Saturday, July 7, 2018

KrisAnne Hall: A Word from a Recovering Liberal – Walk Away

When truth is the enemy or the cause of a hostile response, you know for sure that someone is afraid they are believing lies! Their foundation is being rocked, so keep on rocking! Keep shining that light. Keep walking a consistent walk.

Western Journal   "I was not born a constitutionalist. I did not live my life with an inherent understanding of liberty and what is necessary to defend it. I was not raised a Christian.
"For some, these things will be a stumbling block, so you need to know from me. I was raised a Democrat.
"The only thing more evil than Satan was a Republican in my home. There were no choices to be made in voting … straight Democrat Party line was the only choice.
" I was an environmentalist — a rabid environmentalist. Some of my best friends were members of Green Peace and I supported the World Wildlife Fund and PETA. I believed the earth would be better if there were no people at all. I was a vegetarian by ideology, not for health reasons, for almost 15 years.
"I believed in the “good” of scientific manipulations of food and the necessity of vaccines. Not only believed them, but helped create them when I was a biochemist for Monsanto.
"I believed in global warming and defended the theory vigorously. I believed in the Big Bang and openly criticized those who believed in creationism as ignorant and misled. " . . .

Will They Really #WalkAway From The Democrat Party?  . . . "How did the party of anti-Communist JFK end up with Commie wannabe Sanders so close to dethroning Hillary ‘Catch Me if You Can’ Clinton? Let me count the ways…" . . .

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