Thursday, May 2, 2019

Ilhan Omar Trashes the US and White People — Says “This Is the Country- Founded on Native American Genocide”

 Infidel Bloggers Alliance  "Democrat Ilhan Omar: This is not going to be the country of the zenophobics. This is not going to be the country of white people. This is the country that is founded on the history of native American genocide. On the backs of black slaves. But also by immigrants." 

Omar's claptrap on Venezuela is not only offensive to Americans, it's an insult to Venezuelans. It's a naked regurgitation of something that might come from the Iran propaganda office, grounded in absolutely no reality, and intended solely to undermine the U.S. with a false narrative. It's a slander and a smear on the U.S. for the horrific crimes of socialism, now exposed for all to see on the television cameras in the past three days.
Can we assume Omar wants either ISIS or, failing that, Communists to make things as she wants them?
So America has contributed no progress or benefits to this world, only evil? Maduro is more decent than we are? Where was Omar taught about this nation? In California? At the mosque? At a public school? TD

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