Kevin Jackson; The Blacksphere
32 NFL teams with 1600 active man rosters.
32 NFL teams with 1600 active man rosters.
Of the 1600, 100 decided to “take a knee”. For those doing the math, that’s just over 6 percent.
"Consider that the NFL is roughly 68 percent black, you get an idea of how blacks feel about Colin Kaepernick’s cause, the ruse of Black Lives Matter, and the political-correctness of what used to be a sport for gladiators.
"Another quick note: Almost the entire Pittsburgh Steelers roster was part of that 100-man protest team.
"I suspect the 1500 other “real men” would like to see Kaepernick and the 100 who join him in solidarity go play in the European Football League.
"For those who know my work, I explain why black unemployment is so high. It’s because of idiots like this. Even when black Leftists make MILLIONS of dollars, they still complain. Think any of these sorry a-holes care that the NFL owners will suffer? Most have their contracts, so why worry about a few very wealthy white men?
"If these black multi-millionaires whiners told the truth, they would love to see the white owners suffer, as long as the players get to keep their jobs.
"But will they get to keep their jobs long-term?
"Let’s begin with the president’s claim of lower ratings." . . .
(Emphases in the original)
Some Wounded Warriors Can't Take a Knee, NFL
Some Wounded Warriors Can't Take a Knee, NFL
Liberals tend to be selective in defending free speech. Protests against the flag or the national anthem are to be praised, but public affirmation of faith and traditional values are to be mocked, such as former Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow’s slightly different taking of the knee and giving of thanks to the Creator from which all our inalienable rights come. As Investor’s Business Dailyeditorialized in 2012 . . .