Friday, March 22, 2019

Democrats: untrustworthy stewards of this nation for over 160 years

In the 1860's just as in the 2000's, Democrats have been the party to cut and run in the face of adversity. During the Civil War, Democrats ran on the platform of "forget the countless thousands who died, let slavery continue to exist". TD

The Democrat Party is the real symbol of the Confederacy  . . . "Polities where the Democrats enjoy one-party rule today include basket cases like Detroit, where African Americans endure some of the worst living conditions in the country, and creative-class playgrounds like San Francisco, whose black population was purged in the period of urban renewal. " . . . 

Now today, regarding the Electoral College, Democrats would be happy to discard the wisdom of the nation's Founders if it hinders their quest for power. Their cause is greatly aided by ignorance in the media and in our educational system that produces their candidates we see this election cycle and the voters who support them. Bear in mind this all started when Hillary mentioned the Electoral College as just one of many reasons she claimed for losing. TD

Restoring States' Rights to Presidential Elections  . . . "Restoring the rights and powers of the sovereign states is the linchpin of everything we need to begin to solve our problems.  The power of state legislatures remains in the language of the Constitution, and those rights ought to be given life again.  If that happens, we can begin the peaceful revolution our nation needs.  It is doable and ought to be done.  Nothing keeps Republican state legislatures from beginning the process but the guts and grit of their own members — and there is no reason for delay at all."

Oh, yes, and they all suddenly want to abolish the Electoral College! Had HRC won, they would be singing its praises.

Warren Wants to Eliminate the Electoral College, Which Would Cause Havoc in Our System
"You hate third party candidates now? Try competing without the Electoral College."

"I wouldn’t call our Founding Fathers perfect, but man did they leave us one of the greatest documents penned in the English language. Their brilliance provided America not only with the Bill of Rights, but with the Electoral College.

"Grumbles about the Electoral College have existed for a long time, but after President Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, its elimination shot to the top of the Democrats list of issues in their campaigns.

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren proclaimed her wish to abolish the Electoral College at a recent town hall, but I don’t think she’s given it much thought to the mess this would create."

. . . 

People forget that Hillary only received 48% of the popular vote, not 50% and above. In other words, she did not receive the majority of the popular vote. In 2000, Al Gore received 48.38% of the popular vote.
"Without the Electoral College, we could end up with a president who only had 25% of the vote. Wallison "points out that the government could add a run-off amendment, which means the top two or three candidates would hold another election:
Of course, we could graft a run-off system onto our Constitution; the two top candidates in, say, a 10-person race, would then run against one another for the presidency. But that could easily mean that the American people would have a choice between a candidate of the pro-choice party and a candidate of the pro-gun party. If you thought the choice was bad this year, it could be far worse.
"A mess. An absolute mess. These Democrats have to think long and hard before they shout from mountain tops stupid ideas just to appease the feels of some people."

Wake up Democrats, our party is un-American  . . . " 'Democrats and many in media now accuse Mr. Trump of totalitarian methods and objectives,” wrote Ted Van Dyk recently in the Wall Street Journal. “There is much to fault in the Trump presidency, but the totalitarian tendencies appear to flow from our own party.' ” . . .

UK Denies Asylum To Iranian Convert To Christianity, Saying The Religion Is Not ‘Peaceful’

Weasel Zippers  "Formerly Great Britain has fallen to Islam."  
No longer the Britain of Winston Churchill.
"Via Fox News:
The U.K. government agency in charge of immigration has come under fire for denying political asylum to an Iranian convert to Christianity and explaining its decision on its contention that the religion is not peaceful.
The Iranian man had said in his asylum petition that he converted to Christianity because it was a “peaceful” religion. The U.K. Home Office, which oversees immigration and passports, among other things, sent the Iranian national a letter that said the book of Revelations is “filled with imagery of revenge, destruction, death and violence,” according to the Independent.
It cited excerpts from the Bible, according to the newspaper, and added: “These examples are inconsistent with your claim that you converted to Christianity after discovering it is a ‘peaceful’ religion, as opposed to Islam which contains violence, rage and revenge.” The newspaper said it reached out to the Home Office for comment and was told that the letter the asylum seeker had received did not follow its protocol for handling petitions based on religious persecution. The agency said it was trying to improve training for officers who decide religious conversion-related cases.
Legal experts are holding the case up as an example of what they say is the agency’s pattern of over-reaching to deny political asylum.
Nathan Stevens, the asylum seeker’s caseworker, tweeted: “I’ve seen a lot over the years, but even I was genuinely shocked to read this unbelievably offensive diatribe being used to justify a refusal of asylum. “Whatever your views on faith, how can a government official arbitrarily pick bits out of a holy book and then use them to trash someone’s heartfelt reason for coming to a personal decision to follow another faith?”
Stevens said that his client is appealing the decision.
On Twitter, Stevens mentioned another asylum case to illustrate what he sees as the agency’s flawed system. “A comment from another refusal,” he tweeted, “You affirmed in your AIR that Jesus is your savior, but then claimed that He would not be able to save you from the Iranian regime. It is therefore considered that you have no conviction in your faith and your belief in Jesus in half-hearted.”
Legal experts say the Home Office is notorious for questionable asylum denials.

‘Another Day in Trump’s America’ Ad Shows Media’s Perception of ‘MAGA’ Versus Supporters of the Slogan

This ad by mem-er Paul Martinez offers dueling views on MAGA — a must see!
. . . "A memer going under the name Paul Martinez has released a video ad that promises to go viral. The ad is titled, “Another Day in Trump’s America” and offers dueling narratives; the perspective of a spectator turned activist and fueled by the media’s partisan agenda versus the truth of the situation.

"The video offers as much analysis on President Donald Trump’s famed slogan as it does mainstream media’s role in dividing the American public with partial or inaccurate information — or “fake news.' ” . . .
. . . "Their goal is to incite us to fight each other because articles of baby ducks aren’t what is going to generate 10,000 comments. We — and I include myself in that — need to put the phone down, turn the TV off, and spend time with our neighbors. 
"I think we will find the world is a much friendlier place than we are lead to believe."

The Consequences Of Andrew Cuomo’s Climate Agenda Hit Close To Home. His Home

"Pipelines are needed to get natural gas to customers, energy companies say, and there currently aren’t enough to reliably meet demand, especially during harsh winters. Con Edison said Cuomo’s policies have chilled construction of new pipelines in the region. Two counties in Massachusetts have also had moratoriums on natural gas hookups since 2014 due to a lack of pipelines."

Daily Caller

“ 'It’s just a question of how people are going to be able to heat their homes and cook their food with the energy that’s available right now,” Con Edison spokesman Michael Clendenin told The Times Thursday.

"The natural gas moratorium was announced in January and went into effect March 15, sparking a rush to get applications for natural gas hookups filed before it was too late.

Cuomo banned fracking in 2014 after years of study and delay. Cuomo said the risks to New York’s groundwater and public health were too great, despite Pennsylvania moving ahead with extracting oil and gas from shale.

"In the years since, Cuomo’s administration has blocked major natural gas pipeline projects. At the same time, however, natural gas was becoming an increasingly important part of New York’s electricity and heating mix.

"Cuomo’s policies have made environmental activists happy, and he’s not done yet. Cuomo’s in the midst of pushing his own “Green New Deal” plan to push more solar and wind power onto the grid.

"Cuomo’s goal is 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2040. Current state law mandates 50 percent renewable electricity — hydropower, solar and wind — by 2030. About 28 percent of the state’s electricity comes from renewables, mostly hydroelectric dams.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw fighting for fellow Navy SEAL being held on war crimes charges

The letter was signed by Crenshaw, Mac Thornberry (Texas), Jim Jordan (Ohio), Kelly Armstrong (N. D.), Jim Banks (Ind.), Paul Cook (Calif.), Louie Gohmert (Texas), Paul Gosar (Ariz.), Jody Hice (Ga.), French Hill (Ark.), Brian Mast (Fla.), Ralph Norman (S.C.), Pete Olson (Texas), Guy Reschenthaler (Pa.), Austin Scott (Ga.), Greg Steube (Fla.), Van Taylor (Texas) and Michael Waltz (Fla.).

Fox News  "A retired Navy SEAL is now leading the charge in Congress for answers regarding the treatment of a fellow SEAL who's been locked in a brig for months ahead of a controversial war crimes trial.

"Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw -- who lost sight in his right eye after being hit by an IED explosion in Afghanistan -- and 17 other House Republicans have sent a letter to the Secretary of the Navy this week urging him to review the pre-trial confinement of Eddie Gallagher, his office exclusively tells Fox News. The lawmakers are raising concerns that Gallagher, a decorated Navy SEAL, has been receiving limited access to food, medical care and his legal team.

“ 'Chief Gallagher is a decorated warfighter who, like all service members, is entitled to the presumption of innocence while awaiting court-martial,” the Republicans wrote in their letter to Richard Spencer.

“ 'We have received reports that Chief Gallagher’s access to counsel and access to food and medical care may have been restricted,” they added. “As a result, we respectfully request that you review the Navy policies governing pretrial confinement for Chief Gallagher and other service members to ensure compliance with the Uniform Code of Military Justice.' ” . . .

Dems: We Have To Enact Socialism So We Can Find Out What It Is

Babylon Bee

. . . "Democrats across the country have begun urging the nation to enact socialism “so we can find out what it is,” stating that we won’t know exactly what the politico-economic system entails unless we pass it into law.

"Speaking to CNN Wednesday, Christine Hallquist, one of the nation’s first transgender gubernatorial candidates stated, “I’m not sure I even know what socialism is,” but added that she agrees with her party’s increasingly favorable view of the failed economic system.
“ 'We need to pass it so we can find out what’s in it,” Hallquist added. “That’s the best reason to pass sweeping overhauls of things like healthcare and our economy: so you can test your policies on the nation like a bunch of little guinea pigs.”
"Congressional Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer also pushed for enacting socialism as soon as possible so the nation can find out what’s in it. “It worked for Obamacare. Well, for us, anyway,” Pelosi said in a press conference.
"Finally, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez chimed in on the conversation, stating that socialism should “like, double the economy or something because we take away all the money and then give it all back so that’s like 2 or 3 times as much money as there was at first.” . . .
Source:The Babylon Bee: "The Babylon Bee is Your Trusted Source For Christian News Satire"

McCain and the Russian Dossier

McCain’s Key Role in Fueling Post-Election Trump-Russia Hysteria  . . . "It is true that McCain was an outspoken critic of Putin. But the big problem with McCain’s defense is that by the time he wrote those words—presumably the end of 2017, since the book was published in late May 2018—it already was public knowledge that the dossier had been authored and distributed by political pimps funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. When McCain was writing his book, many of the culprits were in serious legal jeopardy.

"Christopher Steele, the dossier’s author, was being sued for defamation and was under congressional scrutiny in 2017. (McCain had sent his close associate, David Kramer, to meet Steele in London shortly after the 2016 election to track down gossip about the president-elect.) Steele also remains the subject of a criminal referral at the Justice Department for lying to federal officials." . . .
As Russia collusion fades, Ukrainian plot to help Clinton emerges  "After nearly three years and millions of tax dollars, the Trump-Russia collusion probe is about to be resolved. Emerging in its place is newly unearthed evidence suggesting another foreign effort to influence the 2016 election — this time, in favor of the Democrats."
. . . 
We now have strong evidence that retired British spy Christopher Steele began his quest in what ultimately became the infamous Russia collusion dossier with a series of conversations with top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr between December 2015 and February 2016 about securing evidence against Manafort.

"We know the FBI set up shop in the U.S. embassy in Kiev to assist its Ukraine–Manafort inquiry — a common practice on foreign-based probes — while using Steele as an informant at the start of its Russia probe. And we know Clinton’s campaign was using a law firm to pay an opposition research firm for Steele’s work in an effort to stop Trump from winning the presidency, at the same time Steele was aiding the FBI. 
"Those intersections, coupled with the new allegations by Ukraine’s top prosecutor, are reason enough to warrant a serious, thorough investigation." . . .

Here's a List of Democrat Presidential Candidates Who Want to Abolish the Electoral College


. . . "Other candidates haven't been directly asked about the issue, but when they are, this list will be updated."

Beto: 'I Think There’s a Lot of Wisdom' in Abolishing Electoral College   "Former Rep. [Robert Francis] O’Rourke believes abolishing the Electoral College is a wise idea—apparently knowing better than the founding fathers.

"Responding to a question posed by MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake about getting rid of the Electoral College, O’Rourke said he “sees a lot of wisdom in that" idea. 
“ 'I think there’s a lot to that. Because you had an election in 2016 where the loser got 3 million more votes than the victor,” O’Rourke said. “It puts some states out of play altogether, they don’t feel like their votes really count.' " . . .

Bobby O'Rourke Refuses To Support Law Protecting Babies Who Survive Abortion

Daily Wire  "Democratic presidential candidate [Bob] O'Rourke refused to voice support on Wednesday for a law that would protect babies who are born alive after surviving an abortion."
. . . 
"Thank you for being here," the student began. "You gave me a good excuse to be out of school. I wanted to ask you about a recent bill that just went through the Senate about two weeks ago and the bill was that if an abortion was performed on a viable fetus and the fetus survived the abortion the doctor would then be compelled to give that living baby the same care as any other pregnancy baby that came out and put that baby through the care."
"Would you support this bill that does not in any way limit abortion, it simply seeks to keep babies alive that have been born alive?" the student asked.
"The student was referring to the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which Fox News notes would require that "any health care practitioner present" at the time that the baby is born alive following an attempted abortion "exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age."
"The way that I would approach your question and this issue generally is to trust women to make their own decisions about their own bodies," . . . 

"On Friday, a feminist tried to steal crosses from a pro-life display organized by Students for Life at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, before police officers stepped in.
"The unidentified female abortion activist (it’s unclear if she is a student), is seen picking up pink crosses in a display known as the Cemetery of the Innocents; the crosses commemorate the lives of babies killed by abortion.
"Is there a reason why you're doing this?" she asked the purple-haired feminist holding a white garbage bag full of their crosses.
"We disagree with it," the abortion activist answered." . . .

Who needs Fox News?

"Feisty" no longer; Charles Krauthammer is even more sorely missed by this writer.

Rich Terrell
Don Surber  "Paul Ryan cashed in on his congressional career by joining the board of directors of Fox News.
"The channel also hired Donna Brazile, whom CNN fired for giving Hillary questions in advance of a debate. CNN never said how a commentator like Brazile got the questions.
"Finally, Fox News suspended commentator Judge Jeanine Pirro for calling out Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's anti-Semitic comments.
Well, that is three more reasons why I skip Fox News.
"Its strength was neoconservatism.

. . . 
"The once feisty channel that rebeled against the establishment has become establishment. Suspending a commentator for giving an opinion is as stupid as firing a comedian for telling a bad joke.
"And yet Judge Pirro was suspended, and Roseanne Barr fired.
"The moves by Fox News make no sense unless its purpose is to drive viewers away." . . . 

If Fox becomes CNN, then what will we do?

Donna Brazile's debut on Bret Baier's Special Report

She who must be respected by Fox News
Pollak: Donna Brazile Trashed John McCain While He Was Alive; Now She’s His Biggest Fan  "Former interim Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile was full of posthumous praise for the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) on Wednesday’s edition of Fox News’ Special Report with Bret Baier.
"The context was President Trump’s renewed criticism of McCain after a newly-released deposition showed how deeply McCain was involved in the fraudulent “Russia dossier” that has been used to attack the administration and divide the nation.
"Brazile, who Fox News recently hired as a contributor, began by criticizing the president for speaking ill of the dead. She then continued: “John McCain leaves a legacy. He leaves a legacy of sacrifice. … John McCain should be honored for his service.”
"It is heart-warming to read tributes to McCain from people who ignored his heroism and sacrifice and smeared his character when he ran against Barack Obama and, later, criticized him as president.
"In 2014, for example, Brazile tweeted a hit piece on McCain, “The Vacant Soul of Senator John McCain.” She added: “Interesting article.”
"The article was a response to McCain’s criticism of Obama for the Bowe Berghdal prisoner swap, in which the U.S. freed five major Taliban terrorists from Guantanamo Bay. McCain, a prisoner-of-war himself in Vietnam for five-and-a-half years, nevertheless criticized the deal. (Berghdal was later convicted of desertion.)
"What Brazile called an “interesting article” was a mean-spirited personal attack, with lines such as: “McCain had so much sunshine blown up his ass that his colon must have looked like Cabo San Lucas.” It referred to the war hero as a “small boy,” and accused him of handing U.S. foreign policy to corrupt “spooks and crooks.”
"When McCain was alive, and — as it happens — in the right, Brazile said he had a “vacant soul.” Now she is his number-one fan." . . .
. . . "Ms. Brazile’s integrity and credibility was shredded and even the far-left ideologues at CNN HQ were forced to fire her.  In short, she’s a liar, a proven manipulator and an unapologetic fraudYes, this cloud has now transferred over the head of all Fox media voices, pundits and contributors; Sara Carter and Dan Bongino,
 who will be contractually obligated to defend her or lose their paychecks." . . . (Emphasis mine, TD)

My Wednesday letter to Fox News Special Report regarding Donna Brazile's presence on the panel:
I'm appalled at the presence of Donna Brazile on special report today. For years we have appreciated the wise discussions on the panel, even when I did not agree with them. But your decision to add Brazile to the panel lowered the level of discourse and replaced an informed member with a political hack.
I thought Bret might have been somewhat disappointed over the low level of Ms. Brazile's contributions but instead he made her the favored guest.
One has to go back years to the presence of Sally Kohn  to find such a poor quality panel member.
I beg you as our news source of choice to be done with Brazile and those who made the choice for her.
Shame on the decision makers at Fox News.

(He that tooteth not his own horn, his horn don't get tooted. TD)

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Free Felicity Huffman!

Ann Coulter   "Poor Felicity Huffman is being raked over the coals for paying a lousy $15,000 to get her daughter extra time to take the SAT. "
     "Jared Kushner's father paid $2.5 million to get him into Harvard -- and arranged for two of his beneficiary politicians, Sens. Ted Kennedy and Frank Lautenberg, to make calls on his offspring's behalf.
     "'His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it," a former administrator at Jared's private high school told Daniel Golden, author of the 2006 book, The Price of Admission. "There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard."
      "Welcome to the baby boom's remaking of college admissions!
      "For decades, going to college was a matter of social class, not IQ, talent or merit. From 1900 to 1960, only a tiny percentage of Americans even went to college, about 2 to 5 percent until well after World War II.
     "It wasn't until the '60s that admission to college first began to be based on a universal standardized test, the Scholastic Aptitude Test. This fulfilled the dream of Harvard president James Conant, who believed that SAT-based admissions would redeem America's promise of a classless society.
     "Recall that England's law of primogeniture was one of the best things that ever happened to this country. If you are a small island nation and want to keep land from being chopped up every generation, it makes sense to mandate that entire estates be bequeathed to the first-born son. But that left a lot of smart second-, third- and fourth-born sons -- not to mention daughters -- out in the cold.
     "The talented, but screwed, Brits responded by hopping on boats, sailing across the ocean and creating America! In this country, status would be earned, not inherited." . . . 

Walter E. Williams: College Cheating Scandal  . . . "One gross example of administrative dishonesty surfaced at the University of North Carolina. A learning specialist hired to help UNC athletes found that 60 percent of the 183 members of the football and basketball teams read between fourth- and eighth-grade levels. About 10 percent read below a third-grade level. These athletes both graduated from high school and were admitted to UNC. More than likely, UNC is not alone in these practices because sports are the money-making center of many colleges." . . .