"With such a cynical, divisive and mendacious strategy, is it any surprise that the DNC coffers are running low?"Clarice Feldman "For some time now, Democrats have played the identity politics game, revving up grievances -- real or imagined -- of different ethnic groups with the only commonality a dismissive prejudice against middle-class white men. This divisive disunity strategy served them well for a while, but no longer. With nothing else to replace it, it’s between Scylla and Charybdis -- risk losing the base and seek broader appeal or crash into obscurity. They continue to choose poorly.
"I don’t know the name of the person who created this, but it shows rather well the arguments of the everything-is-racism in their deck of cards:
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"So many of the reported crimes purportedly motivated by Islamophobia have proven to be faked (like the crimes of racism and sexism) that rationally we’ve grown to view all with a jaundiced eye. Still, it took chutzpah for Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (former DNC chair) to suggest that the still barely covered Awan brothers scandal was a product of Islamophobia.
"With such a cynical, divisive and mendacious strategy, is it any surprise that the DNC coffers are running low? Donors and supporters are abandoning the party in droves."