Babbin quotes Churchill: A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.
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"Similarly, those who hold certain political views predictably share numerous characteristics. Jed Babbin has a column at The American Spectator, "The Democrats' Fanaticism," in which he lays out the impenetrable Trump-hatred of the Left. Leftists are unable to give up on the Trump-colluded-with-Russia meme they have relied upon to destroy the presidency of Donald Trump. They are obsessed, unable to address any other issue that requires their attention. They cannot accept the Mueller Report's conclusion that there was in fact no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Babbin quotes Churchill: A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject. That perfectly describes the Democratic Party of today. What is interesting is the how much in lockstep are the political views these people have in common.
. . . The same people who hate Trump believe in the hoax of global warming and are letting small children "choose" their sex. A trans child is the latest celebrity accessory. To those on the other side of such nonsense, this is child abuse, especially when children as young as eight are given over to doctors who begin hormone treatments that will likely ruin their lives.
. . . "These are the same folks who think people should be able to use the restroom of the sex with which they "identify." Thus, a teenage boy who feels like a girl must be allowed to shower with the girls after gym class. If that makes those girls uncomfortable, too bad. Their discomfort is politically incorrect. Only the feelings of the trans person matter.
. . . While they weighed in heavily on the murder of fifty Muslims at a mosque in New Zealand, Hillary Clinton and Obama could not bring themselves to call the victims of Islamic terrorists in Sri Lanka what they were: Christians. They were "Easter worshippers." Christianity is under siege all over the world by the fiercely secular left. Christians were virtually wiped out in the Middle East under Obama's watch, and he had little to say about it. He offered them no escape. He brought thousands of Muslims here and left the Christians to fend for themselves." . . .