Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Perhaps France should avoid Obama-type leaders in the future

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

French surrender on carbon tax upsets allies  . . . "Trump gloated on Twitter, “The Paris Agreement is fatally flawed because it raises the price of energy for responsible countries while whitewashing some of the worst polluters … in the world. I want clean air and clean water and have been making great strides in improving America’s environment. But American taxpayers – and American workers – shouldn’t pay to clean up others countries’ pollution.”

"The president misses the point. This is not about protecting the environment. If it were, the globalists would pile on Red China to clean up its act. This is about crippling our economy instead." . . .

French President Macron Suspends Gas Tax But He May Have Won The Too-Little-Too-Late Award  . . . "For the past three weeks, France has been hit by large scale riots (see my post on the subject). The cause of the riots is that a stagnant French economy that is strangling in government regulation was made even worse by French President Emmanuel Macron’s virtue-signaling decision to slap a 23% tax on fuel to combat “climate change.” This left many families literally unable to eat some days each month." . . .

It can be harder to take movements seriously when they are promoted by silly celebrities, needing approval from their silly peers. TD

Bob Dole Salutes President Bush One Last Time

Townhall  . . . "Dole, 95 years old, shares many things in common with President George H. W. Bush, who died on Friday at age 94. For starters, they are both World War II heroes and they both ran for president in the 1980s, with Bush finally prevailing in 1988." . . . 
. . . "As you can tell from the video, Dole respects his fellow veteran and political rival and wanted to give a proper sendoff." . . .
Senator Dole in World War 2, severely wounded in Italy:  

The reign of Queen San Fran Nan

Establishment Media Bias Blames Its Victims

Political Cartoons by AF Branco
Tony Branco
The American Spectator  Increasingly the public sees through the media’s arrogance and double-dealing.

"Those with the temerity to expose the obvious are immediately labeled for relegation — haters, racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, traitors to their group, ignorant, or themselves biased — simply fill in the blank. To rephrase Shakespeare: The fault lies in themselves, not in their media stars.
"This increasingly occurs as evidence of establishment media bias grows. The proof comes from the public the professes to serve. Americans see the establishment media as biased — particularly against conservatives.
"Just before the election (10/25), Rasmussen released a poll showing 56 percent of Americans thought reporters were trying to influence the election when they wrote about a congressional race — and by 4-1, they were perceived as trying to help the Democrat. Just days later, Morning Consult wrote that 64 percent of voters said the press had done more to divide the country than had President Trump (56 percent).
"An internet search provides countless confirmation of this perceived bias. No wonder. Only those sharing the same anti-conservative bias cannot see the establishment media’s. Ignoring larger liberal failings and harping on — if not concocting — even picayune conservative ones were obvious through the Obama administration, the 2016 presidential campaign, and the Trump administration’s first two years.
"The establishment media’s treatment of the public it claims to serve starkly exposes what the left does with power once it actually attains it. Despite professing a desire to sow fairness and harvest harmony, liberals beat any plowshare into a sword as soon as they get it." . . .

Well, at least Hollywood still loves the Clintons

Is the Clinton stadium tour going to be canceled?  "So far, half of the events scheduled for the stadium tour of Bill and Hillary Clinton have been canceled.  Even worse, both of the two out of four events canceled were in the United States, and the two conversations delivered to audiences were both in Canada.
"Advance ticket sales for last night's scheduled event in Sugarland, Texas, a suburb of Houston, were so dismal that prices were slashed by 90% for the cheapest seats.  But even that level of discounting apparently didn't prevent another prospective sea of empty seats, such as the 83% empty arena in Toronto that had to be humiliating for the fading former first family." . . .
The contract between the Clintons and the tour-promoter, Live Nation, a publicly owned New York Stock Exchange-listed company with over ten billion dollars a year in sales, is confidential, so I don't know if the Clintons have a guaranteed minimum compensation.  But it is a pretty safe guess that poor attendance and deep discounts for ticket prices mean that the tour is losing money for Live Nation with each poorly attended show.  It is not cheap to rent stadiums, hire staff, provide security, and charter jets for the Clintons.How much money would a publicly owned company be willing to lose in order to save face for the Cintons, now that they are unlikely ever to regain use of the Oval Office?
 Full article here.

The Clintons Are Now The 'Spinal Tap' Of The Political World  . . . "At one point in the movie "This Is Spinal Tap"— a "rockumentary" about a fictitious aging British heavy metal band on tour in America — documentarian Marty DiBergi asks the band's manager, Ian Faith, about the band's waning popularity.
Marty: The last time Tap toured America, they were, uh, booked into 10,000 seat arenas, and 15,000 seat venues, and it seems that now, on their current tour they're being booked into 1,200 seat arenas, 1,500 seat arenas, and uh I was just wondering, does this mean uh ... the popularity of the group is waning?Ian: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no ... no, no, not at all. I, I, I just think that the ... uh ... their appeal is becoming more selective.
"Based on the first leg of their big 13-city cross-country tour, the Clintons' appeal is becoming very selective, indeed." . . .
Source: Lucianne

Russia’s Not the Biggest Threat to Our REPUBLIC, California Is

Independent Sentinel  "The politicians are so very worried about Russia corrupting elections, so please tell me why they aren’t worried about California. Communists and Socialists are stealing elections. In the California system, no one can or will check for voter fraud. It’s literally impossible.
"Orange County, a conservative area of California, turned deep blue this mid-term. Much of the change resulted from ballot harvesting, but there is so much more to know. For instance, according to the tallies, every Democrat voted in Orange County and one district had 120 percent show up to vote.
"Ballot harvesting accounted in part for the loss of Orange County and districts elsewhere in the United States. Thanks to a new bill signed in 2016 by former (leftist) Governor Jerry Brown, ballot harvesting is now in place in California and it greatly facilitates rampant voter fraud.
"California’s AB 1921 allows voters to give any third party — not just a relative or someone living in the same household, as was previously the law — to collect and turn in anyone else’s completed ballot." . . .

Turns out this was the banner year that EVERYONE is mailed a ballot and you can vote anywhere #CitizenAudit One voting location:

These ballot drop-off locations reported on in the article, and the areas voting for Gavin Newsome over Cox.

Oh, by the way...If You’re Looking For The Documented Evidence Of Voter Fraud In Broward County, Here It Is  "So, there have been a lot of reports about the fiasco that took place during the midterm elections across the nation as several states experienced what can only be explained as clear voter fraud, and some are still facing it.  However, Broward County, as usual, became one of the highlighted areas of voter fraud in Florida.  Now, we are no longer speculating about voter fraud, we have documented evidence of it." . . .

Angry French middle-class rioters and clueless liberals in America

It is hard to visualize Californians rioting over things like this; they're too mellow. Unless of course, someone opposes illegal immigration or gay marriage, then it's Katy, bar the door (Millennials may have to Google that term). TD

The French flinch: French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe announced Tuesday that the government is suspending a gas tax that roiled the country in widespread violence and chaos.

No leftist introspection so far. After Paris riots and green tax retreat, warmists at yet another UN Meeting escalate rhetoric, warn of the end of 'civilization'
. . . "And never mind the decline in global temperatures the last two years.  There are models that can rationalize that away.Trust the experts!Meanwhile, watch what the warmists do, not what they say.Here is what Bernie Sanders says about global warming: . . .
. . . "Glenn Reynolds, law professor and proprietor of Instapundit, has it exactly right when he says: "I'll believe global warming is a crisis when the people telling me it is a crisis start acting like it is a crisis!"

"Here we were able to elect a man whom the elites loathe – but who is making our government act again (as it used to and as it was designed to) on our behalf."
. . . "The trigger was a grossly high tax on gasoline, this to satisfy the green lobby – one designed to "wean" the French people off fossil fuels."But who uses such fuels?  Who depends on automobiles to get around?"Not the elites making the decision.  They live in cities such as Paris.  No, it was the nobodies who live in the sticks."

 Protesters chanted "We want Trump!"  . . . "If people cannot afford to drive their vehicles and possibly heat their homes, climate change is going to be of little significance to them. Climate change is a failed science predicated on money, money and profit for the wealthy industrialists and governments that push this propaganda.
"Oh, and lets not forget former presidents, like Barack Obama who said climate change is not being “fixed” because – “We could reduce carbon emissions by 30 percent, and it’s not like we would all have to go back to caves and live off fire … The reason we don’t do it is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, [and] mommy issues.”
"Climate change also has other insidious aspects to it, climate change is:" . . . Read on...
"Mommy issues"?

Political Cartoons by Pat Cross

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Criminals and partisans, accusing others of criminality and partisanship

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Victor Davis Hanson "Robert Mueller’s legal team may write a damning report on Trump’s ethics, based mostly on flipping minor former business associates of Trump’s and transient campaign officials by threatening them with long prison sentences.

"So far, we know that the U.S. government decided to intervene in a political campaign to help one candidate and to smear the other — under the pretext of Russian “collusion.” And so it hired or made use of spies and informants including Hank Greenberg, Stefan Halper, Felix Sater, and others to contact Trump campaign officials to catch them in supposed collusion traps. It enlisted the help of foreign intelligence agencies, specifically the British and Australians. It misled FISA courts into granting warrants to spy on Americans and, post factum, threatened long prisons sentences with those surveilled and interviewed. And as a result, it has so far found no collusion but may well find some misleading statements in hundreds of hours of testimonies from the likes of Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, and perhaps Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone. 

"Mueller cannot fulfill the hype of the past 18 months, which forecast that the “all-stars,” the “dream-team,” and the Mueller “army” would make short work of the supposedly buffoonish Trump by proving that he colluded with Russia to swing an election. Collusion, remember, was hyped as doing what the Logan Act, the emoluments clause, the 25th Amendment, impeachment, media frenzy, and assassination-chic rhetoric had not. By indicting a number of minor characters on charges that so far have nothing to do with collusion — for purported crimes mostly committed after the special-counsel appointment — Mueller has emphasized the quantity rather than the quality of indictments." . . .
CNN . . . falsely reported a number of damaging Trump stories: that transition official Anthony Scaramucci had colluded with a Russian financial official about easing sanctions; that Donald Trump knew in advance of a meeting that his son had agreed to with a Russian operator; that Trump Jr. knew in advance of the contents of the WikiLeaks Podesta trove; and that James Comey would testify to Congress that he never had assured Trump he was not under investigation.
Tony Branco

Coming to California soon! French Middle Class Riots Against Macron’s Carbon Tax

Rush Limbaugh  "Now, I want to move to what’s happening in France. Have you seen at all in the last week any video out of France, what’s happening over there? Just a few seconds, huh? Here’s the thing about this. Isn’t Europe utopia? Isn’t Europe showing us the way? Don’t our elites tell us that our future is emulating Europe, from trains to climate change to immigration, the Europeans are doing it right. The Europeans have got it down pat, right?

"Well, in this case, the Europeans, the French, are doing exactly what the global climate change political movement wants done! This young little whippersnapper president has put a massive tax on carbon, which has driven the price of gasoline to over seven bucks a gone. Now, they want you to believe, to the extent that they’re reporting this, that interestingly the media wants you to believe, that it’s extreme leftists that are wearing the yellow vests and are protesting. That’s not who’s protesting."  . . .    

. . . You know, I’m wondering why this is isn’t a bigger story in the Drive-By Media. Riots in utopian Europe over fuel taxes. Yeah, yeah, don’t let that become a thing. See, fuel taxes like this are part and parcel of saving the planet. Fuel taxes, carbon tax, gasoline prices way over seven bucks. That’s what we have to do, folks, to save the planet. That’s what these global climate change, global warming people are after.

Bay Area exodus: Here are the companies that have moved headquarters or opened offices out of California

San Francisco Business Times  "Every week brings news of yet another Bay Area company that plans to move its headquarters out of the region — essentially saying enough is enough.

"Enough with drug-users shooting up across from Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters. Enough with walking by someone defecating in the street in the city’s Financial District, enough with avoiding confrontations with the homeless who appear mentally ill.

"Those quality of life issues are on top of the escalating housing costs, growing traffic congestion and higher taxes that are likely to only get worse as President Trump’s tax overhaul means many of the Bay Area’s most successful residents will be paying more to the IRS." . . .
Here are just a few of the companies leaving the area. Many others are listed at this link.
Company NameBay Area HQNew HQ LocationSatellite office/ HQ2 location

BechtelSan FranciscoReston, Virginia
Charles SchwabSan FranciscoNew or expanded offices in Denver, Dallas and El Paso

Jamba JuiceEmeryvilleDallas, Texas

McKessonSan FranciscoDallas, Texas

PandoraOaklandAtlanta, Georgia

Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Ca.

Business Exodus From California Is More Troubling Than Sanctuary Policies

. . . “I moved for three reasons – taxes, regulations and quality-of-life,” said Joseph Vranich, president of the boutique consulting firm. “First, I’ll have greater freedom in my business now that I’m free of California’s notorious regulatory environment and threats of frivolous lawsuits that hurt small businesses like mine,” he said. . . .
Nestle and others in California quietly admit that they are overtaxed and over-regulated, and elected officials treat them not as honored members of the community but as rapacious pirates. Apart from having higher taxes, absurd housing costs and more regulations than nearly any other state, says IBD, California’s wacky laws have turned the Golden State into a venue of choice for activist groups to file costly class action lawsuits — or to launch anti-corporate PR campaigns against big, wealthy targets like Nestle.  (vexatious litigants)
"California is facing a bigger issue than its tussle with the Federal government over sanctuary cities. According to a November report from the U.S Census Bureau, the Golden State has had 142,932 more residents exit to live in other states than people arriving from other states. This domestic outmigration was the second largest outflow in the U.S. behind New York and New Jersey. It was up 11 percent (13,699 net departures) compared to 2015.
Added by TD
"The state’s net outmigration has been continuing for over two decades, yet the state’s population continues to grow owing to foreign immigration. According to  census numbers  some 108,301, or 0.3 percent immigrants came to California as new residents from other countries. That and more births than deaths contributed to limited population growth. To everyone else the state has become a hard sell to people who presently live elsewhere in the country.
"What is more serious is the number of California-based companies that have left or signaled their intention to leave the state. Last year marks the first anniversary of the announcement that Carl’s Jr., a California burger icon for more than six decades, was relocating its headquarters to Nashville. It’s a symbol for what’s become a stream of businesses that have quit California. What was once an almost quiet exodus of companies now looks more like a stampede." . . . (Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Ca.)

The dead-broke Clintons need your help

Steyn on Clintons: They 'Raked in Big Bucks from Kazakh Oligarchs, But Can't Get People to Give Them $10'  . . . "Steyn said the Clintons are a "contrast" to the late President George H.W. Bush, who was lying in state at the Capitol rotunda on a split-screen.
"He called Bush a "model of a dignified political life" and praised the late Republican's choice to remain largely out of the spotlight during his successors terms.
"The Clintons, Steyn said, were the opposite: "They're on a perpetual hamster wheel.' "

Bill and Hillary Clinton’s National Tour Features Seas of Empty Seats
"No one is exactly sure why the Clintons have decided to do a national tour. They’re not running for anything that anyone knows of, and they certainly don’t need the money. The optics aren’t great for them, either. They’re playing to lots of empty seats." . . .

Clintons on sale: 90% off  . . . "When the tour was announced two months ago, the cheapest seats were $70.
"Now, $6 gets you in.
"The cheapest Cleveland Cavaliers ticket is $24 -- and that's without LeBron James on the team." . . .
"They have receded from a power couple to a couple of the powerless.
"I am sure they got paid upfront. My hope is whoever put this wingding together loses money. Bigly." . . .

If the ladies in this choir showed up in support of Hillary, perhaps the crowd would double: