The Gateway Pundit
"Nothing is too low for leftists; they’ll even attack a family with a precious little boy battling cancer.
"A Memphis, Tennessee woman was on the receiving end of abuse from leftists after she decided to thank Eric Trump for donating and helping raise millions of dollars to help fund St. Jude children’s hospital.
"Eric Trump and the Trump Organization donated and helped raise $16 million dollars to fund St. Jude children’s hospital to help families pay for cancer treatments for children.
"A Tennessee woman was emotional and grateful after watching how the doctors and staff at St. Jude saved her nephew, Zachary’s life after he was diagnosed with cancer.
"The woman was so grateful, she decided to tweet a little thank you note to Eric Trump.
“ 'Thank you for your commitment to St. Jude. This St. Jude family is eternally grateful,” the woman said in a tweet.
. . . "From this moment on, the woman said she and her little nephew were on the receiving end of an onslaught of pure hatred from leftists.
"She received so much hatred, she decided to post a #WalkAway video describing her experience.
"Nothing it too low for today’s Democrats. They even attack a family with a child suffering from cancer simply because they thanked Eric Trump."