Thursday, May 2, 2019

When it comes to media dishonesty, people are starting to notice

Bookworm Room
I was heartened when my assiduously apolitical sister spontaneously offered that today’s media is so corrupt and dishonest it can’t be taken seriously.
Media bias corruption
NPC Media orange man bad
"I was speaking with my sister, the most non-political person in the world. She hates watching the news or reading the paper because she finds politics depressing and boring. Nevertheless, even if you wall yourself off from the news, in today’s world you can’t help hearing stories.
"So it was that my sister told me yesterday that she really hates the way Trump exaggerates. I asked her what had ticked her off, and she told me it was the way that Trump lied when he said the new abortion bills popping up in Democrat-run states — with abortion legal up until the minute birth — would allow doctors to execute living babies.
"But that’s true, I said, at least according to the Virginia governor.
"Yup, he was on a radio show and was asked about a bill coming up in Virginia to allow third-trimester abortion." . . .
. . . 
"Rather than giving us facts, the media gives us non-stop, unadulterated, complete and unmitigated lies, all run through the Leftist filter of the 21st century Democrat Party. Sometimes, the bias is so strong it’s laughable, in a sad, cynical way. For example, today’s New York Times, when it finally addressed the corruption charges that are going to haunt Biden, framed the story, not as one about a corrupt politician’s use of power to sway American policy to enrich his family, but as . . . Republicans pounce: “Biden Faces Conflict of Interest Questions That Are Being Promoted by Trump and Allies.” (No link; you can find it yourself if you want.)" . . .

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