Wednesday, July 25, 2018

F.E. Warren AFB commander’s removal of Bible from POW/MIA table brings praise, protests

Weasel Zippers photo

 Air Force Times  "Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, a conservative Republican candidate for president in 2008 and 2016, called on President Trump to reverse Air Force officials' decision to remove a copy of the Bible from a display table meant to honor prisoners of war and service members missing in action.

“This is an issue I’d love to see the president interject himself into," Huckabee, the father of White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said on Fox & Friends Saturday morning. “I’d love to see him say, as commander in chief of the military, ‘Put the Bible back on the table. Let’s not be stupid about this.'”

"In recent years, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation — an advocacy group that says it’s dedicated to upholding service members’ constitutional right of religious freedom — has repeatedly objected to the inclusion of Bibles within POW/MIA displays at military bases and VA hospitals and clinics. The issue arose again recently at Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, near Cheyenne, Wyoming, which like many other bases had placed an POW/MIA table in its military dining facility. The tables date back to the Vietnam War.

"The Military Religious Freedom Foundation petitioned the base in May to remove the Bible and replace it with a generic “book of faith” respecting all religions, according to Mikey Weinstein, the group’s founder and president." . . .

Estimate your 2018 tax with this article from Heritage

Tax Cuts in Every Congressional District in Every State
Kevin Dayaratna, PhD, Parker Sheppard, PhD, and Adam N. Michel

"What Would You Buy With $26,000?

"New research from Heritage shows that the average American household can expect that much in take-home pay over the next 10 years thanks to tax reform. Heritage also launched a new online tool that allows you to see how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will benefit the typical taxpayer in every congressional district. 
"Find your state and district" . . .

School banned T-shirt, now must pay kid $25,000

Now the Oregonian has reported that the school district agreed to pay Barnes $25,000, which will cover his legal fees.The school by the way is Liberty High School.
Don Surber  "I don't know how much Addison Barnes paid for his "Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.'' T-shirt but it is the best investment in his young life.

"The 18-year-old wore it to school in Hillsboro, Oregon, on January 19." . . .

"Vice Principal Amanda Ryan-Fear freaked out and ordered him to cover the shirt. He did, but he later changed his mind. She suspended Barnes for 10 days for defiance.

"In May, he sued. U.S. District Judge Michael W. Mosman found the school district couldn't justify its censorship.

"In court, attorney Peter Mersereau argued for the Hillsboro School District.

" 'This particular school district has a population that is one-third Hispanic. This is not Lake Oswego. This is not West Linn,'' Mersereau said.

"To which the judge said, "So First Amendment protections vary from high school to high school?'"

"The student's lawyers argued that the district allowed one of his teachers to display a sign in front of a classroom that reads, "Sanctuary City, Welcome Home.' " . . .

Hilarious Satirical Interview of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Triggers Liberals

The left dishes it out non-stop, but see how they handle being satirized. Too bad Allie will never be allowed to have her own late-night talk show. You go, girl! TD

Legal Insurrection  Video here.  "Who says conservatives can’t do comedy?
Allie Beth Stuckey of CRTV took the footage of the recent Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez interview on Firing Line and spliced in her own questions. She also manipulated the responses from Cortez to hilarious results.

Legal Insurrection
"For years now, liberals have fawned over this sort of thing any time it was done by the Daily Show or other left leaning outlets. They don’t like it at all now that the darling of the left is the target.
"Adi Robertson writes at The Verge:
A million Facebook users watched a video that blurs the line between bad satire and ‘fake news’
A conservative news outlet spliced together a “satirical” interview with Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, published it on Facebook without noting it was satire, and racked up over a million views in less than 24 hours — many from people who appear convinced it’s real. The video is fake, and for the people who are taking it seriously, it’s news. But it’s not “fake news,” and it shows just how confounding talking about misinformation has gotten.
Yesterday, Conservative Review network CRTV posted a video that remixed out-of-context clips of a PBS Firing Line interview with Ocasio-Cortez, alternating them with staged questions from CRTV host Allie Stuckey. In the fake interview, Ocasio-Cortez sheepishly shakes her head when Stuckey asks if she understands anything about politics, and she appears to think Venezuela is in the Middle East. CRTV’s website describes the piece as a “satirical sit-down” with the candidate. But on Facebook, it just said that Stuckey had grilled Ocasio-Cortez about her “socialist agenda and knowledge of government… or lack thereof,” with a winking smile emoji at the end.
"If anyone could watch that and not know it was satire, that might reflect worse on Ocasio-Cortez than the folks at CRTV. Lots of journalism “professionals” were outraged over this. Here’s a sampling." . . .

This Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Video Made A Lot Of Progressives Forget How Satire Works

"A doctored interview of Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has gone viral on Facebook, where it racked up over a million views in the few hours since it was posted."

Ocasio-Cortez: Make socialism great again (Updated)

Me & my memes

American Thinker   "Politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez deserves credit for spewing enough wishful thinking to fire up a crowd of equally delusional socialists.
"Facts do not get in the way of the novice Millennial demanding Medicare for all (yeah); picking up the college tab for everyone (double yeah); and, best of all, fulfilling the anarchists' dream of abolishing ICE (boo-hoo for taxpayers fearful of drug-traffickers and career criminals pouring over our porous borders).
"Her list reads like a wonderland of benefits for social justice warriors who are fiscally illiterate and clueless about the end results of socialism.  Still, they are not shy about trying to stick their fingers into someone else's heavily tax-burdened pocket.  No wonder Hillary Clinton had trouble firing up a crowd of liberals with such promises as "A Better Deal" or "Stronger Together."  Voters should feel some gratitude toward Hillary's team for dispensing with the slogan "Because It's Her Turn."
"All the passion Hillary lacked on the campaign trail can be found in the female Democratic newcomer, who was the surprise winner in New York's 14th Congressional District race.  She wasn't going to measure every word – like Hillary – and her campaign rhetoric on immigration was nothing short of hyperbolic stupidity: "We have to occupy all of it," she said, building up to the "it" of geographic terrain.  "We need to occupy every airport.  We need to occupy every border.  We need to occupy every ICE office," she said, referring to separating families illegally crossing over the border.  (She conveniently omits President Trump's order to stop the policy dating back to the Clinton administration.)" . . .

Update: Pants on Fire: Politifact confirms Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t know how unemployment rate works
"Ocasio-Cortez got just about everything wrong. Wrong facts. Wrong theory. Wrong conclusion. She has a bright future in the Democratic Party."

Why Hillary Won't Run...Again

And finally, I believe there's light at the end of the tunnel: while the Mueller fishing expedition drags on ad nauseam, the complexity and complicity of  lawbreaking by Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators embedded at the FBI, DOJ, and CIA becomes more apparent as each day passes. . .
Anna L. Stark  "Third time's the charm, right?  Certainly not in Hillary's case.  While the media pundits and bookies speculate whether or not she'll run a third time for the White House, I'm fairly certain that Ms. Clinton is finished in politics.  She forfeited her best chance at occupying the Oval Office when she acquiesced to the upstart black man from Chicago – consigned to the sidelines, waiting her turn.  As a consolation prize, she served as Obama's secretary of state, which did nothing to enhance her résumé.  Far from it.  To her detriment, she also grossly misjudged a formidable opponent in 2016.  Should she decide to go all in, Hillary Clinton will have even larger obstacles to overcome in 2020: her failing health, a non-compliant DNC, and the knowledge that Donald Trump has gained access to intelligence agency reports and records.

"For starters, Hillary Clinton doesn't look good.  More importantly, the media optics since the election in 2016 haven't been kind.  She continues to stumble and fall.  As happened during the campaign, intrepid photographers caught her falling down a steep set of stairs in India.  At the beginning of summer, she appeared in public on several occasions smothered in heavy coats and voluminous scarves in an unconvincing attempt to conceal the back brace she was wearing.  It's anyone's guess why she was trussed up in metal.  Maybe she fell down...again.
"Hillary's most recent decision to wear the dining room tablecloth wasn't a smart fashion choice. " . . .

Earl of Taint
Do you believe this Hillary-told story? Dead broke and being shot at by snipers all the while she was doing this with Sir Edmund Hillary.

Don't Call Them Journalists: MSNBC's Katy Tur Gets Torched After Picking A Fight With The Daily Caller

Matt Vespa  "MSNBC’s Katy Tur, the vanguard of mainstream journalists everywhere, decided to take a stand for the news media. Take a stand for truth—and totally step on a rake in the process. She went after the Daily Caller, denigrating their reporting because, you know, she’s Ms. Perfect. The panel discussion revolved around the FISA warrant against Carter Page, former foreign policy adviser for the Trump campaign. Yes, she got torched on social media—and you bet the Daily Caller crew caught this as well—big league:
. . . 
"Tur and company thought fireworks was Israeli shelling, felt that California voters should just move to swing states, and falsely claimed that all 17 intelligence agencies agreed on the 2016 Russian election interference. Oh, and as for gun lexicon, laws, and facts—there’s no refuge there either. It’s just abject stupidity. For Dilinian, his Cohen phone tap story totally blew up in his face. Wait, there’s more: Tur didn’t know aboutthe “transmit to Vladimir” hot mic moment between then Presidents Obama and Medvedev in 2012, she thought the Constitution was written and ratified in 1776, and interviewed an ‘almost school shooter’and yes, pro-gun control overtures were made, and tried to goad a Democratic senator into saying that Trump is a terrorist. Also, let’s not forget this classic: Tur questioning whether she’s out of touch on the slew of bonuses working class Americans received thanks to the Trump tax cuts. Get a grip, lady. You have a side. You’re no better than us. In fact, your whole network is devoted to spewing endless liberal trash to keep Democratic blood pressures low. It’s time for MSDNC to admit this. " . . .

Joe Gabriel Simonson read off a great history of screw-ups from Tur and Dilanian. Twitchy captured this filleting of the MSNBC network and host. It was brutal, and they had the rundown of the butcher’s bill:

Another anonymously sourced story proves to be - yes: FALSE NEWS

MSNBC’s Katy Tur incorrectly blamed Donald Trump’s travel ban for the visa problems an all-female Afghan robotics team recently dealt with while trying to enter the U.S. for a competition.
. . . "The team had their visas denied twice before Trump intervened and granted them entry so that they could attend a national robotics competition.

"According to MSNBC anchor Katy Tur, however, the robotics team only had issues entering the country because of Trump’s travel ban." . . .

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Socialist Surge That's Not Coming

It is not that better medical care and affordable college belong outside the perimeter of civilized political discourse. It is that some proffered answers to these challenges make sense, whereas others don't. It is that most Americans sense, at a glance, the deceptiveness of the promise to load their table with great gooey slices of pie in the sky: expecting voter gratitude in return.  . . .

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

"One of the really cool things about democracy is that voters tend to get what they want -- which, um, can also turn out to be one of the really uncool things about democracy. A thing of real terror, if you want the truth. 

"I tiptoe past the presidential election of 2016 on my way to look at the democratic socialist surge that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez helped produce, supposedly, with her surprise primary victory in June over U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley of Queens and the Bronx. 

"So lavish, so gosh-durned ecstatic, are readings of the Ocasio-Cortez victory that, lo, last week the victorious candidate took to the trail with Bernie Sanders himself, hailing the new political dimension for which the two suppose Americans yearn. 

"In Wichita, Kansas, where candidate Ocasio-Cortez took up the cudgels for two local progressives, she and her "unapologetically left-wing message" (in the words of a New York Times correspondent) received whoops and huzzahs. "Change takes guts," she said. "What you have shown me, and what we will show in the Bronx, is that working people in Kansas share the same values -- the same values -- as working people anywhere else."

" Well, we might want to keep certain things in mind, starting with the words "unapologetically leftwing message." American voters show a marked distaste for unapologetically left-wing messages, just as they do for unapologetically right-wing messages: however you define either one." . . . 

Tony Branco

Abolish high school? Wait! What?

High school can be a terrifying experience! TD

Christopher Chantrill  . . . "Now let us talk about something important.  It's an article sent to me by a friend about the descent into Hell of a shy young Gen Z girl from Canada.  When she got to high school, she became terrorized by the "sluts" and was ignored by the boys.  So began a descent into depression and intervention by counselors and social workers that ended when they forced her to go to the high school prom.  She plucked up her courage and asked – a girl.  Go read the whole thing: it is heartbreaking.

"The piece confirmed me in three notions.  You may not agree.
"First of all, we should Abolish High School.  It has been obvious for decades that public high schools encourage the worst atavisms of the tribe.  It is one reason why I demand that we repeal the prohibition against child labor.  Every kid over 12 should have a job unless he has a note from his parents.  Oh, so you think that kids would be terrorized by the Chick-fil-A manager?  Read this report on child labor from 1913 by schools inspector Helen Todd.  The kids preferred working to going to school because they were treated better at work.
"This backs up my notion that the workplace is the best place to socialize people into becoming productive members of society.  The whole point of social animals is that you help yourself by helping others, and that is what business is all about."
. . . Full article.

One photo from Israel the liberal media don't want you to see

The photo shows a young woman on the front lines defending her country.  This kind of patriotism is something never highlighted in the American media.  Can you imagine if every 18-year-old American girl served a year in the military instead of spending four years being brainwashed by "women's studies" to hate men?

Ed Straker  "Israel is under attack, as always, this time for passing a law saying Israel is a Jewish state.  As if it hadn't been already.  Liberals (among them, shamefully, some Jews) worry for the Arab population of Israel, as if their lives in Israel weren't 1,000% better than the lives of Arabs in any other Arab nations, who are slaughtering each other by the hundreds of thousands.
"Now Israel, which has been providing Syrian civilians with medical care for years during the civil war there, has helped several hundred civil defense workers escape from the Assad regime in an act of pure goodwill to its Arab neighbors.
In a predawn operation on Sunday, the Israeli military's 210th Bashan Division oversaw the transfer of 422 Syrians from the "White Helmets" rescue organization and their families from the Syrian Golan Heights through Israel to Jordan.
"The families crossed [the fence], at first apprehensively, but once they reached the border, their eyes twinkled from happiness with the knowledge that they'd gotten their lives back.  I am happy to be an officer in an army and in a country that is carrying out this mission and expressing the values of humaneness and compassion," [a] lieutenant colonel said.
"This is the nature of our work and this is a significant moment like no other," he added.
In recent years, Israel has been engaged in a massive multi-faceted humanitarian relief operation to keep thousands of Syrians along the border from starving or falling ill due to the lack of food and basic medical care.  . . . Full article here.
IDF photo, you say? Hamas photos like to show celebrations over Israeli families hacked to death by Muslim "soldiers".

Lib media try to make Liz Warren the fresh young face for 2020

An NBC poll says seventy percent of Democrats want to see a fresh face to run for president in 2020. That’s easy. Just send Biden, Bernie and Hillary to Beverly Hills for two weeks and we’ll send them back to Washington with faces so fresh they’ll look like their Vietnam War protest photos. Comedian Argus Hamilton
90 Miles From Tyranny
Ed Straker  "Is [People will die!] Elizabeth Warren having an extramarital affair with New York Magazine?  I ask only because NYM just published a 7,200-word opus that reads like a deranged love letter to the American Native senator from Massachusetts, seeking to turn an old, wrinkled leftist with even older, more wrinkled leftist ideas into the fresh young face for America in 2020.
"So you don't have to read the article for yourself, I have summarized the lowlights:
"1. The article opens with a giant photo of Elizabeth Warren's geriatric fist raised proudly into the air.  Every tendon and ligament is tautly on display.
"2. As if realizing that age (currently 69) could be a vulnerability to Warren, the article shows her running, partially in midair, as if this were a photo shoot for the pilot of The Bionic Woman: 40 Years Later.
There she was, jogging 75 yards down a hill in open-toed mules, her aqua cardigan flying behind her.  Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren is in constant motion.  She often takes stages at a run, zigzagging around the edges of crowds, waving and giving high fives like Bruce Springsteen.  Speaking to groups of supporters, she rocks on her feet, or rises to her tiptoes, with feeling[.] ... She'll beat her chest for emphasis[.] ... One afternoon in Nevada ... she kicked her feet out in front of her with such force that I feared she'd tip over backward.
"It's laid on so thick that it sounds as if Warren is running for the Olympics, not the presidency.
"3. Warren called for replacing ICE with something that reflects "our morality."  Apparently, our morality doesn't include having a border or stopping illegal aliens, human-traffickers, or drug-traffickers.
"4. The article notes that Warren used to be considered "untenably far left," but that is now the mainstream of the Democratic Party.  That's 100% correct." . . .
Full article here.

Hillary Couldn't Remember Benghazi Ambassador's Name

As U.S. ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and three other personnel lay dead and America's diplomatic outpost there lay in smoldering ruins, Clinton asked her three closest aides for advice about how to announce the death of 'Chris Smith.'

Daniel John Sobieski  "Former ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, an Obama appointee whose name popped up on the target list of Vladimir Putin in response to the meaningless Mueller indictment of 12 Russian spies, has tweeted out a "thank you" to former secretary of state Hillary Clinton for her "defense" of him.  He is luckier than Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was unavailable for comment, since Hillary Clinton abandoned him in Benghazi along with Ty Woods, Sean Smith, and Glen Dougherty, and who was murdered in a terrorist attack Hillary and the entire Obama administration blamed on a video." . . . 

"Not amused was Kris Paronto, who fought with two of his colleagues on the roof of the CIA annex in Benghazi to save their lives and those of the other Americans under assault that night.  Paronto tweeted in response:
Are you f'n kidding me @HillaryClinton ?!!! You left Ambassador Stevens and us to die in Benghazi then spewed lie after lie to the family members of my dead teammates and to the world to cover it up and now you have the nerve to talk about defending diplomats?! You are disgusting!
"Patricia Smith, mother of Sean Smith. would agree with that assessment.  Investor's Business Daily reported the gripping 2013 testimony of Patricia Smith before Rep. Darrell Issa's House Oversight Committee:":
2013: Dems Leave Room As Benghazi Mom Says Obama, Hillary Lie
. . . Phony scandals don't produce body bags. Mrs. Smith testified how President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary Clinton, among other top administration officials, approached her at the casket ceremony when her son's body was returned to the U.S."Every one of them came up to me, gave me a big hug, and I asked them, 'What happened, please tell me?' And every one of them said it was the video. And we all know that it wasn't the video. Even at that time they knew it wasn't the video. So they all lied to me." . . . Opening statements of Woods and Smith
Yet Democrats love these three people, and we are supposed to yearn for them to run this nation once more. It is not just a strong political difference between many of us and Democrat supporters of Hillary; it is that we hold her and her followers in contempt. 
Picture listening to President Hillary giving a State of the Union or an Oval Office address. Americans would have to always keep in mind, as William Safire recognized back in 1996, that Hillary Clinton is "a congenital liar".