al" during eight years in the White House, the audience cheered wildly. And why wouldn't it? It's a partisan crowd that overwhelmingly leans left.
"Those of us on quite the other side of the aisle didn't bother falling out of our chairs at such an absurd claim. We know how the game is played: make sure that statements such as this from Democrats are played in front of a partisan audience on a biased show that isn't about to challenge the assertion." . . .
. . . "As a reminder for candidate Biden, let's review a partial list of the dozens of scandals and all the corruption during the Obama administration:" The partial list
. . .
"How is it, then, that Joe Biden can make such a claim without being held accountable? You and I know the answer. It's because shows like The View and the national mainstream media aren't about to hold Biden or any other Democratic candidate accountable. Rather, they want such falsehoods to resonate as believable. (With inserted loud claps of approval to validate them.)" . . .
Yes, there is an applause sign in this studio.