Saturday, July 7, 2018

Demand From Liberals: Democrats Must Stay United Against Trump's SCOTUS Pick

Legal Insurrection
Guy Benson  "For weeks, Left-wing groups have been preparing for war against the president's forthcoming Supreme Court nominee, signaling furious opposition to any of the names on Trump's widelyreported short list. Activists are insisting that all 49 senate Democrats stick together to vote 'no,' a wall of solidarity that could help sway just two wavering Republicans to derail the selection.

"It's an uphill battle, even if Chuck Schumer manages to keep his whole team on the same side. Both Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, the GOP moderates who'd most plausibly break ranks, joined Mitch McConnell and all of their partisan colleagues to detonate the Reid Rule in order to confirm conservative Neil Gorsuch to the High Court last year. Each has a long history of voting to confirm judicial picks -- and not just from Republican presidents, in Collins' case. Unless Trump shocks everyone and picks somebody out of deep right field, or his nominee self-destructs, it's highly likely that all GOP members of the upper chamber will be on board. If that's the case, it'd be all over but the shouting -- and it may be a lot of shouting:
Under particular pressure to side with the president are the three red-state Democrats who voted for Justice Neil Gorsuch last year and face difficult reelection campaigns: Sens. Joe Manchin, Heidi Heitkamp, and Joe Donnelly. Keeping them in the Democratic fold — in the face of withering pressure from a liberal base that expects nothing less — amounts to the biggest challenge of Schumer’s 18-month tenure as Democratic leader. The New Yorker has preferred to take a hands-off approach to his moderate members, rather than twisting arms on big votes. Yet it’s far from clear that will work this time. “The message from grassroots groups is pretty clear: that if Democratic leadership can keep their caucus unified in doing no harm, we can aim our firepower on Republicans like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski and bring full pressure to bear in their states,” Adam Green, co-founder of the activist Progressive Change Campaign Committee, said in an interview.
"We condemn (fill in the blank)"

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