Sunday, February 24, 2019

Trump's Presidency Triggered a Wave of Fake Hate Crimes

Frank Hawkins  "Jussie Smollett’s fake hate crime blaming Trump supporters has now been exposed as a hate crime of its own. And, as it turns out, we’ve seen this movie before. Too many times. Frankly, it’s getting tiresome. And it’s high time the gullible leftist media begins to show some skepticism when these types of incidents are reported.

"Leaks and statements from the Chicago Police Department make it clear the attention-seeking leftist black actor, who happens to be gay, tried to persuade the public that he was the victim of a Trump inspired hate crime. His claim turned to farce when it was exposed that the so-called white MAGA hat wearing attackers were Nigerian born friends of his leading one wag to claim this was the first time Nigerians had fallen for an American scam.

"The pattern is clear. In an ongoing effort to discredit President Trump and white conservative males, the bizarro left loves to fabricate stories that portray themselves as victims of hate. It’s a shameful practice that borders on mental illness.

"The pattern became noticeable during Trump’s run 2016 run for the presidency. It was so bad the Daily Caller labeled 2016 as “The Year of The Hoax Hate Crime.” An example: "  . . .
Frank Hawkins is a former U.S. Army intelligence officer, Associated Press foreign correspondent, international businessman, senior newspaper company executive, founder and owner of several marketing companies, and published novelist.  He currently lives in retirement in North Carolina.

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