Friday, March 16, 2018

Correction: Trump’s Pick to Head CIA Did Not Oversee Waterboarding of Abu Zubaydah UPDATED

You will not hear about this from Democrats and the press. 

See the source image

UPDATESoros's ProPublica makes a major, embarrassing correction
Pro Publica   "ProPublica, the high-and-mighty investigative-reporting foundation financed by George Soros, Herbert and Marion Sandler, the Ford Foundation, and the MacArthur Foundation and other leftwing elitist moneybags, has been forced to issue an embarassing correction to one of its vaunted investigative reports.
"According to the Washington Examiner:. . .  
. . . “It is now clear that Haspel did not take charge of the base until after the interrogation of Zubaydah ended,” ProPublica said in the correction Thursday." . . .
ProPublica erred when it reported in 2017 that Gina Haspel was in charge of a secret prison in Thailand during the infamous interrogation of an al-Qaida suspect.


"On Feb. 22, 2017, ProPublica published a story that inaccurately described Gina Haspel’s role in the treatment of Abu Zubaydah, a suspected al-Qaida leader who was imprisoned by the CIA at a secret “black site” in Thailand in 2002.
"The story said that Haspel, a career CIA officer who President Trump has nominated to be the next director of central intelligence, oversaw the clandestine base where Zubaydah was subjected to waterboarding and other coercive interrogation methods that are widely seen as torture. The story also said she mocked the prisoner’s suffering in a private conversation. Neither of these assertions is correct and we retract them. It is now clear that Haspel did not take charge of the base until after the interrogation of Zubaydah ended.
"Our account of Haspel’s actions was drawn in part from declassified agency cables and CIA-reviewed books which referred to the official overseeing Zubaydah’s interrogation at a secret prison in Thailand as “chief of base.” The books and cables redacted the name of the official, as is routinely done in declassified documents referring to covert operations.
"The Trump administration named Haspel to the CIA’s No. 2 job in early February 2017. Soon after, three former government officials told ProPublica that Haspel was chief of base in Thailand at the time of Zubaydah’s waterboarding." . . .
Hat tip to Rush Limbaugh

Hillary's Hateful Harangue

"But again, my beef isn't with Clinton. It's with the Democratic Party proper, which has long been cynically peddling this very message in direct and subtle ways to alienate minority voters from the Republican Party, whose policies are manifestly more conducive to their economic well-being. . . . look at the racially charged statements Obama sprinkled throughout his terms in office."
Chaim MorgolesSnowflake's Safe Space & Buttercup Ranch
David Limbaugh  "Hillary Clinton's abhorrent remarks in Mumbai, India, last week warrant our attention because, like it or not, they represent the thinking of a large swath of the modern Democratic Party.

"But my aim is not to highlight Clinton's never-ending catalog of excuses for losing the presidential election, except to note that rather than blame everyone and everything but herself, she should apologize for stealing the nomination. If she hadn't done that, she wouldn't have to blame anyone. 

"She should also have to answer for FISA-gate, but I don't want to waste space demonstrating Clinton's unfitness for office -- because I have little fear she'll run again, and Democrats surely aren't crazy enough to indulge her if she tries. 

"Instead, let's review her disgraceful tirade in Mumbai, in which she blamed Americans' racism and misogyny for her election loss. 

" 'We do not do well with white men, and we don't do well with married white women," said Clinton. "And part of that is an identification with the Republican Party and a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should." 

"Hold the phone. Do you see the rich irony here? "Hear me roar" Hillary is impugning the independence and courage of women -- the very people she is pretending to defend against our misogyny? Seeing as she is maligning men, wouldn't it be prudent not to insult the other half of the human race at the same time? I know few men who don't have a higher opinion of women than this female liberal icon is displaying here." . . .

Korean Summit Strains Capacity of ‘Resistance’ To Debunk Trump

NY Sun  The news that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un would meet with President Trump has strained the prodigious capacity of the Trump Resistance to debunk his accomplishments. 

 "Anti-Trump journalists who don’t know anything about war in general, and specifically very little about the deployment of forces in the Korean Peninsula, have been shrieking from the rooftops of America since the election that Mr. Trump was capable of blowing up the world in Korea.

"It has been generally assumed that any American military action would instantly lead to attacks upon South Korea and Japan. In their more agitated moments, the anti-Trump press has envisioned another Korean War and a million or more casualties. Some of the same people predicted a million Allied casualties in the first Gulf War. (The real total was 292 dead and 467 combat injuries among 956,000 Allied servicemen and -women deployed.) 

"The Washington press and the international community had uniformly predicted the complete failure of President Trump’s policy of escalating pressure on North Korea. Led by a self-satisfied Vladimir Putin, they smugly assumed that the total failure in this area of the Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama administrations would continue: The world would uneasily welcome North Korea to the nuclear club and the Washington press would conduct a stentorian rain dance of celebration at American impotence and Trump foolishness. 

"On the announcement of the impending meeting, the consternation of the rigid Trump Resistance took many forms. One Democrat lamented that “Trump’s bluster, unfortunately, has succeeded.” The inimitable Max Boot, a legitimate authority on many strategic subjects, as long as President Trump isn’t involved, hooted that MR. Trump had been hoodwinked by both Koreas." . . . 

The downside of student protests against guns: moronic signs and "skulls full of mush"

Thomas Lifson  "The mainstream media and Democrat pols could barely contain their glee at student walkouts demanding gun control. They attach all kinds of virtue to innocents spouting the propaganda they feed them, and even coerce them into demonstrating for.
"Only one small problem: they have, in the immortal words of Professor Kingsfield in The Paper Chase, skulls full of mush.
. . . 
“They think there aren't any guns in the White House.”
Their magical thinking leads them to believe that gun free zones are safe zones, apparently.
On Facebook, David Baker spotted this gem, that reveals a poverty of knowledge:

"For those unfamiliar with ancient history or the NRA, Baker explains:
In 480 BC, the Persian king Xerxes demanded that the Spartans give up their weapons. King Leonidas responded with the phrase ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ (molon labe) which meant "Come and take them." This led to the Battle of Thermopylae, in which a small group of Greek warriors held off a far superior group of Persians for three days.

Similarly, in 1831, the Mexican army gave a small piece of field artillery to settlers in Gonzales, Texas, to help them fend off Indian attacks. At the onset of the Texas Revolution, the Mexican army asked for the cannon back. In response, the settlers raised a homemade flag with an image of the weapon and the words "Come and Take It" emblazoned across it.

The twin phrases "ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ/molon labe" and "Come and Take It" have become synonymous with the promotion of the Second Amendment and other fundamental liberties. They are antithetical to the idea of unilateral disarmament.

Today, snowflakes across the country walked out of class to protest "gun violence" and demand new confiscatory gun laws. The poorly informed young woman in the photo was part of today's Tide Pod Walkout. Note the slogan (and date) on her shirt, and the protest sign in her hands. . . .

Bill Clinton gets no respect

Evolution of a Mike Ramirez cartoon

First the rough sketch:

Then on to the finished product to be published. Details are added plus one very subtle detail that many miss. See it?

Wait for it...

Here it is!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The media places targets on the backs of our ICE agents

Beyond Offensive — CNN ( of course!)Runs Story Comparing ICE Deportations To The Holocaust


CNN Runs Story Comparing ICE Agents To Nazis  "CNN is pushing a story that compares ICE to Nazis, citing a Jewish woman who believes that deporting illegal immigrants is similar to actions the Nazis took during the Holocaust"

. . . "The article apparently does not feel the need to point out the key differences between Jewish people during the Holocaust and illegal immigrants in the U.S. — chiefly that Jewish people were being exterminated by their own government.
"A number of people lashed out at CNN for the offensive comparison.
As the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor, I am beyond offended that you compare the ‘comfort’ ILLEGAL aliens with the stripped right of European Jewish citizens. Shame on CNN.
Read the pushback CNN got:  At the link.

Honduran On Protected Status Plotted To Bomb A Miami Mall Pleads Guilty To Supporting ISIS  . . . "Solano is reportedly an illegal immigrant who obtained Temporary Protected Status (TPS), according to the Miami Herald, citing Assistant U.S. Attorney Karen Gilbert. He arrived in the U.S. in the 1990s and resided in Miami, where this ISIS sympathizer produced terrorist propaganda videos and “planned to place and detonate an explosive device in a crowded area of a popular Miami mall.” 

"The man was, according to the FBI, self-radicalized, and in March 2017, he reportedly changed his name to Abad and posted on Facebook: “I am Abad, son of Allah. May our black flag live on and we continue our battle.' ” . . .

Undocumented immigrant appointed to state post in California  The Senate Rules Committee on Wednesday appointed the first undocumented resident to a statewide post, according to Senate President pro Tem Kevin de León's office.

"Lizbeth Mateo, a 33-year-old attorney and immigrant rights activist, will serve on the California Student Opportunity and Access Program Project Grant Advisory Committee. The committee advises the California Student Aid Commission on efforts to increase college access for California students from low-income or underserved communities." . . .

Donald Trump Jr.’s wife Vanessa files for divorce

Late-night commenters have their writers in high gear.

NY Daily News 

Vanessa Trump and Donald Trump Jr. attend The Breast Cancer Research Foundation 2015 Pink Carpet Party at The Waldorf-Astoria in this 2015 file photo.

"Like father, like son. "Donald Trump Jr.'s wife has filed for divorce.

"Vanessa Trump married Trump Jr. in 2005. They have five children.

"The reasons for the divorce filed Thursday in Manhattan Supreme Court were not clear. The divorce was listed as "uncontested," indicating the split was amicable. Trump Jr., 40, has been traveling extensively while running his father's business with his brother, Eric."

Ex-N.Y. Times editor carries Obama doll in purse as therapy

'You have to take comfort where you can find it in Donald Trump's America'

Does she pray to it? TD 

"A former New York Times executive editor has a secret some might consider bizarre or even a bit creepy: She keeps a plastic Barack Obama doll in her purse as therapy to get her through the Trump presidency.
"Jill Abramson, a 63-year-old Harvard-educated journalist, made the admission in a March 7 opinion piece for the London Guardian headlined “Are we seeing signs of a Democratic wave in the primaries?”
“ 'It’s easy to look at what’s happening in Washington, D.C., and despair,” wrote Abramson, who was the executive editor at the Times from 2011 to 2014. “That’s why I carry a little plastic Obama doll in my purse. I pull him out every now and then to remind myself that the United States had a progressive, African American president until very recently. Some people find this strange, but you have to take comfort where you can find it in Donald Trump’s America.”

"Radio host Rush Limbaugh opined: “Remember, they hype themselves as, ‘We’re journalists. We are not activists.’ B.S. She just confirmed that while running the New York Times she was actually just nothing more than a very high-powered, highly placed Democrat Party operative disguised as an editor at the New York Times. Carrying around an Obama doll? And besides what it means in terms of her biases and so forth. What does it say? A grown woman admitting proudly that in her moments of deepest depression and stress, she opens her purse to pull out an Obama doll, which means that it’s in there all the time.
“ 'Her Obama doll is right next to the lipstick. Her Obama doll is right next to the skin cleanser, the fabric softener, whatever else is in there. An adult needing to see an Obama doll to be able to get through the day?' ” . . .
See the source image
Tony Branco

Cartoons added by TD

Adam Schiff, like Hillary, just won't give it up

Adam Schiff Gets Cold Feet On Russia, Loses Confidence In Mueller

Adam Schiff finally gets cold feet on Russia, starts back peddling his confidence in Mueller 

Golden shower? Trump dossier authors doubt their most explosive allegation  . . . "But now there is new reporting to suggest the dossier's creators had serious doubts about the veracity of the "golden showers" story from the very beginning. Despite those doubts, dossier author Christopher Steele included the "golden showers" account in his collection of anti-Trump intelligence, and the dubious charges set off a series of events that changed the course of the Trump-Russia investigation." . . .
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Updated: "Hillary’s Back from the Dead; She Should Have Stayed Buried"...

UPDATE:  Hillary Clinton Fractures Wrist After Slipping In India Resort Bathtub  . . . "The website reported that Clinton was taken to a hospital in the city of Jodphur at around 5 a.m. local time Wednesday. Clinton underwent an X-ray and a CT scan that confirmed a hairline fracture of her right wrist." . . .

Now back to our regular program in progress:

". . . Clinton Pity Memorial Tour" 

Shawn Mitchell  "Shocking news. The most fatally flawed presidential candidate in American history was reincarnated last week in India to do an encore comedy routine about her political corpse. Hillary Clinton explained the female problems that caused her unexpected political demise in backwards America to a presumably liberated, progressive, and sexually equal audience in Mumbai at the India Today Conclave. The bewildered Indians probably couldn’t comprehend the primitive sexism they were hearing about: 

"Women candidates, explained the famed political scientist, “don’t do well with married, white women. And part of that is an identification with the Republican Party, and a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should.” 

"Back in the US, the Clinton Pity Memorial Tour produced bipartisan criticism. According to the Congressional newspaper The Hill, Democrats and Republicans alike called her words “cringe worthy,” “absurd,” “annoying and wrong.” “Who lets her say these things?” one former Clinton surrogate wondered. 

"You might think reviews like that would quickly shush Clinton and her institutional defenders. You would be wrong because you would underestimate the iron grip identity politics has on the Left. “Like it or not, studies suggest that Clinton may not be wrong on white women voting like their husbands” bellowed Washington Post columnist Eugene Scott." . . .

Confirmed: Hillary still is Bitter, Tone-Deaf, hates The Deplorables, and is not well  Ever the uniter, loving America and it's people, she expounds:
There’s all that red in the middle, where Trump won. Now, I win the coasts, I win Illinois, Minnesota, places like that. But what the map doesn’t show you is that I won the places that represent two-thirds of America’s gross domestic product. So I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward, and his whole campaign, Make America Great Again, was looking backwards. “You don’t like black people getting rights, you don’t like women getting jobs, you don’t want to see that Indian-American succeeding more than you are, whatever your problem is, I’m going to solve it.
 Democrats, Former Aides Not Pleased With Hillary’s Recent Comments
. . . "2016 Hillary surrogate: “She’s annoying me. She’s annoying everyone, as far as I can tell.”
. . . "No, Hillary. I didn’t vote for you because you’re a horrible person and candidate."

Earl of Taint

Bookworm Beat . . . the “Hillary falls” illustrated edition

Bookworm Room  "It seems appropriate, with Hillary going to India to share her hatred for America, to lead off with her in today’s illustrated edition."

More here:  ". . . Clinton Pity Memorial Tour"

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