American Thinker "Instead of spending a minute or two on something truly dangerous to the American people, actual Russian collusion, corruption, kickbacks and cover up of the sale of uranium reserves to the Russians, they spend hours on an unverified phone call of Trump. They are supposedly worried about his lack of empathy, according to a disputed account by Rep Frederica Wilson, who allegedly overheard parts of a condolence call the president placed to grieving soldier's widow.
"I don't recall one discussion about empathy on the news during Obama's eight years, but here are some true examples of a President's lack of empathy:
"On the night of 9/11/12 Americans were under attack in Libya. Instead of Obama
and Hillary actually lifting a finger to help them, they concocted a fictitious story about a video causing the attack instead of terrorism which they knew it was from the start. They even continued this blatantly false story when the bodies came home to Dover AFB and sent Susan Rice out to news programs to perpetuate a lie. They had to lie to protect their political power because Obama had been lying that terrorists were on the run and a terrorist attack would be inconvenient. Americans dying and the truth didn't matter, political power did.
and Hillary actually lifting a finger to help them, they concocted a fictitious story about a video causing the attack instead of terrorism which they knew it was from the start. They even continued this blatantly false story when the bodies came home to Dover AFB and sent Susan Rice out to news programs to perpetuate a lie. They had to lie to protect their political power because Obama had been lying that terrorists were on the run and a terrorist attack would be inconvenient. Americans dying and the truth didn't matter, political power did.
"Trump has done more in nine months to clean up the Veterans Administration corruption and help veterans than Obama did in eight years. Are we to believe that reporters and Democrats all of a sudden have a great deal of concern about veterans?
"I do not recall Obama ever saying a word about people killed by illegal immigrant criminals in sanctuary cities -- or reporters caring that he didn’t have empathy.
"When an undercover video came out showing women from Planned Parenthood bragging about crunching and dismembering babies illegally for profit, where was the empathy? Instead of caring about the children, Democrats and reporters defended the abortion body parts sellers. Democrats went after the people taking the video instead of the people illegally selling the body parts for a profit. Normally reporters like undercover videos showing criminal activity but not when it goes against their agenda. How could anyone look at those women at Planned Parenthood and see how absolutely cold hearted they were?" . . .Full article. By Jack Hellner