Thursday, May 2, 2019

Hillary's political power is waning, and her attempts to suggest indictment of Trump show her personal fears.

Victor Davis Hanson

"Hillary Clinton recently editorialized about the second volume of special counsel Robert Mueller’s massive report. She concluded of the report’s assorted testimonies and inside White House gossip concerning President Trump’s words and actions that “any other person engaged in those acts would certainly have been indicted.” 
"Psychologists might call her claims “projection.” That is the well-known psychological malady of attributing bad behavior to others as a means of exonerating one’s own similar, if not often even worse, sins. 
Toon added by TD
"After 22 months of investigation and $34 million spent, the Mueller report concluded that there was no Trump–Russia collusion — the main focus of the investigation — even though that unfounded allegation dominated print and televised media’s speculative headlines for the last two years."
. . . 
"The reason that foreign oligarchs are no longer donating millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, and that Bill Clinton is not being offered $500,000 for speaking appearances in Moscow, is simply that Hillary Clinton is not secretary of state. She is no longer in a public position to hector her colleagues into approving pro-Russian commercial deals, such as the one that gave Russian interests access to North American uranium.
. . . 
"For Clinton now to project that the president should be indicted suggests she is worried about her own potential indictment. And she is rightly concerned that for the first time in 40 years, neither she nor her husband is serving in government or running for some office, and therefore she could be held accountable."

Hillary Makes Unhinged Appearance on MSNBC — Begs China to Help Dems Stop Trump  . . . “ 'Imagine, Rachel, that you had one of the Democratic nominees for 2020 on your show, and that person said the only other adversary of ours who’s anywhere near as good as the Russians is China. So why should Russia have all the fun?” she said. “And since Russia is clearly backing Republicans, why don’t we ask China to back us? And not only that, China, if you’re listening, why don’t you get Trump’s tax returns? I’m sure our media would richly reward you.' ” . . .
Sarcastic humor, just as Trump made when he asked Russia to find Hillary's lost emails.

Ilhan Omar Trashes the US and White People — Says “This Is the Country- Founded on Native American Genocide”

 Infidel Bloggers Alliance  "Democrat Ilhan Omar: This is not going to be the country of the zenophobics. This is not going to be the country of white people. This is the country that is founded on the history of native American genocide. On the backs of black slaves. But also by immigrants." 

Omar's claptrap on Venezuela is not only offensive to Americans, it's an insult to Venezuelans. It's a naked regurgitation of something that might come from the Iran propaganda office, grounded in absolutely no reality, and intended solely to undermine the U.S. with a false narrative. It's a slander and a smear on the U.S. for the horrific crimes of socialism, now exposed for all to see on the television cameras in the past three days.
Can we assume Omar wants either ISIS or, failing that, Communists to make things as she wants them?
So America has contributed no progress or benefits to this world, only evil? Maduro is more decent than we are? Where was Omar taught about this nation? In California? At the mosque? At a public school? TD

Mazie (men just shut up!) Hirono Attacks the President and Slanders AG Barr and Demands he Resign — It Gets So Bad Lindsey Graham Jumps In

Hey, Mazie Hirono! Who Do You Work For?  . . . "Additionally, Mazie, in this country we don't just "believe women," we believe evidence.  As an attorney, you should know that, and if you don't know the basics, then perhaps you are not fit to serve.  Men do not need to "shut up!" as you audaciously advised.  In this country we all have a voice. 
"So, before you sit there and slander our Attorney General and our President, invest in a little humility and learn the process by which we govern.  Civility accorded by you will help heal a divided nation, and if you can't abide by that, then perhaps you need to take your own advice and "just shut up!". "

The Gateway Pundit  "On Wednesday at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General Bill Barr Hirono used her time to attack President Trump as a “grifter and liar” and to slander the Attorney General and demand he resign."
. . . 
"It got so bad that Chairman Lindsey Graham stepped in to cut off the liberal mouthpiece.
"Graham accused Hirono of slander — which was being generous." . . .

Could Hirono be getting advice from Kerosene Maxine?

Lindsey Graham rips into Mazie Hirono during Barr hearing: 'You have slandered this man from top to bottom'

Dylann Roof gets death.

NY Times "An unrepentant Dylann Roof was sentenced to death Tuesday for fatally shooting nine black church members during a Bible study session, becoming the first person ordered executed for a federal hate crime.
Photo added.

" A jury deliberated for about three hours before returning with the decision, capping a trial in which the 22-year-old avowed white supremacist did not fight for his life or show any remorse. He served as his own attorney during sentencing and never asked for forgiveness or mercy or explained the massacre. 
"Hours earlier, Roof threw away one last chance to plead for his life, telling jurors, "I still feel like I had to do it." 
"The slain included the Rev. Clementa Pinckney, the church pastor and a state senator, as well as other pillars of the community: a high school track coach, the church sexton, a librarian and an aspiring poet. They all shared deep devotion to the church, known as Mother Emanuel, and passed that faith along to their families, many of whom offered Roof forgiveness when he appeared in court just days after the attack.
" As Roof spoke Tuesday for about five minutes, every juror looked directly at him. A few nodded as he reminded them that they said during jury selection they could fairly weigh the factors of his case. Only one of them, he noted, had to disagree to spare him from a lethal injection. 
" 'I have the right to ask you to give me a life sentence, but I'm not sure what good it would do anyway," he said" 
"When the verdict was read, he stood stoic. Several family members of victims wiped away quiet tears.
"Roof told FBI agents when they arrested him after the June 17, 2015, slayings that he wanted the shootings to bring back segregation or perhaps start a race war. Instead, the slayings had a unifying effect, as South Carolina removed the Confederate flag from its Statehouse for the first time in more than 50 years. Other states followed suit, taking down Confederate banners and monuments. Roof had posed with the flag in photos." . . .

When it comes to media dishonesty, people are starting to notice

Bookworm Room
I was heartened when my assiduously apolitical sister spontaneously offered that today’s media is so corrupt and dishonest it can’t be taken seriously.
Media bias corruption
NPC Media orange man bad
"I was speaking with my sister, the most non-political person in the world. She hates watching the news or reading the paper because she finds politics depressing and boring. Nevertheless, even if you wall yourself off from the news, in today’s world you can’t help hearing stories.
"So it was that my sister told me yesterday that she really hates the way Trump exaggerates. I asked her what had ticked her off, and she told me it was the way that Trump lied when he said the new abortion bills popping up in Democrat-run states — with abortion legal up until the minute birth — would allow doctors to execute living babies.
"But that’s true, I said, at least according to the Virginia governor.
"Yup, he was on a radio show and was asked about a bill coming up in Virginia to allow third-trimester abortion." . . .
. . . 
"Rather than giving us facts, the media gives us non-stop, unadulterated, complete and unmitigated lies, all run through the Leftist filter of the 21st century Democrat Party. Sometimes, the bias is so strong it’s laughable, in a sad, cynical way. For example, today’s New York Times, when it finally addressed the corruption charges that are going to haunt Biden, framed the story, not as one about a corrupt politician’s use of power to sway American policy to enrich his family, but as . . . Republicans pounce: “Biden Faces Conflict of Interest Questions That Are Being Promoted by Trump and Allies.” (No link; you can find it yourself if you want.)" . . .

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Daily Caller  "Attorney General Bill Barr sparred with Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Wednesday over the AG’s use of the word “spying” to describe the actions the FBI took against the Trump campaign.
"Barr alleged during his testimony to the House Appropriations Committee in April that “spying did occur” against the Trump campaign as the FBI investigated alleged ties to Russia.
"In addition to conducting surveillance on former Trump campaign official Carter Page, the FBI used informant Stefan Halper to make contact with three Trump campaign advisers .

. . . 
“ 'It’s not commonly used by the Department,” Whitehouse retorted."Barr shot back, “It’s commonly used by me,” planting a smirk on his face."

Okay, Let's Talk About Charlottesville

Obama, two days after a black supremacist gunned down five policemen during a BLM protest against the police: "I think it's very hard to untangle the motives of this shooter." Obama, the day after the massacre at Fort Hood with an assailant shouting "Allahu Akbar!" : "I would caution against jumping to conclusions until we have all the facts." 
Ann Coulter

"So Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign talking about Charlottesville.
"This tells us that life is so good for the fabulous people on the coasts -- the only group the Democratic Party really cares about –– that they can afford to devote themselves to crazy fantasies that make them feel morally superior to other people.
"The Democratic Party used to be about protecting workers' wages. Now the pitch is: I will suck up more to The New York Times editorial page.
"I am in no mood to defend Trump, but the media's wholesale lying about Charlottesville is too much for any sane person to take. Everything the media say about it is the very definition of "fake news."
"No human being, dead or alive, has condemned "white supremacists" more than Trump has. I can't begin to quote all the times he has done so, or this column would be the length of a book.
"Within the first hour of the melee, the #Resist geniuses were already blaming Trump for the mere existence of white supremacists and neo-Nazis. It kind of looks like Trump was going to be called a Nazi no matter what he did.
"At 10 a.m. on Aug. 12, 2017, Rosie O'Donnell tweeted a photo of Nazi flags at the rally, with the comment: "THE TRUMP EFFECT #25thAmendmentNow #stopTRUMP"
"Soon thereafter, Rob Reiner tweeted: "Let's be clear. The hatred we're seeing in Virginia lies at the feet of Donald Trump. Stoked during the campaign, his silence condones this."
"Alyssa Milano tweeted at 11:59 a.m.: "Hey, you going to comment on this, @realdonaldtrump? #AltReich" 
"Trump was a Nazi because some of the people who hate him managed to get on Twitter a few hours before he did that day. (He was golfing.)
"Around 1 p.m., Trump began tweeting about Charlottesville, saying, among other things:
" 'We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!"
" 'We must remember this truth: No matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are ALL AMERICANS FIRST."
"The actresses said: NOT GOOD ENOUGH! (Sarah Silverman: "This is on-purpose vague bc ur a wimp that stands 4 nothing ...")
"Trump's statements were a LOT more condemnatory than any Obama statements on either the Dallas cop-killer or the Muslim who murdered 13 people at Fort Hood. 

Pompeo destroys Obama’s ideological legacy in the Middle East

Caroline Glick  . . . "It took Trump a year to finally overcome the opposition of the professional bureaucracy at the State Department and the Defense Department, and overrule the opposition of his then-Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to recognize Israel’s capital, Jerusalem. Trump had to overcome further opposition from his senior advisors and the consensus view of the foreign policy establishment to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

"So too, to walk away from Obama’s signature foreign policy, his 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, Trump had to overcome opposition from Mattis, the foreign policy establishment, the European Union, and the media.
"Trump has faced attempts by Obama alumni and the media to undermine his strategy of undermining Iran through a mix of economic sanctions on Iran and strengthening U.S. allies and alliances in the Sunni Arab world. The media hysteria over the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, an al-Qaeda sympathizer who wrote columns for the Washington Post, was a transparent attempt to undermine Trump’s ability to work with Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman.
"In Syria, Mattis and other senior officials worked to preserve Obama’s policy of limiting U.S. operations and focus to fighting Islamic State forces while ignoring Iranian and Iranian proxy forces operating in Syria.
"On Tuesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo dismantled the ideological foundation of Obama’s Middle East policy, at the very place where Obama first set it out.
"Less than six months after Obama took office, he set out his perception of America’s rightful position in the world generally, and the Middle East, in particular at a speech at American University in Cairo. His speech, “A New Beginning,” was billed as a speech to the “Muslim World.”
"Obama’s address was the most radical, most anti-American speech any U.S. president had ever delivered. In his speech at American University in Cairo, Pompeo rejected all aspects of Obama’s address — and in so doing, set out the intellectual foundations of Trump’s view of America’s position and role as superpower in the Middle East.
"Obama opened his speech in Cairo by vilifying America and the West. He cast the blame for bad relations between the U.S. and the Islamic world on America and its Western allies.
"In his words: . . ."  Read the full article here.

FLASHBACK: Obama at The UN "The Future Must Not Belong to Those Who Slander The Prophet of Islam" Spoken shortly after the Muslims slaughter of the Charlie Hebdo staff in France.

Go Woke, Get Broke; CNN’s Ratings Hit 4 Year Low

Go Woke, Get Broke; CNN’s Ratings Hit 4 Year Low  "Fox News reports that the latest ratings report has been released. CNN closed out April with it’s lowest viewership in nearly 4 years. This, despite having hosted the major Democratic Candidates for town halls. An event that, was eclipsed by Fox’s regular programing by over 1 Million viewers.
"The steep ratings decline along with MSNBC seems to have a correlation with the timing of the Muller Report and the end of the Russia collusion hoax.
"These channels in particular have spent the last several years pushing the Russia hoax narrative particularly hard for the last several years, while Fox News has taken a far more balanced approach from the news desk. (Excluding the Commentary team).
It’s important to note when speaking of CNN that it lists Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo and others who openly voice their opinions under the heading of “News Shows” at this link on their site. Don Lemon also famously said “CNN doesn’t do Opinion”. . .

"Apology not accepted. How many [New York Times] editors looked at a cartoon that would not have looked out of place on a white supremacist website and thought it met the paper’s editorial standards? What does this say about your processes or your decision makers? How are you fixing it?" the organization asked.
. . . "Of course, not all Muslims....are hateful towards dogs. (I personally know many Muslims who treasure their dogs). And not all Muslims are....terrorists. But all the taxi drivers who refuse to take dogs—thereby, knowingly breaking the law, are Muslims. I have never heard of a Hindu, a Sikh, a Christian, a Jew, a Buddhist, or a Zoroastrian driver who refused a service animal or who was so willing to break the law in order to obey some other kind of law, custom, habit, or to engage in such rude prejudice." . . .

Democrats, Media Were Silent When Obama Fired Mattis  "Defense Secretaries come and go. Obama had four of them in 8 years who had some unkind things to say about his leadership or lack of it. There was no talk of chaos or of the only adult in the room leaving. Suddenly the media is in meltdown after “Mad Dog” Mattis announced his departure from the Cabinet after President Trump announced our departure from Syria:

Sharyl Attkisson: 75 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era
The Definitive List

"We the media have “fact-checked” President Trump like we have fact-checked no other human being on the planet—and he’s certainly given us plenty to write about. That’s probably why it’s so easy to find lists enumerating and examining his mistakes, missteps and “lies.” 
"But as self-appointed arbiters of truth, we’ve largely excused our own unprecedented string of fact-challenged reporting. The truth is, formerly well-respected, top news organizations are making repeat, unforced errors in numbers that were unheard of just a couple of years ago."

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

New York set to ban glass skyscrapers in bid to tackle climate change

UK Independent

"The building of glass skyscrapers could be banned in New York as part of a bid to cut greenhouse emissions by 30 per cent.
"Mayor Bill de Blasio said all-glass facade skyscrapers are “incredibly inefficient” because so much energy escapes through the glass.
"The democratic mayor said buildings are the number one cause of greenhouse emissions in New York.
"Mr de Blasio plans to introduce a bill which would ban the building of new glass skyscrapers and require existing glass buildings to be retrofitted to meet new stricter carbon-emissions guidelines.
"The politician, who announced his Green New Deal on Monday, said: “If a company wants to build a big skyscraper they can use a lot of glass if they do all the other things needed to reduce the emissions." . . .

Banning everything here should help things in Shanghai, China.

The Adolescent Progressive Mind

Victor Davis Hanson  "One of the strangest things about the series of psychodramas that surround the ongoing effort to remove President Trump before the 2020 election is progressive schizophrenia. In teenage fashion, one moment a player in the Trump removal intrigue is deemed by the media-progressive nexus a demigod. The next moment, he’s a devil. It depends solely on his perceived sense of utility.

"Robert Mueller, Saint to Sinner "When Robert Mueller was appointed in May 2017 as special counsel to investigate alleged Trump campaign “collusion” with Russia following the firing of FBI Director James Comey, he was practically canonized as a secular saint. The media was giddy over his “all stars” and “dream team” of almost all liberal lawyers who shortly would prove the supposedly obvious: sure winner Hillary Clinton lost only because the vile Trump conspired with Vladimir Putin to sabotage her campaign by leaking John Podesta’s emails.
"As the Mueller investigation lumbered along over the last 22 months, the media periodically announced that their newfound hero had inside information, privileged but unnamed sources, and high-ranking anonymous officials who confirmed “the noose was tightening,” the “walls were closing in,” and “a bombshell” was about to go off. It was as if pre-teenagers had group-talked themselves into seeing witches and goblins.
Others are discussed here by Mr. Hanson:

  • Michael Avenatti, Street Fighter to Felon? . . . Brennan-Clapper, the No-Longer-Dynamic Duo . . .
  • James Comey, Hero, Villain, Hero—Tiresome . . .
. . . "The common denominator in progressive fluidity is not traditional worry about government surveillance of American citizens, unchecked government power, or the use of informants to spy on American citizens, but whether a bureaucrat can prove a temporarily useful idiot in the grand design of removing Donald J. Trump before the 2020 election."

CNN’s Jake Tapper Admits: Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis ‘Very Fine People’ in Charlottesville

The Antifa bullies, flag burners, Democrats, and CNN all have some very fine people among them, I'm sure. TD

Breitbart   "CNN anchor Jake Tapper admitted Friday that President Donald Trump did not refer to neo-Nazis or white supremacists as “very fine people” in his remarks about the Charlottesville, Virginia, riots in 2017.
"The admission came as Tapper and his CNN panel discussed former vice president Joe Biden’s campaign launch video, released Thursday, in which Biden explicitly claimed that Trump had referred to the neo-Nazis as “very fine people.”
"Tapper played a clip of Trump’s remarks — though not the portion in which Trump made it clear to reporters that he was ” not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.”
"Instead, Tapper described that portion of the press conference: “Now, elsewhere in those remarks, Trump did condemn neo-Nazis and white supremacists. So he’s not saying that the neo-Nazis and white supremacists are very fine people.”
Toon added by TD
"Tapper’s admission is a major concession by CNN, which has refused thus far to correct or retract its repeated claims in recent weeks that Trump was, in fact, referring to the neo-Nazis as “very fine people.” The network even aired deceptively edited video of Trump’s remarks to create the impression that he said something that he had not.
"CNN contributor Steve Cortes took his own network to task, noting that CNNs’ own reporting at the time made clear that Trump had been referring to people in Charlottesville to protest the removal of a statue — not neo-Nazis.
"In the Friday broadcast, Tapper went on to question the notion that anyone “protesting alongside” the neo-Nazis could be “very fine people.”
"As the New York Times reported at the time, some protesters who were present in Charlottesville had nothing to do with the neo-Nazis or white supremacists."