Friday, February 1, 2019

The Democrats stage their own Wansee Conference*

*Wansee Conference:  "On this day, Nazi officials meet to discuss the details of the “Final Solution” of the “Jewish question.' ”

Rich Terrell
The Federalist: Democrats’ Inexorable Abortion Logic Has Finally Caught Up With Them   "From unrestricted late-term abortions to infanticide, Democrats are now facing the consequences of a position that never had a limiting principle." . . . 
"This week, Democrats finally succumbed to the inescapable logic of abortion. They have admitted, perhaps against their better judgement, that there really is no difference between abortion and infanticide." . . .

 Memo to the people running the Trump 2020 campaign  . . . "It could go like this:  "I create jobs, he (or she) supports the abortion of babies".

"It's rough but someone has to hit Hispanics between the eyes and remind them that the party they support does not value life or marriage between a man and a woman."

Networks, Liberal Cable News Ignore Virginia Governor’s Endorsement of Aborting Delivered Babies . . . "The whole ordeal is a major lurch leftward for Democrats and a candid shot of their actual beliefs on abortion. Nevertheless, the story was blacked out of primetime coverage, not just on network news, but on CNN and MSNBC too." . . . 

John D. Dingell III: NY abortion bill promotes targeted slaughter of girls in the womb
. . . "The left's infatuation with abortion has now come full circle. It has become a blatant attack on women and the lower classes.  It will take a while for women and the lower classes to realize this.  Sadly, by the time they do, the damage will have been done."

Even the leftist pro-abortionists will not address the issue for what it  is. Watch how this Democrat reverts to bumper sticker slogans and liberal talking points. Naturally she uses the bromide "as a woman". TD    Rush Limbaugh introduces this clip:

So let’s go to the audio sound bites. We have Tucker Carlson interviewing Monica Klein. She is the founding partner of something called Seneca Strategies. And Tucker Carlson’s question, “I wonder what you think about what Dr. Northam, the governor of Virginia, said. The infant is born. There’s a point where the mother and the physician can decide whether to kill the infant or not.” I want you to listen to the anger and the hatred in this woman’s voice. She hates Republicans. She hates Trump. She hates Kavanaugh. Tucker asks her, “What do you think of what the governor of Virginia said?” . . .

Thursday, January 31, 2019

A Handy Guide To Facial Expressions

Babylon Bee  "How do you tell if someone is hatefully sneering at you or just smiling? It's a difficult task.

"We consulted with over five hundred facial expression experts, showing them various images and asking them to identify which ones were a normal human emotion and which ones were literally Hitler. If a video ever comes out of someone making one of these expressions and you need a quick hot take to tweet out, consult this handy chart:

Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn Bringing Knoxville Dad Whose Son Was Killed by Illegal Alien to SOTU

Weasel Zippers

"Republican invites American family who lost a son allegedly killed by an illegal alien. Democrats invite an illegal alien. And there in a nutshell, is all you need to know about the two parties. 
Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.) announced on Thursday that a Knoxville firefighter whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant will be her guest at President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address next Tuesday.
Twenty-two-year-old Pierce Corcoran was killed just after Christmas when he was hit by Francisco Eduardo Franco Cambrany, a 44-year-old illegal immigrant who was charged with criminally negligent homicide and driving without a license or insurance. Blackburn’s guest for the address will be his father, Knoxville fire captain D.J. Corcoran, whose wife will also be in attendance as the guest of Rep. Tim Burchett (R., Tenn.).
“The tragedy the Corcoran family has endured is one no family should ever have to experience,” Blackburn said. “The attendance of Pierce’s parents at the State of the Union serves as a reminder that we as a Congress have a duty to keep the American people safe. It is an honor to attend with Captain Corcoran.' ” . . .

If Democrats Hadn’t Embraced Crazy, Howard Schultz Wouldn’t Be A Threat To Them

Derek Hunter  "He’s just a man, one who happens to be very wealthy. A very wealthy man who is considering using a slice of his substantial fortune to run for president of the United States. Not as a Republican or a Democrat, as an independent. That fact has progressive activists beside themselves with rage that this man, former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, could be the spoiler of their plans to win the 2020 election. The question is this: are their fears founded?
Tom Stiglich
"Schultz is worth in the neighborhood of $3.5 billion, which is a very nice neighborhood. I, like most people, would be happy to simply live in the same zip code as a neighborhood like that. The air there always smells like fresh flowers and some kind of food most of us couldn’t pronounce, let alone imagine tasting.
"That sort of life lends itself to both delusions of grandeur and actual grandeur, provided you didn’t arrive at it through the luck of birth. People who earn great wealth through means not related to numbered balls falling out of a machine matching a $2 ticket tend to know the value of a dollar. "They’ve worked for it, worked hard, and took risks to get it. That generally means they don’t set piles of it on fire on vanity projects or out of boredom.
"This is why the idea of Schultz should concern everyone, not just Democrats. The same, by the way, goes for another progressive billionaire, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Unlike Schultz, Bloomberg, should he run, will run as a Democrat. It’s in no small part how Donald Trump became president, so it’s a model that has been shown to work." . . .

Who Benefits From Mass Immigration? Not You!

Ann Coulter

"Assiduous readers of my columns know that I have frequently made the point that America's immigration policies benefit only three groups of people: 1) rich Americans with a lot of employees, 2) the immigrants themselves, and 3) their grandmothers back in Chiapas.

"The money illegal immigrants send out of the country doesn't come from their low wages. It comes from the taxpayers, who are required to subsidize immigrants so that investment bankers can have cheap nannies. Yes, it is a problem that they couldn't possibly live on what I pay them, but that's where YOU come in, taxpayers!

"When the rich merely have to pay Social Security taxes on their nannies, they quickly say, Oh, never mind, as we saw in the 1990s, when Bill Clinton's first two female attorney general nominees had to withdraw because of the illegal aliens raising their kids, and we finally ended up with Janet Reno.

"Zoe Baird, the first nominee caught up in Nannygate, promptly fired her illegal alien nanny and chauffeur, Lillian and Victor Corderos, who were deported.

"That's how much the rich love Latino immigrants! As Baird's spokeswoman, Jamie Gorelick, said at the time: "I think it truly pains them that Lillian has had to pay this price. ... They have true affection for her.' " . . .

"I was born in New York"; how many will be around to say that after a few years?

The People's Cube

"Albany, NY -- New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo continues to make major changes in the name of progress and tolerance. These will appeal to liberal-progressives, and benefit ex cons and mass murderers across the nation. Signing off on these new policies will launch the governor's bid for his presidential run among the 353,739 candidates now on the Democrat ticket.
"The governor just signed into law after ending the death penalty, a woman's right to abort about-to-be-born babies who could live outside the womb - up to the moment of birth.
"Shrugging off criticism of having passed a death sentence on babies after having ended the death penalty for murderers, Cuomo said, "Our base is what matters, not what people think."
"The new law means, if a mother chose to abort as soon as she is experiencing labor pains, or second thoughts, whichever came first, she can have the child's head liquified and sucked out with a Hoover. In the name of progress, doctors will give classes to would-be serial killers and other progressives who might try their hands at this soon-to-be-popularized sport." . . .

Democrat-governed Virginia hopes to one-up New York:
Virginia Governor Asked Whether He Supports Abortion While Woman Is Giving Birth. His Response Is Bizarre  . . “ 'If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam said in a WTOP interview." . . .
"Aborting a baby after it has been born is illegal." . . .
“ 'Clearly, this kind of legislation is an attempt to create legal infanticide as viable babies are aborted to the cheers of abortion extremists,” Students for Life President Kristan Hawkins said in a statement."

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam Defends Leaving Infants to Die After Birth  . . . "Later in the interview, he did disagree with Tran’s attempt in the bill to lift a requirement for multiple physicians to weigh in on the need for a late-term abortion.
“ 'I think it’s always good to get a second opinion,” he said, “and for at least two providers to be involved in that decision because these decisions shouldn’t be taken lightly.' ”

Abortion: where are we headed?

Rich Terrell

The truth about Virginia Democrats and abortion becomes a deep embarrassment
"Deranged Democrats in the Old Dominion are candidly admitting their repulsive priorities, creating problems for more practical members of their party. Even abortion fans refuse to defend Virginia governor’s candor on post-birth murder of abortion-surviving infant.  It is both stomach-turning and amusing to watch abortion enthusiasts refuse to address the casual truth-telling about the degree to which many Democrats are willing to go in order to prevent a new human being survive birth should the mother want it eliminated." . . .

. . .The Democrats are now captive to their most extreme supporters, and are pushing proposals and new laws that are deeply unpopular with the mainstream of American life. Not just on abortion, but on taxation, national security, the border and many other areas of life. Trump Derangement Syndrome, after all, is derangement.  . . .

The Infanticide Craze   So much for "safe and rare".
"Democrats are increasingly explicit in their support for killing unborn children at any stage of pregnancy — and sometimes even of denying normal medical care to born children." . . .

What's WRONG with AMERICA! 3rd-Trimester ABORTION Bills: 'MORALLY Repugnant' “This is morally repugnant,” Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., said in a statement to National Review. “In just a few years pro-abortion zealots went from ‘safe, legal, and rare’ to ‘keep the newborns comfortable while the doctor debates infanticide.’ I don’t care what party you’re from — if you can’t say that it’s wrong to leave babies to die after birth, get the hell out of public office.”
Virginia Del. Kathy Tran Submitted Bill To Save Caterpillars On Same Day As Late-Stage Abortion Bill  "The Democratic Virginia delegate who has recently come under fire for sponsoring a bill in the Virginia House of Delegates that would allow the termination of a pregnancy up to 40 weeks old, is also the chief patron of a bill that would protect the lives of “fall cankerworms” during certain months.
"Democratic Virginia Del. Kathy Tran introduced “House Bill No. 2495 – Fall cankerworm; spraying prohibited during certain months” on Jan. 9, the same day as “House Bill No. 2491 — Abortion; eliminate certain requirements.”
"Tran came under fire Tuesday for her support of legislation that would allow an abortion to be performed just moments before the birth of a child. (RELATED: VA Considering Bill Legalizing Abortion Until 40 Weeks In Pregnancy)" . . .
. . .
 “Where it’s obvious a woman is about to give birth…would that be a point at which she could still request an abortion?” Republican Del. Todd Gilbert asked Tran. (RELATED: Trump Rips Virginia Democrats On Abortion Comments)
“My bill would allow that, yes,” she confirmed.
"Tran’s other piece of legislation aims to protect insects such as “gypsy moths” and “cankerworms.”
According to Virginia’s Legislative Information System, House Bill No. 2495 is:
A BILL to amend and reenact § 15.2-2403 of the Code of Virginia and to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Article 1 of Chapter 9 of Title 15.2 a section numbered 15.2-926.4, relating to cankerworms; eradication; prohibition on spraying during certain months.
"Tran apparently deleted all of her social media following backlash to her abortion bill." . . .

 Perhaps Obama would give the newborn a couple of aspirins as he waits for them to die:

A few words about those National Anthem Performers at sports events

From a good friend in Tillamook County, Oregon comes this shared post:

"So with all the kindness I can muster, I give this one piece of advice to the next pop star who is asked to sing the National Anthem at a sporting event: Save the vocal gymnastics and the physical gyrations for your concerts. Just sing this song the way you were taught to sing it in kindergarten - straight up, no styling. Sing it with the constant awareness that there are soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines watching you from bases and outposts all over the world. Don't make them cringe with your self-centered ego gratification.
Sing it as if you are standing before a row of 86-year-old WWII vets wearing their Purple Hearts, Silver Stars and flag pins on their cardigans and you want them to be proud of you for honoring them and the country they love, not because you want them to think you are a superstar musician. They could see that from your costume, makeup and your entourage.
Sing 'The Star Spangled Banner' with the courtesy and humility that tells the audience that it is about America, not you."

Gladys Knight, an Atlanta native and "Empress of Soul," will sing the Super Bowl 53 national anthem prior to kickoff in 2019.

Hear this if you can take it:

Here's how it deserves to be sung, the way the NY Yankees did it once:

Academia: the incubator for total abortion and all other bad ideas

Bookworm Room

Academia — that is, the world of colleges and universities — is the incubator for all of the worst ideas in America, with abortion as the latest example.

. . . AND NOW TO MY POINT: Whatever starts in academia does not stay in academia. Academia is where:

  • Kids are taught to hate individual liberty and the free market, and to embrace all manners of socialism and other totalitarian governance;
  • Bishops are educated and then refuse to excommunicate Catholic politicians who vote for “post-birth abortions” (i.e., murder);
  • Jews and Asians, who are the people most likely to send their kids to college, produce generations of people who aggressively advocate for policies that are terribly damaging to them, everything from antisemitism and Israel hatred to academic quotas;
  • People are taught that democratic, pluralist, open Israel is evil and that the Palestinian communities, rife with misogyny, homophobia, antisemitism, anti-Americanism, anti-Westernism, anti-Christianity, anti-Hinduism, and myriad other anti’s and phobias, are superb societies that should be allowed to use genocide to eliminate Israel;
  • Climate change madness, which is not supported by a scintilla of actual science, but does rely on a regular input of fraudulent temperature data, finds its intellectual home; where young people are taught that there is no such things as biological gender;
  • Young people are told that their feelings trump everything and that rational thinking is a product of toxic, white masculinity;
  • Non-white people are taught anti-white racism;
  • Women are taught to hate men and men are taught that they are rapists; and
  • Every other mad idea that pollutes the Western world is born and grows.
"These ideas, unless stopped, will destroy our world. We already see how the end plays out with the abortion, which went from Singer’s boring academic arguments to the official position of the pediatrician governor of Virginia."

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Rep. Jackie Speier Nominates Christine Blasey Ford for JFK Profiles in COURAGE Award

Socio-Political-Journal... 'Rep. Jackie Speier announced she is nominating Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who famously accused now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her nearly 40 years ago, for the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award.
Cartoon added

“Nominating Dr. Christine Blasey Ford – a true American (s)hero who sacrificed so much to do what was right for our country and for the pursuit of truth of justice – for this year’s Profiles in Courage Award @JFKLibrary,” Ms. Speier, California Democrattweeted Monday evening.
"She is an inspiration to us all,” she added.
"The Profile in Courage Award is a prestigious award given out by the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum once a year to public officials “at the federal, state, or local level whose actions demonstrate the qualities of politically courageous leadership,” according to its description page. Recent recipients include former Presidents Barack Obama and George H.W. Bush.

"The Boston-based library is accepting nominations for this year’s award recipient until Thursday. A ceremony will be held at the library in May.

"Ms. Ford, a professor at Palo Alto University in California, testified about her allegations on Capitol Hill ahead of Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation in October. Her claims remain uncorroborated and Justice Kavanaugh has maintained his innocence." . . .

The Progressive Race to the Bottom

Victor Davis Hanson

Abolishing ICE, offering ‘free’ college to all, raising taxes to 70 percent: Will the somnolent GOP take notice?
"The old Democratic party championed the working classes, wanted secure borders to protect middle-class union wage earners, and focused generous federal entitlement help on the citizen poor. Civil rights were defined as equality of opportunity for all.
"That party is long dead. An updated Hubert Humphrey or even Bill Clinton would not recognize any of the present “Democrats.”
"Even the old wing of elite liberals is mostly long gone, with its talk of legal immigration only, opposition to censorship, pro-Israel foreign policy, let-it-hang-out Sixties indulgence, and free speech.
"It was superseded by grim progressives who are not so much interested in a square, new, or fair deal for the middle classes, as an entirely different deal that redefines everything from the Bill of Rights and the very way we elect presidents and senators to an embrace of identity politics as its first principle.
"Indeed, we are currently witnessing a quite strange series of North Korean–like reeducation confessionals, from repenting erstwhile liberals and now presidential hopefuls such as Joe Biden, Tulsi Gabbard, Kamala Harris, and Kirsten Gillibrand. They and other would-be candidates parade before show cameras to apologize for their prior incorrect heresies, including their erstwhile support for drug laws, tough sentencing, and border enforcement." . . .

No matter your thoughts about Trump: he stands between us and the socialist Democrats.
Ocasio-Cortez's political party calls for the elimination of Israel in 2017  "The Democratic Socialists of America, the political party closely associated with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, called for the elimination of Israel at its 2017 convention.
"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," chanted delegates after they adopted a resolution in support of the BDS movement." . . .

Campus Fascists And The Suppression Of Free Speech

 Dems to strike 'so help you God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows  . . . " 'It is incredible, but not surprising, that the Democrats would try to remove God from committee proceedings in one of their first acts in the majority," House Republican Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., told Fox News. "They really have become the party of Karl Marx.' ” . . .

It’s Not Just New York: Virginia House Dems Propose Bill Allowing Abortion Up To Moment Of Birth

Dem Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Says Democrats Accused Of Anti Semitism Are “Thoughtful Colleagues”…

Democrats attack the boat industry  . . . "We have already been through this." . . .
. . . " 'In the last two years, about 100 builders of luxury boats -- recreational craft costing more than $100,000 -- cut their operations severely and laid off thousands of workers. Some builders filed for protection from creditors under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code," the Times reported.
" Oh?
" 'In 1991, sales of luxury boats dropped 70 percent from 1990's level, while overall boat sales fell 18 percent," the Times reported.
" The Baltimore Sun said soaking the rich cost 19,000 boat builders their jobs." . . .

California Now Wants to Tax... Drinking Water  "California’s new governor has wasted little time continuing the state’s seemingly limitless expansion of government. Governor Gavin Newsom’s first budget proposal, published last week, suggests instituting a tax on drinking water in the name of cleaning up California’s water systems.
"The “Environmental Protection” section of the 2019-2020 budget seeks to" . . .

Liberals learn nothing from history; they distort it to fit their purposes.