If CNN and Carl Bernstein Are Willing to Lie About the Little Things…
"Why did CNN’s Carl Bernstein destroy his reputation and legacy with the following lie: “Contacted by CNN, one of Cohen’s attorneys, Lanny Davis, declined to comment.” We now know that’s a lie because we now know Davis was indeed a source for Bernstein’s story, a pile of fake news about President Trump knowing in advance about the Trump Tower meeting. But…
"That is not the point anymore. The point is this…"
CNN’s Media Team Addresses Michael Cohen Story, Omits Key Details
. . . "And in other CNN-Antifa news, Don Lemon claimed Tuesday night that yes, Antifa is violent, but hey, “no organization’s perfect.”
“ 'Listen, no organization’s perfect. There was some violence,” Lemon said in reference to Antifa. “No one condones violence, but there were different reasons for Antifa and for these neo-Nazis to be there. One, racists, fascists, the other group, fighting racist fascists. There is a distinction there.' ”
Is CNN proving President Trump's point? . . . "Despite this obvious bombshell, CNN continues to stand by its reporting, leading some to question the network’s credibility. For example, Tucker Carlson recently interviewed Glenn Greenwald, founder of The Intercept. According to Greenwald: "They can’t retract the story and they can’t admit they lied… So they are continuing to stick to what everybody knows is a lie, but not many people care because people think -- a lot of people, anyway -- that it was done for the right political agenda.' " . . .
And never forget this magnificent piece of "journalism" and speaking nonsense to power:
CNN Reporter Asks Obama: Are GOP Candidates "Uninformed, Out Of Touch, Or Irresponsible?"
" 'Last night at the Republican debate, some of the hopefuls, they hope to get your job, they defended the practice of waterboarding which is a practice you banned in 2009. Herman Cain said, quote, 'I don't see that as torture.' Michele Bachmann said that it's, quote, 'very effective.' So I'm wondering if you think that they're uninformed, out of touch, or irresponsible?" CNN's White House correspondent Dan Lothian asked President Obama in Hawaii."