve only read the likes of Howard Zinn. They’ve been indoctrinated from the cradle. Anything done before last year was racist, misogynist, transphobic, and laughably outdated. What the West is experiencing now is little different from China’s Cultural Revolution of the 1960s: mobs of emotionally enflamed young people encouraged by their socialist elders to tear the culture down. Leftists don’t need history to guide them -- that is what the propagandist media is for. Their past, present, and future are all cynically constructed lies. The person who knows history contradicts those lies. The person who knows history can see the writing on the wall.
"I neither hate nor love Robert E. Lee -- but if they tear his monument down today, they’ll be burning the U.S. Constitution tomorrow, triggered by the historical artifact of the three-fifths clause. Today they burn cars -- tomorrow they’ll burn people. People made into nonpersons by the simple expedient of calling them racists or fascists. We cannot expect our local councilmen or hired city managers to protect us. Their only interest is in keeping their own pampered, unprincipled hides out of the fire. We must stand together as our ancestors did -- one nation under God."
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