Monday, February 28, 2011

"Law & Order": another TV show that sucker-punches half the American population

We began watching a 2009 episode of "Law and Order" entitled "Fed" last night and I had to shut it off at the start. We saw people like ourselves - TEA partiers, portrayed as rifle-toting, hateful bigots. Only Hollywood is capable of inspiring dislike and outrage by the simple means of the skillful acting of those who portray people like you and me as despicable and violent. They give us the same treatment they give to pharmaceutical  and insurance companies.
May God bless all courageous conservatives in our country trying to stem the socialist tide sweeping America because the left has such massive force to bring against them. And the propaganda is being spoon-fed to the American public. How do we stand a chance?

That would be a pro-Bush TEA partier on the right.
"On Law and Order" Tea Party Protesters are Like Terrorists Murdering Capitalists

CBS Uses Justin Bieber to Smear Tea Party


Ronbo said...

I gave up on this show long time ago as being Leftist propaganda.

And CBS wonders why they keep losing viewers...

Anonymous said...

Would you say that there are some "tea party" people out there who are gun-toting whack jobs? Certainly that type does exist out there, just as there are extremists on the left.
Now, I didn't see the episode, so maybe I don't have the right to speak on it. But this is the same type of knee-jerk, "they hate us!," response that I see often from many Christians, and it bugs me. Because one show portrays a tea party member as a nut job we assume that they are labeling all tea party members as nut jobs? Isn't that a bit of a stretch?
We need to have thicker skin. Playing the victim card makes the tea party look weak and petty. I wonder, would the same people be just as outraged if the show was portraying a left-wing environmentalist as a violent type?

Tunnel Dweller said...

Sorry, but I've been to TEA Party rallies and they have been wholesome with no anger of the sort I saw portrayed on the TV. We all know how Hollywood can portray those they want us to see as bad guys and it was pure, unadulterated propaganda.
The book That's No Angry Mob, That's My Mom is a good picture of what we have seen down here. When Hollywood singles you out as undesirable, you don't stand a chance.

Anonymous said...

think you're missing my point. While the overall majority of the tea party movement is peaceful and calm and whatever you want to call it, there are tea party people out there who are not peaceful, and who may very well be violent at some point. So a fictional show depicts a fictional member of the tea party as a violent activist. So what? Is the tea party so thin skinned that they cannot tolerate a left-leaning show depicting a tea party member as violent? And do you expect anything contrary from Law and Order?
Instead of spending our time complaining that Johnny down the street says we're mean why don't we focus on getting some actual results from this movement? It's too easy to play the victim, and doing so is a waste of time. All I see from the right is a bunch of whining about how the media portrays them, hence the reason I have abandoned the republican, tea party right. Our country is doomed unless we wake up and start thinking for ourselves. Im tired of the bickering and whining and name-calling. Let's get to work.

Anonymous said...

Let's agree to disagree. The vast majority of the population doesn't walk away from the show thinking the tea party as a whole is violent. In fact, Im willing to bet that the vast majority couldn't care less. It's an overreaction to think they do. Additionally, I think I've mentioned twice now that those outraged wouldn't be as outraged if it was someone on the left being depicted as violent. Would you agree? What if the show depicted a Muslim as a murderer? Could we assume then that they are saying all Muslims are murderers? Certainly you don't agree with that.

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