Squawking Hollywood Magpies Unleash Vulgar Attacks on Trump
. . . "It was not so much an awards ceremony as it was a more narcissistic version of a Democratic National Committee meeting. The self-absorbed crowd lavished love on Hillary Clinton and hurled insults at President Trump.
"Within just a few minutes, host [late-night-talk-weasel] Stephen Colbert had navigated through an opening segment that included references to the Confederacy, global warming and Nazis.
“Imagine if your president wasn’t loved by Nazis,” Julia Louis-Dreyfus said.
"At least they did not spontaneously thrust their hands in the air and shout, “Heil, Hitler.”
Mr. Colbert and the audience should be commended for their restraint." . . .
Carlson: Emmys Showed Many of America’s Most Famous Artists Aren’t Artists — ‘Hacks,’ ‘Their Shows Are Dumb’
So celebrities are liberal. They don’t like Trump. Whatever. That’s fine. In fact, it’s normal. That is not what is striking here. Last night’s show wasn’t really about Trump. It was an expression of the contempt America’s ruling class has for the rest of this country, for the zip codes they don’t live in. The middle class elected Donald Trump last November. Last night Hollywood denounced them for doing it.
Also here.
'Justice pricing' at movie theater: $15 for white males, $10 for everyone else
. . . "The injustice of "social justice" has never been more apparent. Ask your average SJW to define "social justice" and you'll get a dozen or more different replies.
"Except for one, common thread; stick it to the white man." . . .
NRO: Jimmy Kimmel, Policy-Wonk Wannabe . . . "Perhaps it was a mistake for a senator to arrogate rhetorical supremacy to a comedian, but Cassidy, for his part, has since pushed back. “I am sorry he does not understand,” Cassidy said today on CNN. “There will be more people covered under the Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson amendment than under the status quo,” he said later on MSNBC, explaining that his bill requires “coverage” of pre-existing conditions “to be ‘adequate and affordable.' ’”
Back-to-Back: Trump at the UN and the Emmys
. . . "This is hard to digest for the Never Trumpers as well. How can this man suddenly be emerging as the most important player on the world stage? He's a reality star. He should be on the Emmys. (He should. He's actually funnier than Alec Baldwin and certainly than Colbert with his juvenile Hitler jokes that would embarrass Mel Brooks.)
. . . "World leaders watching this realize that America is being led by someone with actual convictions who may, just may, act on them. There's a switch after eight years of Obama when no one thought America would do much of anything -- and indeed it didn't, even when confronted by the horror of chemical weapons.
We who supported the TEA Party mission will never get over this Hollywood declaration of war on us:
"Law & Order": another TV show that sucker-punches half the American population Rerun from Monday, February 28, 2011
Why, you ask? Because this same episode of Law & Order ran on TNT again this week"We began watching a 2009 episode of "Law and Order" entitled "Fed" last night and I had to shut it off at the start. We saw people like ourselves - TEA par-tiers, portrayed as rifle-toting, hateful bigots. Only Hollywood is capable of inspiring dislike and outrage by the simple means of the skillful acting of those who portray people like you and me as despicable and violent. They give us the same treatment they give to pharmaceutical and insurance companies.
"May God bless all courageous conservatives in our country trying to stem the socialist tide sweeping America because the left has such massive force to bring against them. And the propaganda is being spoon-fed to the American public. How do we stand a chance?"
Back-to-Back: Trump at the UN and the Emmys
. . . "This is hard to digest for the Never Trumpers as well. How can this man suddenly be emerging as the most important player on the world stage? He's a reality star. He should be on the Emmys. (He should. He's actually funnier than Alec Baldwin and certainly than Colbert with his juvenile Hitler jokes that would embarrass Mel Brooks.)
. . . "World leaders watching this realize that America is being led by someone with actual convictions who may, just may, act on them. There's a switch after eight years of Obama when no one thought America would do much of anything -- and indeed it didn't, even when confronted by the horror of chemical weapons.
We who supported the TEA Party mission will never get over this Hollywood declaration of war on us:
"Law & Order": another TV show that sucker-punches half the American population Rerun from Monday, February 28, 2011
Why, you ask? Because this same episode of Law & Order ran on TNT again this week"We began watching a 2009 episode of "Law and Order" entitled "Fed" last night and I had to shut it off at the start. We saw people like ourselves - TEA par-tiers, portrayed as rifle-toting, hateful bigots. Only Hollywood is capable of inspiring dislike and outrage by the simple means of the skillful acting of those who portray people like you and me as despicable and violent. They give us the same treatment they give to pharmaceutical and insurance companies.
"May God bless all courageous conservatives in our country trying to stem the socialist tide sweeping America because the left has such massive force to bring against them. And the propaganda is being spoon-fed to the American public. How do we stand a chance?"