Monday, July 9, 2018

Walk Away: Leftists Abuse St. Jude Family Who Thanked Eric Trump For Raising Millions of Dollars to Help Children With Cancer

The Gateway Pundit

"Nothing is too low for leftists; they’ll even attack a family with a precious little boy battling cancer.

"A Memphis, Tennessee woman was on the receiving end of abuse from leftists after she decided to thank Eric Trump for donating and helping raise millions of dollars to help fund St. Jude children’s hospital.
"Eric Trump and the Trump Organization donated and helped raise $16 million dollars to fund St. Jude children’s hospital to help families pay for cancer treatments for children.
"A Tennessee woman was emotional and grateful after watching how the doctors and staff at St. Jude saved her nephew, Zachary’s life after he was diagnosed with cancer.
"The woman was so grateful, she decided to tweet a little thank you note to Eric Trump.
“ 'Thank you for your commitment to St. Jude. This St. Jude family is eternally grateful,” the woman said in a tweet.
. . . "From this moment on, the woman said she and her little nephew were on the receiving end of an onslaught of pure hatred from leftists.
"She received so much hatred, she decided to post a #WalkAway video describing her experience.
"Nothing it too low for today’s Democrats. They even attack a family with a child suffering from cancer simply because they thanked Eric Trump."

"Journalists" become propagandists

From Jeff Dawald at Expose Liberals & Media Bias

When challenged by a conservative interviewee, the host, refusing to respond to the challenge, will say "I'm asking you!". I wish the person being interviewed would hit back with "I do not regard you as an impartial journalist, but rather an advocate for my opposition".  TD

Why Should a Single Federal Judge Be Able to Make Law for the Whole Country?

National Review
While we fill a Supreme Court vacancy, let’s also have that debate. John Fund
A protester outside the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, Calif., February 7, 2017

. . . "Confusion about the proper role of the courts extends to many of our sitting judges. Last month, while the Supreme Court narrowly upheld the so-called Trump travel ban, Justice Clarence Thomas raised an issue that the next Supreme Court justice may have to weigh in on. Why is it, he asked, that a single federal district judge can impose an injunction blocking a presidential executive order in all 50 states even if none of his colleagues (599 district judges) thinks it’s a good idea?
"Justice Thomas wrote:
These injunctions are beginning to take a toll on the federal court system — preventing legal questions from percolating through the federal courts, encouraging forum shopping, and making every case a national emergency for the courts and for the Executive Branch.            I am skeptical that district courts have the authority to enter universal injunctions. These injunctions did not emerge until a century and a half after the founding. And they appear to be inconsistent with longstanding limits on equitable relief and the power of Article III courts. If their popularity continues, this Court must address their legality. 
"Since January 2017, the “resistance” to President Trump has succeeded in getting 22 injunctions against his actions on issues ranging from the “Dreamers” to sanctuary cities and transgender policy in the military." . . .

The June Report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows a strengthening economy, particularly good for minorities. The DNC calls it “reckless.”

Trump, it turns out, has been the most consequential president in history when it comes to minority employment. In June, for instance, the unemployment rate for Hispanics and Latinos 16 years and older fell to 4.6%, its lowest level ever, from 4.9% in May. The previous all-time low was 4.8%.
Bookworm Room  "After eight years of a moribund economy under Obama, an eight year stretch that was particularly hard on minorities, it is indeed good to see an increasing number of people returning to the workforce.  So June%.’s jobs report from the BLS:  over 600,000 people returned to the workforce; 213,000 new jobs added; minority unemployment at record lows.  As always, for a complete analysis, visit Tom Blumer’s Bizzy Blog.  
"We still have a long way to go to recover from the damage done by eight years of Obama and the Democrats sub-prime nuclear explosion in our economy.  On the first month of Obama’s presidency, in Feb. 2008, the Labor Force Participation Rate stood at 66.0%.  In the last month of his Presidency, Dec. 2016, it stood at 62.7%.  Now, with people returning to the workforce in an improving economy under Trump, that number is slowly going back up.  It stands in June at 62.9%. . . .

MSNBC lies in support of Hillary's candidacy documented and savaged – from the left

It's pretty clear to me that the mainstream media are intent on utterly destroying any residual credibility they still have.  Once they realize that their hysterical anti-Trump posture is actually driving support to the president, what will they do?  

Thomas Lifson   "NBC, a subsidiary of Comcast, and its cable news affiliate MSNBC have become among the fiercest antagonists of President Trump.  Even before his election, they were shameless in shilling for Hillary Clinton's candidacy.  Conservatives know this quite well, but now comes documentation from the left of the outright lies, not just permitted, but encouraged and rewarded by the cable outlet, and tolerated by its corporate parents.

"Glenn Greenwald, of the Intercept, documents an attempt to smear left-wing presidential candidate Jill Stein.  The presumption has to be that votes for Stein would otherwise have gone to Hillary, so hobbling her with lies would also hurt the prospects of electoral success of Donald Trump." . . .

Racism and Bigotry in America; 2018.

NPR Interview: Bennett Reinvents Athlete Activism as 'New Kind of Hero'
"Michael Bennett is no longer a Seattle Seahawks pass rusher (he's been traded to Philadelphia), but social justice warriors in the Emerald City still revere him as the inventor of the athlete activist role and a new kind of hero. Seattle's NPR station KUOW was the perfect progressive forum for an interview that local teacher and SJW Jesse Hagopian conducted with Bennett in a Town Hall last month.
"During the interview, Hagopian mentions a social justice group named Athletes for Impact (A4I) because Bennett is literally the face of the organization. The group was formed in 2016 "to provide a platform for athlete activism" on the issues of Black Lives Matter, police violence, the economy, LGBTQ and equal rights, climate change, education, immigration and mass incarceration.
"When asked about the NFL's new policy calling for players to respect the national anthem or stay in the clubhouse, Bennett took off on a rant only an SJW can appreciate:" . . .

2015 Warning from a friend: Dear white people: Your days are numbered

. . . "If you stand up against the bullies – whether they’re radical black bullies on campuses, or Islamic bullies, they will go sit down.
"But if you act with fear, they will run over you and your children." . . .
From Jesse Lee Peterson urges U.S. and Europe to 'stop the madness'

"Oops, Venezuela is the socialist paradise that dare not be spoken of. "

 . . . Do you think when there’s socialized medicine you’ll find yourself on a six-month waiting list to get a wisdom tooth pulled next to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or any other bigwig? I bet Chet thinks so.  . . . Kurt Schlichter

Rich Terrell
Democrats Love Socialism Because They Want To Take Your Stuff And Enslave You
. . . "It’s amusing that so many of us Normals understand socialism better than the socialists do not only in terms of what Marx said, and what history says, but in terms of firsthand knowledge. A lot of us Normals have seen socialism up close and personal. Guys like me actually went and lived in its ruins. If you spent significant time, as I have, in the former Yugoslavia, or Ukraine, or even helping to guard the West German border from those friendly fraternal socialist dudes to the east, you’ll be stripped of any illusions about that garbage ideology.

"Socialism is about taking your stuff and your freedom and killing you if you complain. They try to pass it off as just Liberalism 2.0, but then you usually don’t call something by a name unless you mean it. If they don’t mean “socialism,” why do they call themselves “socialists?”

"They use the term, counting on the stupidity of people educated in public schools (Yah government!), but they are coy about what they really mean. They always point to Sweden and Denmark and Norway when they talk about “socialism,” as if those were their role models (and as if America was full of Swedes, Danes, and Norwegians instead of being a melting pot of immigrants with a radically different history and culture). Yet, how come we always see the most excited champagne socialists trekking off to visit the dictators in Havana and Caracas and not the elected leaders in Stockholm, Copenhagen, and Oslo? " . . .

"Facts, as John Adams said, are stubborn things. Listening to Sowell, I started thinking about the facts my years on earth have taught me, all of which have led me to my current conservative world view. Here are the ones I could think of off-hand. They are not in any particular order:" . . .
Item one of 39 he lists: 
"1. If people are rewarded for doing nothing, they will do nothing."  Bookworm

Sunday, July 8, 2018

American Thinker has much to say about Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Who was behind Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s astonishing makeover?
. . . "Someone with deep knowledge of what expensive make-up can do to remake a human visage into something very different from the au naturel version went to work on her.  In tandem with her transformation from nerd to a female Che Guevara, she morphed from capitalist to membership in a party that wants to “abolish profit.' ” . . .

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Economist (no, really!)  "In 2011, Ocasio-Cortez earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from Boston University.  This means that she learned about the efficiency of a free market, the damage that too much government spending can cause, and the work disincentive of taxation.  With a background like this, one would think she would be eminently qualified to help steer the federal government to a laissez-faire handling of private industry.  Some examples of elected officials trained in economics come to mind.

Donald Trump received an economics B.S. from Wharton.  As president, he saw too much regulation and excessive taxes.  He lowered both and observed a substantially lower unemployment rate." . . .

 Did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's socialist fanaticism come from bitter failure in business?   . . . "It would have to have been a disappointment to fail in such a much-touted bright-star business. No wonder she was complaining about taxes. She probably ran head-first into regulations, monopoly practices from established publishing houses and other obstacles all businesses endure, too. And this being New York, possibly some mob shakedowns.
Even Ocasio-Cortez's tweets, done years ago, in 2011, suggest disappointment in business. A O-C's tweets, cited by the Daily Caller, are these:

133 Trump Supporters Attacked Following Maxine Waters’ Call for Violence

Neon Nettle
Civil war has already begun in America

"As attacks on Trump supporters reach epidemic levels, the mainstream media is now attempting to justify the horrifying assaults by pointing the finger at Trump's rhetoric for the senseless violence.
" such person is Maxine Waters.
"Congresswoman, who has recently had charges filed against her for assaulting a journalist, has claimed the weekend protest about President Donald Trump’s immigration policies proved "the people" want The Democrats to be more forceful and “more confrontational."
"The unhinged Democrat said:

“Well, let me just tell you this, first of all, the people of this country, no matter Republican or Democrat, do not like the idea that children have been separated. Republicans are making a mistake thinking they can hold on to that constituency, that so-called belongs to Donald Trump. On this issue, Republicans and Democrats, Independents alike are opposed to what is going on. And yes, people do want to see us being stronger and more forceful and to confront them on these policies.”
. . .
"To give you an idea of how bad the problem is, Breitbart’s John Nolte complied with an updated list of stories dealing with anti-Trump aggression and harassment.To highlight the severity of the situation, Breitbart’s John Nolte compiled a constantly updated list of stories dealing with anti-Trump aggression and harassment."
 Here is the list, of which these are the first three incidents, starting at the bottom up to the most recent:
  • March 14, 2016: CNN treats man who tried to tackle Trump as folk hero. 
  • March 12, 2016: Man tries to tackle Trump at campaign rally. 
  • March 1, 2016: Former Daily Show contributor Larry Wilmore “jokes” about killing Trump.
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

LOOK: Students Outraged Over Trump's Unannounced SCOTUS Nominee. UpDATED

Fox News  "Students at New York University recently expressed their disdain over President Trump's pick to replace Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy.
"The only problem is, he hasn't announced his nominee yet.
"Campus Reform Media Director Cabot Phillips, who interviewed the students, said Sunday on "Fox & Friends" that many people seek to quickly show their hatred for President Trump the moment they hear his name.
" 'Other people, I think they just want to go along with the flow and make themselves sound intelligent and smart," he said. 
President Trump has said he'll name a candidate on July 9, but many students criticized the nonexistent nominee when asked for their opinion, Phillips reported." . . .

UPDATE: Liberals Oppose (Insert Name Here) For The Supreme Court
. . . “-- will make abortion illegal and send women to prison!” This has already started. Democrats live here because it keeps their base angry and afraid, which is all they have to offer this election season. If President Donald Trump nominated beloved liberal abortionist and likely America’s most prolific serial killer Kermit Gosnell to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy they’d still make this claim. It’s Pavlovian.

. . . “-- is out of the mainstream of American society.” When your base is on-call 24/7 to “take to the streets” to march against whatever they’re told to hate and your elected official come primarily from wealthy coastal states, your grasp on what is “mainstream” might not be as strong as you think. If you haven’t been to a private event or party where anyone disagrees with you and the mere mention of the name Trump puts a look on everyone’s face like they just bit a lemon, your world is more insulated than you know." . . .

Former Wrestlers & Coaches Come To Jim Jordan’s Defense Following Republican Establishment Smear Campaign UPDATED

UPDATE: What the Left doesn’t want you to know about Jim Jordan’s
. . . "7) Others who know Jordan deny this happened: “I am very distressed to hear that Mike DiSabato’s displaced personal vendetta has led to hostility filled accusations that Jim Jordan turned a blind eye to ANYTHING, let alone sexual abuse,” the emailed statement from Karen Mendoza also reads. “Long before Jimmy was a public servant, he lived the example of a man that Ray wanted to grow into with his own family.” George Pardos, a wrestler during Jordan’s coaching tenure turned Marine Corps veteran, says that the allegations are bunk. “For Jimmy to know that this was going on and not do anything about it, it wouldn’t happen. It’s completely out of character,” Pardos told The Hill. “I’ve had dinner at his house, worked out with him. This didn’t happen.” Pardos also accused his former teammates of trying to line their pockets through sexual abuse allegations following the $500 million settlement that Michigan State University struck with hundreds of victims of gymnastics coach Larry Nassar earlier this year. " . . .

DC Whispers

Former coaches, wrestlers, and colleagues rush to defend Rep. Jim Jordan
“ '…Pardos insisted Jordan was incapable of ignoring abuse. If the assistant coach knew Strauss was abusing students, Pardos tells me, “knowing Jimmy I think he would’ve ripped of his arm and beat him with it.”
"…Skove, who wrestled and trained with Jordan at the East-West tournament when the congressman was a student at the University of Wisconsin, couldn’t imagine Jordan ignoring abuse. “He definitely would’ve represented the wrestlers. From what I know of Jim and his personality, he’s not a flower. He isn’t going to wilt if something’s going on.”  
"Some like Lee Kemp, a gold-medal Olympian and national champion, argue that accusations are part of a campaign to discredit Jordan now that the Ohio Republican is considering a bid for House Speaker. “This doctor worked with other sports teams too,” Kemp told me by phone. “Why pick out Jim? Clearly, this is an attempt to smear him.' ” . . .

The signs pile up: Hillary is running

Monica Showalter  "Michael Goodwin has a good one out, arguing that Hillary Clinton is running for president again. He bases that thinking observations about her frenzied emails and email-based fundraising. It's news, and as good an argument as any that the still-angry former first lady, Senator and ex-Secretary of State is not done fighting and wants to take one last shot at winning it next time.

"Goodwin observes that there are good reasons for it that shouldn't be ignored, writing:
First, because there’s no clear front-runner for the nomination 18 months into Trump’s presidency, Clinton remains the closest thing to an incumbent. She’s also got numerous advantages, from name recognition to campaign experience to an off-the-shelf Cabinet, that could give her a head start.
Second, a crowded, diverse field diminishes the chances of anyone knocking her off. Recall how Trump outlasted 16 GOP rivals by having a committed core of supporters that grew as the field shrunk. Clinton could be in a similar position — unpopular among many, but also unbeatable by a single opponent.
Third, looking ahead to the 2020 primaries, she sees no reason to fear the favorite daughters and sons in key blue states. She would almost certainly beat Sen. Kamala Harris in California, Sen. Cory Booker in New Jersey and Gov. Andrew Cuomo in New York.
. . . "I also noted how crazy she seemed to be getting as she tried to take credit for #MeToo in the wake of her enablement of Bill Clinton and her own efforts to discredit all of his many female sex-harassment accusers. To call her the founder of #MeToo is a delusion of grandeur.  What's more, it signaled she doesn't have enough to do with herself these days."

Remember the words of William Safire who called Hillary "a congenital liar".

Whom do we fear most: Hillary Clinton or those who adore her?