Thursday, November 1, 2018

What if the caravan makes it to the border?

A little Photosnark by Rich Terrell
Daily Caller  "President Donald Trump, spurred to the presidency by national skepticism of unchecked immigration, now faces an advancing U.S.-bound caravan of would-be illegal immigrants marching through Mexico, one he’s determined to stop.
"What he’ll do, precisely, is less clear.
"The caravan of nearly 6,000 seeks U.S. resident status largely under the auspices of economic asylum. The legal challenge consists of migrants illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border and then claiming a “credible fear” of return to their home country.
. . . "Administration officials speaking on the condition of anonymity conceded to TheDC they have few good options once the caravan arrives. The options floating around internally revolve around the use of executive action with an attempt to bar asylum claims and fortifying legal ports of entry for orderly administrative processing (one that would presumably end for most in flights back, should Trump get his way).
. . . 
"One of the major considerations includes a presidential proclamation specifically barring the caravan from entering the country, officials said." . . .

How many US troops are from Central America and sympathetic to these people? Should we be concerned with discipline issues on the part of our military? TD

More from the DC article here:
The Drawbacks:
"The Trump administration maintains, however, that as many temporary changes, troop deployments, and executive actions it takes, their hands are largely tied by U.S. asylum laws on the books and laws disallowing detention of families for long stretches of time.

"Center for Immigration Studies executive director Mark Krikorian declared Friday that ultimately only Congress can truly fix the laws required to stop the caravan.

"“The caravan, and new ones forming behind it, are merely symptoms,” Krikorian said, explaining “the problem is an overly permissive asylum system (including rules for dealing with illegal-alien minors) that has become the preferred way to penetrate our borders for those with no other way to do so. And only Congress can fix that.”

"Experts also note that asylum seekers who enter the U.S. illegally are subject to the least amount of scrutiny of nearly any foreign national who enters the country. Furthermore, the asylum processing agencies of the Executive Office for Immigration Review and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services are rife with fraud and abuse, a 2015 General Accountability Office report found." . . .

Shame on Democrats and their MSM for co-opting the word "immigrants". This is demagoguery and yes, fake news to promote illegal immigrants as being just like us all.

Noisy Room

Branco Cartoon – Pro-Choice

Choose wisely

The Obama boys: Reporting for duty again

Silvio Canto, Jr.  "Is anyone shocked?  I am not.  Remember the five Gitmo terrorists exchanged for U.S. Army sgt. Bowe Bergdahl?  It turns out that all five are reporting back to duty, according to the AP:   
Five members of the Afghan Taliban who were freed from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay in exchange for captured U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl have joined the insurgent group’s political office in Qatar, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said.
They will now be among Taliban representatives negotiating for peace in Afghanistan, a sign some negotiators in Kabul say indicates the Taliban’s desire for a peace pact.“
"These people are respected among all the Taliban,” said Mujahed. “Their word carries weight with the Taliban leadership and the mujahedeen.”
"Maybe so.  Maybe they are highly respected, but who cares?  They are free men and working for the other side.  
"I remember the families of the men who were killed in Afghanistan or in a mission to rescue Bergdahl.  The families of dead soldiers don't get their sons back.  The fallen soldiers don't get a second chance.  They are dead and buried.
"Once again, we see the wishful thinking approach of the Obama administration.  Did we not demand that these five men stay away from leadership positions?  
"Yes, I understand that you want to rescue or bring home every U.S. serviceman.  Do you give up five of your most senior terrorists to do so?  Do you do so without conditions?
"Thank God that we have a new leader in town."

Is the Bergdahl Swap worthy of another Nobel Award?  It was a pretty low bar, after all.
It's amazing that we hear nothing anymore about Trump's astonishing success in Korea.  Two years ago, Kim Jong-un was shooting rockets over Japan, exploding nukes underground and acting all belligerent.  Confrontation was his game, and everybody was wary and worried.  Donald Trump gave China a chance to solve the Korea problem and, after the Chinese failed, said he would "take care of it."
He did.

Pittsburgh Shooting Widow Shared Touching Reason It Was Important To Her To Greet Trump

Weasel Zippers "While the liberal media rants about how President Trump was given the cold shoulder by the grieving community in Pittsburgh, videos and other reports are proving the opposite.
"The president and first lady on Tuesday visited the site of the Tree of Life synagogue massacre where 11 people were gunned down Saturday during a service."

From BPR: 
While the liberal media rants about how President Trump was given the cold shoulder by the grieving community in Pittsburgh, videos and other reports are proving the opposite.
The president and first lady on Tuesday visited the site of the Tree of Life synagogue massacre where 11 people were gunned down Saturday during a service.
The widow of one of the victims was on hand later that night to welcome the Trumps, even as local elected leaders shunned the president’s invitation to join him on the solemn visit, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders revealed on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday.
“She said that she wanted to be there in order to show him that people wanted him there,” Sanders said of the widow of Richard Gottfried, one of the victims who was killed.
“He spent a good bit of time with her and said he was very humbled and very saddened by the experience that he had yesterday in Pittsburgh,” Sanders added.[…]
The president met with with law enforcement officials in the Medical Center who were wounded in the attack and patients “seemed grateful for the President’s interest and visit,” Dr. Donald Yealy, the hospital’s chair of emergency medicine, said according to CNN.
The scene at the University of Pittsburgh Hospital where Trump visited was a firm rebuttal to the left’s narrative as a video showed hospital staff enthusiastically thanking him for visiting.
So who is to be believed; the hospital staff, or this lady and her friends?  Tell me: Does this sound like a Nazi to you?

Trump Is the Best President Ever for American Jews
"President Trump's statement on  anti-Semitism the day after the Tree of Life massacre truly was "electrifying."
The Jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that we've all read it: We've studied it.  They've gone through a lot and those seeking their destruction...we will seek their destruction...Never again.
. . .  I'd say this lady in the photo watches CNN and TV "entertainment" shows 

Fake news: Is 'Trump's America' really a special danger to Jews?
. . . Eye-poppingly, the press and the ADL ignore the fact that the large increase of reported anti-Semitic incidents on college campuses from 2016 to 2017 (108 to 204) is almost totally the result of leftist anti-Israel political activism and not a product of right-wing enthusiasm.  As any sentient observer knows, conservative beliefs (to say nothing of "far-right" ideas) are all but forbidden on America's institutions of "higher education."  Academic anti-Semitism, therefore, can hardly be blamed on Donald Trump.  . . .
Is it possible that friends of the lady in this photo sent death threats to the rabbi for meeting with the Trumps? Not saying it, just asking. TD

Pittsburgh Presbyterian Minister Screams at Trump “You’re Not Welcome Here!”

Which would you prefer to visit you in the hospital: the First Family or this minister? Apparently a CNN viewer.  TD

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Ann Coulter  "Having mastered fake news, now the media are trying out a little fake history. 
Ann Coulter

     "In the news business, new topics are always popping up, from the Logan Act and the emoluments clause to North Korea. The all-star panels rush to Wikipedia, so they can pretend to be experts on things they knew nothing about an hour earlier. 
     "Such is the case today with "anchor babies" and "birthright citizenship." People who know zilch about the history of the 14th Amendment are pontificating magnificently and completely falsely on the issue du jour. 
     "If you'd like to be the smartest person at your next cocktail party by knowing the truth about the 14th Amendment, this is the column for you! 
     "Of course the president can end the citizenship of "anchor babies" by executive order -- for the simple reason that no Supreme Court or U.S. Congress has ever conferred such a right. 
     "It's just something everyone believes to be true. 
     "How could anyone -- even a not-very-bright person -- imagine that granting citizenship to the children of illegal aliens is actually in our Constitution? " . . .

Trump’s Winning Demeanor. Wait! What? Have I been getting ticked off at POTUS for nothing?

Conrad Black  "The problem with all the advice to the president urging him to change his demeanor is that it is given for the wrong reason and at the wrong time.
As I have often recounted, since Donald Trump attacks the entire political system and almost everyone in or near it in both parties (including former presidents), it was never going to be possible for him to lower the ferocity of his barrages until it was clear how successful his effort to dislodge or reorient the entire political establishment had been.
"Obviously, if he had not won the nomination, or lost the election, he would be, in political terms, a trivia question like Michael Dukakis (Democratic presidential nominee in 1988). He has expelled the NeverTrumpers from the Republican congressional delegations with Senators Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), and others headed for the exits. But if he loses control of the Congress next week, gridlock will reimpose itself, and we will have trench warfare until the next presidential election. In those circumstances, Trump might likely be disposed to be more placatory, and behave more like a contestant in a great national debate, with little realistic hope of changing the system he has attacked much more than he already has.
"A Truly Transformative Presidency This was the lot of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, who put in their tax increase and health care, respectively, in their first two years, and then were severely defeated at their first mid-terms and never moved more than a Christmas card through Congress thereafter. Republican congressional leaders Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole frustrated Clinton, and John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and Mitch McConnell drove Obama to attempt government by questionable executive regulation, leading to the extreme politicization of Supreme Court nominations." . . .

How's this for demeanor?

New Polls Show Blackburn’s Lead Over Bredesen Looks Solid

"Blackburn is looking good, as is Cruz, but McSally in Arizona needs more help. Despite all the stories showing her opponent is a leftist nutjob, she’s still leading." WZ

Daily Wire

. . . "Over the weekend, Blackburn held a rally at which a moment of silence was held for the victims of the Pittsburgh massacre. Protesters disrupted the event, including one who cried out roughly two seconds into the moment of silence, “Marsha Blackburn is a white supremacist.” Five protesters were removed from the rally.

""Blackburn released a statement later that read, “This Sunday afternoon, the liberal angry mob made it clear they are active in Tennessee and will stop at nothing to disrupt civil political discourse. I'm grateful to the law enforcement officers who were here today and kept everyone safe. The protestors at today's event were absolutely appalling. They yelled 'Impeach Trump.' They kicked. They punched. They resisted law enforcement, and they interrupted a moment of silence for the victims in Pittsburgh. Never in my life have I heard of people interrupting a moment of silence." . . .

Another reason to vote Republican:  Barbra Streisand: Donald Trump Is Making Me Fat, I May Move To Canada If GOP Holds House
Quintessential Democrat, it’s always someone else’s fault. The hand putting the food in your mouth is yours. It’s the fat that makes you fat, Babs. And don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out of the country.  Via Free Beacon: . . .
Vote McSally, if for no other reason than keeping Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Jerrold Nadler from beginning a persecution of Trump and other Republican leaders. TD

Trump Surprises Overjoyed Hospital Staff In Pittsburgh, Thanks Them For Their Efforts

Weasel Zippers  Twitter video here

Trump & Melania walking briskly through a Pittsburgh hospital to meet with Synagogue shooting survivors. Exhausted doctors & nurses cheer when they see a glimpse of the president. What Trump and the First Lady do next is just wonderful. Watch:
Video: CNN reported the First Family's visit the way you'd expect CNN to do it.
One would expect better from Jake Tapper.

The Electronic Committee of Public Safety; Democrats may want to bring back the guillotine

*"To “feed” a mob, witch-hunts are essential. New enemies
must be in constant supply to keep the mob moving.
" . . . witch-hunts never end well for the witch-hunters."

Modern-day Robespierres send counterrevolutionaries to the virtual chopping block. They should recall his fate.*

"Celebrities, politicians, and almost anyone of influence and wealth are always an incorrect or insensitive word away from the contemporary electronic guillotine. Regardless of the circumstances of their dilemmas, the beheaded rarely win sympathy from the mob. Coliseum-like roars of approval greet their abrupt change of fortune from their past exalted status.
"So, for example, perhaps few feel sorry for anchor Megyn Kelly, recently all but fired by NBC and now walking away with most of her $69 million salary package as a severance payout. 
"Kelly was let go ostensibly for making a sloppy but not malicious morally equivalent comparison between whites at Halloween dressing up in costumes as blacks, and blacks likewise appearing as whites. But she sealed her fate by uttering the historically disparaging word “black face” as some sort of neutral bookend to her use of “white face.” Her fatal crime, then, was insensitive thought and speech and historical ignorance. 
"For someone so familiar with the rules of our electronic French Revolution and the felonies of speech and thought, Kelly proved surprisingly naïve in a variety of ways. 
"First, she should have known that there are revolutionary canons surrounding victimization indemnities. And for all her success, she is actually protected by few of them, given that she is fabulously well paid, attractive, still young, white — and at one time conservative and a former Fox News anchor person.
"So when Kelly said something historically dense and insensitive, she should have grasped that she, despite being an emancipated coastal female, was immediately (and ratings-wise) expendable, even if expensively expendable." .  .  .

Zero Hedge

*Headless Robespierre's Cautionary Tale For The 'Alt Left' Unleashed On America

America is on the cusp of something it has never truly experienced: mob rule.

ARIEL DUMAS, Stephen Colbert's 'Late Show' Writer: 'I'm Just GLAD We RUINED Brett Kavanaugh's LIFE'. One of the mobs last seen carrying pitchforks.

Trump is making Streisand fat again  "Rush Limbaugh loves to say that President Trump lives in the heads of liberals rent free. While that is true, I often wonder what our president does for fun in there."
Streisand said, "I’m just so saddened by this thing happening to our country. It’s making me fat. I hear what [President Trump] said now, and I have to go eat pancakes now, and pancakes are very fattening. We make them with healthy flour, though — almond flour, coconut flour."
"Ah, nothing quite says wealthy, independent woman quite like blaming a man because you are packing on the pounds. . . .
[Lena] Dunham said, "Donald Trump became president and I stopped being able to eat food. Everyone's been asking like, 'What have you been doing?'' And I'm like, 'Try soul-crushing pain and devastation and hopelessness and you, too, will lose weight.'"
Pittsburgh Synagogue Rabbi Who Said He Would Welcome Trump Gets Death Threats, Meets With Him Anyway  
"Heartbreaking, who could do that to this poor man? This is today’s crazy left. And a fine man who shows he wouldn’t back down to hate.
"Via Daily Mail:" . . .

CNN plumbs the depths of the synagogue shooting

Pittsburgh shows two faces after synagogue shooting
. . . "On Tuesday, Peduto and others revealed themselves as  petty, divisive political hacks, encouraging hate with more hate, turning Pittsburgh into a city of political exploitation, unwelcoming to certain people depending on their political affiliation or their beliefs or whether they and their families came from on this (un)approved political earth or their status.  They refused to meet with the president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. (R). " . . .
. . . Meanwhile, the fake news media, too lazy to do any checking, elevated a fringe, George Soros- and son-funded far lefty group, Bend the Arc, into an important Jewish communal organization composed of "Jewish leaders" who opposed Trump, greeting him with hate-filled signs.  . . .
Tree of Life Rabbi Refuses to Blame Trump for Pittsburg Synagogue Shooting
But CNN does its level best.

Tree of Life Rabbi Jeffrey Myers declined to blame anyone for the shooting at his synagogue despite hints from a CNN anchor that President Donald Trump is to blame.
During a Monday interview on CNN, anchor Alisyn Camerota asked Myers if he blames anyone “beyond the gunman” for Saturday’s shooting that claimed the lives of 11 congregants.
“I don’t really foist blame upon any person,” Myers said. “Hate does not know religion, race, creed, political party. It’s not a political issue in any way, shape, or form. Hate does not know any of those things.”
“What lights the match of hate?” Camerota pressed.
“I think you’re raising one of those great questions that people far smarter than I can answer,” Myers replied. “I do recall this: if we look in the Bible after the story of the flood and Noah, God regretfully says to Noah, ‘I have learned that man from his youth is prone to evil,’ which is, you would think, a horrific thing for God to tell us.”
“The message I get from that is, yes, there is the possibility of hate in all people. But there is also the possibility of good,” the rabbi added.

Horrible: Leftist Jews attack pro-Israel and pro-Trump Jews over Pittsburgh massacre by an anti-Trump anti-Semite

Apparently, these people are among the few who watch CNN. Also here:
Tree of Life Rabbi Refuses to Blame Trump for Pittsburg Synagogue Shooting

Legal Insurrection
Atlantic columnist Franklin Foer: “Any strategy for enhancing the security of American Jewry should involve shunning Trump’s Jewish enablers. Their money should be refused, their presence in synagogues not welcome.”
"Following the horrific massacre of eleven Jews at a Pittsburgh synagogue on Saturday, liberal commentators have not only blamed President Donald Trump for the climate in which the massacre took place, but also Trump’s Jewish supporters.
"One of those commentators was Aaron David Miller, famous for being a Middle East peace processor in the 1980s and 90s.

"On Facebook, Amb. Alberto Fernandez characterized Miller’s argument as “certifiably insane.” He added, “excusing the targeting of Jews because of Israel is a staple of anti-semitic Islamic and Far-Left/Neo-Nazi propaganda.”
"Miller at least possessed the self-awareness to take the tweet down. Other liberals believe they’re onto something.
"Julia Ioffe charged that supporting Trump’s move of the United States embassy to Jerusalem was responsible for the shooting.

And a word to my fellow American Jews: This president makes this possible. Here. Where you live. I hope the embassy move over there, where you don’t live was worth it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Democrats' illegal immigration tune has changed over years despite incoming caravan

Fox News  "President Trump used his predecessor's own words against him when he quoted President Obama's forceful 2005 opposition to illegal immigration, but he could have cherry-picked an old quote from any number of top Democrats on the controversial subject.
"On Tuesday, Trump tweeted a 2005 video in which then Senator Obama made a statement against illegal immigration, accompanied by the comment "I agree with President Obama 100%".
"“We are a generous and welcoming people here in the United States,” Obama said in the 31-second clip. “But those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law.”
"He added: “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants into this country.' ” . . .

“I recently watched a group of protestors, most of them young, denouncing President Donald Trump’s immigration policies,” Carlson says. “They were waving Mexican flags and shouting: ‘¡Si, se puede!’—’Yes, we can!’ This is now the rallying cry of the open-borders left, but it wasn’t always. In fact, I wondered if a single person at the protest knew where it came from.”"Carlson explains how the slogan was first promoted by the founder of the United Farm Workers union Cesar Chavez. The Progressive hero opposed illegal immigration so much he would send his men into the desert to assault illegals trying to get into the country because he reasoned that they would cause wages to drop for legal immigrants.“ 'Until recently, most Democrats agreed with Chavez,” Carlson continues. “They opposed unchecked immigration because they knew it hurt American workers. And they were right.' ” . . .