Monday, January 29, 2018

The Grammys, a President Trump hatefest

Grammy Ratings Fall From 2017 As Politics Dominate Music’s Biggest Night
. . . "With a 12.7/21 in metered market ratings, the Recording Academy’s big hootenanny was also way down from the early numbers from the LA-based February 13, 2017 59th annual show. By way down, I mean a just over 20% decline from last year to what looks to be an all-time low for the ceremony." . . .

Hillary Clinton Reads 'Fire and Fury' at the Grammys

Getting to read a book excerpt at the Grammys seems like a great consolation prize for losing the presidency.

. . . "Haley has ample reason to dislike Fire and Fury. Many of the book's accounts have been disproven, and recently Wolff himself suggested Trump was having an affair — with Haley! The UN ambassador powerfully shot down this baseless attack. This "disgusting" rumor only further damaged the book's credibility.
Liberals in the #Resistance may think the sketch inspiring, but most Americans will recognize it for what it is — a desperate plea for attention from a sore loser." . . .

Hillary Clinton Trashes Donald Trump In Grammys Cameo  . . . "The irony of Hillary’s stunt lies in the fact that on the very same night, at the very same gathering, stars came together to protest sexual harassment by wearing white roses to accessorize their designer outfits. Hillary, of course, is married to one of the most notorious rapists of our time." . . .
Oddly enough, none of the women abused by Bill Clinton were invited to attend the Grammys on Sunday. Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and Paula Jones were all noticeably absent. But, if Hillary were really concerned with the plight of women — if she were a real feminist — she would have been reading from Broaddrick’s book “You’d Better Put Some Ice On That: How I Survived Being Raped By Bill Clinton.” It’s a fantastic read. You can order it here.

 More politics than music at the Grammys - and Nikki Haley smacks it down
. . . "President Trump wasn’t the only one smeared by this disgusting book being read out loud. Wolff used his television time to claim that Trump’s United Nations ambassador, Nikki Haley, was having an affair with President Trump, a claim that flunks just based on the little facetime Haley has had with Trump, and which also fails based on the timeline of events, as I noted here." . . .

I have always loved the Grammys but to have artists read the Fire and Fury book killed it. Don’t ruin great music with trash. Some of us love music without the politics thrown in it.
. . . As Deadline Hollywood headline noted: “Grammy Ratings Fall From 2017 As Politics Dominate Music’s Biggest Night”
"The trade paper explained the problem:" . . .

Has Joy Villa been black-listed by Hollywood yet? Or at least trashed on The View?

I do respect some of this lady's opinions, but edited out one dress of hers that belonged in this post instead.  TD

Welcome to America; now VOTE!

Rich Terrell

"Did Barack Obama just encourage illegal aliens to vote on Election Day, promising no repercussions if they do?
"A videotaped interview with the president has some saying yes, sparking outrage among at least one major media figure and commenters on Twitter.
"In an interview with the Latin-oriented YouTube channel mitu, millennial actress Gina Rodriguez asked Obama:
“ 'Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens – and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country – are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will Immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?”

"Obama responded: “Not true, and the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential.”
"The president’s answer left Neil Cavuto of the Fox Business Network completely stunned.
“I can’t believe that I heard what I heard,” Cavuto said on his broadcast.“The president isn’t even questioning whether the person who is an illegal is voting, outside of reminding people that if you’re a citizen, you vote. But it’s very clear that the question that is being asked was about illegals voting and afraid that they might be reported to Border Security. You’re illegal. You cannot vote.”“The President of the United States is saying, ‘Don’t worry, no one will be spying on you, catching you,'” Cavuto added. 
Read more at the link. 

How Donald Trump, America's Salesman-In-Chief, Won Over CEOs At Davos

Investor's Business Daily  "Davos: Think Donald Trump doesn't know how to sell? Take a look at how he did in Davos, Switzerland, with the world's wealthy, left-leaning elites. As anyone in business will tell you, a great salesman needs a great product. Trump has that: America.

"As The Daily Caller reported, "In a stunning moment, one by one, European titans of industry from companies like Adidas, Siemens and Bayer went around the table to thank Trump for the passage of tax cuts and the easing of corporate tax burdens. Almost every CEO had a new U.S.-based investment or strategic business to announce."

"The president of Siemens, Joe Kaeser, said, 'since you have been so successful in tax reform we have decided to develop the next generation gas turbines in the United States.' "

"Not surprisingly, Trump has been harshly criticized by the left for failing to embrace "globalism." That criticism seemed a bit misplaced in Davos, however, simply with Trump's appearance there. He was the first president in 18 years to go to Davos, a gathering that President Obama gave short shrift." . . . 

Gino Gambino at Moretti Underground

A Morally Pretentious #MeToo Movement

Feminism is less about expanding independence or strength, and more about expanding victimhood.
Arnold Ahlert

"One of the leading voices of the feminist movement is being excoriated for taking on the insufferably self-righteous perpetrators of the #MeToo movement.
“ 'I want, I’ve always wanted, to see women react immediately,” Germaine Greer stated during an interview in London, preceding a gala where she was named Australian of the Year in Britain. “In the old days, there were movies — the Carry On comedies, for example — which always had a man leering after women. And the women always outwitted him — he was a fool. We weren’t afraid of him and we weren’t afraid to slap him down.”
“ 'What makes it different is when the man has economic power, as Harvey Weinstein has. But if you spread your legs because he said, ‘Be nice to me and I’ll give you a job in a movie,’ then I’m afraid that’s tantamount to consent, and it’s too late now to start whingeing about that,” she added.
“ 'Whingeing” is the British version of “whine,” and there was no shortage of whining in response to Greer’s assertion. Columnist Tracy E. Gilchrist insists Greer appears “stuck in another era,” and that she “victim-blamed in the middle of making the point." Guardian columnist Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett, who believes older generations of feminists blazed a path for today’s social justice warriors, nonetheless characterizes Greer as "some older woman or other [who] is brought in to tell anyone who will listen how stupid the whole [#MeToo] endeavour is.' ” . . .

Added by TD at left:

"Intolerance at Cornell: After my Fox News appearance, bullying and threats began . . ."

..."It got so bad I sought counseling."

The College Fix   . . . "It is difficult to express conservative views as a college student without being called names, attacked personally, or even threatened by peers. I know because I’ve lived it.

The worst came after I appeared on Fox News in May to voice alarm over a new course at my Ivy League institution that deeply criticized Donald Trump while venerating Barack Obama.

“ 'Based on the syllabus it doesn’t seem like a fair conversation,” I said about the new government course offered this past fall at Cornell called “America Confronts the World.” The syllabus accused Trump of xenophobic nationalism while describing Obama as a pragmatic cosmopolitan.

“ 'If I were to walk into the classroom I don’t think I would feel comfortable expressing my views. I am somebody who likes to take a fair stance. I think it’s important that we are critical of the president but we also recognize the good that he’s done. I don’t think that would be encouraged in this class.”

 'Asked by the Fox News host if there is an overwhelming liberal bias at Cornell, I said yes.

“ 'When you have a professor telling you what is right and what is incorrect rather than having the students decide for themselves, to research beyond the headline and analyze the situation, I think they just take whatever the professor tells them and they are not able to see the indoctrination,” I said." . . .

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Kamala Harris: Democrat Compares US Treatment of Muslims to Holocaust Victims on Holocaust Memorial Day

Our nation must be hated, say Democrats

Infidel Bloggers . . .
On , Trump restricted refugees from Muslim-majority countries. Make no mistake — this is a Muslim ban.

We have opened our doors to those fleeing violence and oppression for decades, by presidents on both sides of the aisle.
We can't turn our backs on the millions of refugees who are contributing to our country and our economy.

We can't turn our backs on the millions of refugees who are contributing to our country and our economy.
During the Holocaust, we failed to let refugees like Anne Frank into our country. We can't let history repeat itself.

"Muslim clerics are threatening the lives of Jews from the pulpits of American mosques, and they are doing it with virtual impunity, say former US law-enforcement officials who worry that the rhetoric could lead to violent attacks.
"Over the past six months, at least five prominent US imams have been caught on tape preaching violence against Jews in sermons at mosques across America.
"Yet these radical preachers inciting anti-Semitic violence aren’t prosecuted or even permanently banished by the leadership of their mosques." . . .
Not even Kamala Harris?

Radical imams are spewing anti-Semitism in the US with impunity

President Trump Oficially Decreases the Debt to GDP Ratio in His First Year in Office – First Time in More than 50 Years!

Joe Hoft  "The higher a country’s debt to GDP ratio, the less healthy the country’s economy.  With the GDP numbers released yesterday, President Trump’s policies have officially decreased the Debt to GDP ratio by 1.2% in the President’s first year in office.

"In contrast, President Obama increased the US Debt to GDP ratio his first year in office by 14.5%.  Obama increased the rate a total of 37% over his 8 years in office.

"Since his inauguration President Trump has focused his efforts on the security of the country and on the prosperity of its economy. The results of his actions are taking shape.
"The US GDP has increased each quarter in 2017 with the 4th Quarter GDP increasing to $19.739 trillion – the highest GDP for any country in world history.
"On the other hand, the President has curtailed US spendingThe result is that the US Debt to GDP ratio decreased in 2017 from 105% to 104%.
"No President in more than 50 years has decreased the Debt to GDP ratio in his first year in office by more than 1%. The last President to do so was Nixon in 1969. Presidents Reagan and George W. Bush decreased the Debt to GDP ratio in their first years in office but by less than 1%.
"President Trump has the stock market at all time highs, jobs at all time highs and the debt to GDP ratio decreasing.  As a result America is moving in the right direction for the first time in at least a decade." 

Andrew Klavan: Three Reasons I Won't Be Talking About the Oscars

Andrew Klavan On The culture.  "The Academy Award nominations were announced this week. Usually I try to respond to the announcement with some sort of satirical piece in which I give awards to movies that, for political reasons, never got made. For instance, this year I might have celebrated the movie about the brave cop who stands up to charges of racism in order to bring down a Muslim rape ring in Britain, or the one in which an angry father hunts down a murderous illegal immigrant after a jury lets him off to show how woke they are, or maybe the hilarious college comedy about the snowflake students who can't hear conservative ideas without going into therapy.
"But this year — forget it. The Oscars no longer matter enough to satirize. Here's(sic) three reasons why." . . . Outline below:

  • First, Movies Are No Longer America's Art Form
  • Second, Oscar Winners Make Carping Political Speeches and They Don't Know What They're Talking About
  • And Third, Politically Correct Quotas Make the Awards Meaningless
. . . 

Illustrations added by TD

Joe Manchin Tells Nancy Pelosi To Grow Up And Stop The Immigration Rhetoric [VIDEO]

Daily Caller

"Democratic Senator Joe Manchin told House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to stop her divisive rhetoric on immigration and work with the Republican party, Sunday on CNN’s “State of The Union.”
"Host Jake Tapper played a clip of Pelsoi claiming President Donald Trump’s immigration plan seeks to “make America white again,” and then asked Manchin what he thought of the quote.
“ 'You know what, we don’t need that type of rhetoric on either side. From Nancy, Paul Ryan or anybody else” said Manchin, of West Virginia. “We have the wall. We need to repair the wall. We’ll need to build more wall. We need to do whatever we can to secure the borders.' ” . . .

Fox Exposes the Clintons in the Scandalous Series

Peter Barry Chowka
Fox News’ efforts with Scandalous represent a more serious and balanced appraisal of its subject than CNN’s hagiographic and one-sided take on recent decades, especially their excesses. (In reviewing CNN’s "The Nineties," Salon -- usually a friend of CNN -- opined that the series was “empty nostalgia for a decade we should let die.”)

"The excellent 7-part Fox News documentary series Scandalous, covering the scandals of the Clintons through the 42nd president’s impeachment trial in 1999, continues tonight with the premiere of part 2, “A Woman Called Paula.” The hour-long program airs at 8 P.M. E.T./P.T. At 7 P.M., part 1, “Up Crooked Creek” about the Whitewater scandal, which originally aired last Sunday, will be reprised.
"Fox hopes that Scandalous will be an ongoing series devoted to various political scandals in American history. The first 7 parts, devoted to the Clintons, total 280 minutes of content and go a long way towards helping to correct the largely sanitized and whitewashed record of Bill Clinton’s scandal-ridden career and presidency. Since he left office on January 20, 2001, the mainstream media, to my knowledge, has never attempted any serious appraisals of the underside of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s eight years in the White House and their earlier careers in Arkansas. The only exception was the PBS American Experience 2-part, 4-hour presidents’ series episode about Clinton which aired most recently in 2012. It covered Bill and Hillary’s entire career with only a minor focus on the scandals. Like most MSM appraisals of the Clintons, it reinforced the gauzy, airbrushed history of the 1990s, which witnessed the pumped up Internet dot com surge that helped to propel the temporary economic boomlet before the bubble started to burst in 2000, Bill Clinton’s last full year in office." . . .
Peter Barry Chowka is a veteran reporter and analyst of news on national politics, media, and popular culture.  In addition to his writing, Peter has appeared as a guest commentator on NBC; PBS; the CBC; and, on January 4, 2018, the BBC.