Those people must not be given into!
The Federalist "Democrats’ joy was short lived on Thursday. After President Trump announced that Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt was resigning after an intense political pressure campaign, he tweeted that Deputy Andrew Wheeler would take on the role.
"Wheeler shares many of the Pruitt’s policy views and was confirmed as deputy in April with only three Democratic votes. As with Pruitt, many on the Left find his views on climate change and environmental regulation disheartening. Similar to how many on the Left mourned Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement, environmental agencies and liberal commentators took to Twitter to express their dread of the new administrator of the EPA.
"The Natural Resources and Defense Council (NRDC), an environmental advocacy group, tweeted that Wheeler was just as nefarious and ill informed as Pruitt, but much more capable. The headline of the article reads “Who is Andrew Wheeler (And Why You Should Be Afraid Of Him).”
"Wheeler is Pruitt’s “ideological twin,” just with more “political savvy” according to the article." . . .
Pruitt's downfall was all about policy . . . "If journalists, lobbyists, and Democrats were actually concerned about unethical and corrupt activities at the EPA, transparency, questionable policies, and misuse of taxpayer money, they would have had a field day during Obama's eight years, and there was little coverage, so it is strictly about policies, and they will soon have a new target.
The Federalist "Democrats’ joy was short lived on Thursday. After President Trump announced that Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt was resigning after an intense political pressure campaign, he tweeted that Deputy Andrew Wheeler would take on the role.
"Wheeler shares many of the Pruitt’s policy views and was confirmed as deputy in April with only three Democratic votes. As with Pruitt, many on the Left find his views on climate change and environmental regulation disheartening. Similar to how many on the Left mourned Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement, environmental agencies and liberal commentators took to Twitter to express their dread of the new administrator of the EPA.
"The Natural Resources and Defense Council (NRDC), an environmental advocacy group, tweeted that Wheeler was just as nefarious and ill informed as Pruitt, but much more capable. The headline of the article reads “Who is Andrew Wheeler (And Why You Should Be Afraid Of Him).”
"Wheeler is Pruitt’s “ideological twin,” just with more “political savvy” according to the article." . . .
Pruitt's downfall was all about policy . . . "If journalists, lobbyists, and Democrats were actually concerned about unethical and corrupt activities at the EPA, transparency, questionable policies, and misuse of taxpayer money, they would have had a field day during Obama's eight years, and there was little coverage, so it is strictly about policies, and they will soon have a new target.
"Here are just some of the questionable, unethical, corrupt actions during Obama's tenure that received minuscule reporting, via Grabien:" . . .
Pruitt's actions were, I believe, firable and I think the disgusting part is that Obama, Hillary and any other Democrat you might name doing the same things would be no problem for the left. TD