. . . “ 'The 2020 presidential election is around the corner,” Lee said. “Let’s all mobilize, let’s all be on the right side of history. Make the moral choice between love versus hate. Let’s do the right thing. You know I had to get that in there.”
"Lee accepted his first Oscar after trashing the Academy Awards, claiming black Americans only win Oscars once a decade and that black Americans, if not part of the filmmaking process, “don’t got a voice.”
“ 'Gatekeepers decide what films they’re making and what films they’re not making and if we’re not in the room we don’t got a voice,” Lee said. “If we’re not in the room it can be a drought, a feast to famine.' ” . . .
War on Conservatives Week in Higher Education If the left is love and Trump supporters are hate, then what about this?
. . . "This is the culture at Berkeley.
"Conservative values are also under attack.
- Syracuse U. Won’t Recognize Conservative Student Group Over Dedication to U.S. Constitution
- Anti-Trump and Anti-Conservative Courses Surging at America’s Top Colleges
- College Bars Conservative Student Group From Displaying Pro-2A Flag
"BDS updates.
Oscars: Pro-Gun Control Hollywood Enjoy Security ‘Similar To A U.S. President’