Tuesday, August 27, 2019

For all you Bernie Sanders supporters: life under socialism and life under capitalism shown

Fidel Castro BFF Barack Obama is not available for comment. Somebody please check in with Bernie Sanders. TD
To mark the fall of the Berlin Wall Radio Free Europe photographer Amos Chapple visited the precise locations of 14 striking photos taken when the city was split - in the 1950s, 60s and 70s - and took 2019 versions of those scenes. And the contrasts - or lack thereof - are fascinating.

Berlin - THEN and NOW: Photographer visits the locations of 14 Cold War images and takes snaps to reveal how the German capital has been transformed

"Berlin today is one of the world's hippest, most affluent cities - a cultural powerhouse and a mecca for party animals.
"But just over 30 years ago it was a city torn in two, divided by a wall measuring 91 miles. On one side was capitalist West Berlin, on the other communist East Berlin. Anyone who tried to get over it was shot." . . .
. . . 
" 'The photo of the church taken from the television tower is, I think, the most interesting. To see how much the city has been built up since its devastation by war is amazing.
" 'It gives you a sense of how the city's elderly people must feel, looking at all these new buildings that the rest of us just pass by. They remember the rubble that once stood in its place, maybe sometimes the people they knew who were killed inside it.'
"Looking at his completed project, Amos says it was 'deeply educational'.
"He added: 'Looking at those old photos just reinforces my sense that government should never be allowed too much power. Whether the politics are right, left, fascist, communist or centrist - it doesn't matter. Any government is made up of people - they're just people. Even if they have good intentions, people make dumb mistakes and errors of judgement. I do, you do, we all do.
" 'So when I look at that line of scruffy communist militants standing there thinking they will make the world better by stopping people's freedom of movement, when I watch the Stasi videos of agents creeping through people's apartments, looking for evidence they were thinking the wrong way… I think it's terrifying, and it's a lesson.'
"The separation of Berlin began in 1945 when Germany was split into East and West Germany." . . .

Trump alone stands between us and these people

History has taught us how in his contempt for northern troops, Robert E. Lee referred to the Yankees simply as "those people".

Nancy Pelosi Just Delivered A Kill Shot To House Democrats’ Impeachment Hopes…For Now

. . . "So, a majority of House Democrats backs impeaching Trump. What say you, Speaker Nancy Pelosi? She isn’t budging. She knows this move will animate the GOP base. This is the declaration of nuclear political war, and she knows her side could very well lose. In fact, she knows it will; the Republicans control the Senate and they’re not going to go along with this nonsense. The Trump-Russia collusion myth has been thoroughly dissected as trash. There is no appetite to impeach among voters. As our friends at Twitchy noted, even pollsters are signaling that support for impeaching Trump has dropped." . . .

Rich Terrell

Hillary is Lurking  "Hillary Clinton, the Ma Barker of American politics, is still out hustling, still staying one step ahead of the law as she tries to weasel her way into the presidential sweepstakes. She says she isn’t running in 2020, but, as we know too well, truth is a fungible commodity to a Clinton.
"The signs don’t look good. She just announced a fundraiser for the DNC at her Washington D.C. mansion with tickets as high as $50,000 (scraps for the homeless in the dumpster out back)." . . .

Monday, August 26, 2019

"Let's Get Rid of Mount Rushmore", says our own Taliban in this country

Here's the old "white men" meme again. More racism from the left. "Now the Liberals are calling for the destruction of Mt. Rushmore."

Vice.com Home of the American Taliban

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right“. George Orwell 1984"

‘Antifa’ professor resigns after losing class

The College Fix
Had previously suggested a desire to assault President Trump, murder Christians

"A professor who publicly expressed an identification with the controversial “antifa” movement, who appeared to threaten the president, and who intimated that he would like to murder evangelical Christians, has resigned after his school removed him from teaching a course this coming semester.

"Jeff Klinzman, an adjunct English professor at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, has generated headlines in the recent past by implying that he would like to “clock [President Donald Trump] with a bat.” He also announced that he considered himself part of “antifa,” the often-violent far-left protest movement known for assaulting journalists and taking part in street brawls.

"Perhaps most notably, as local news station KCRG reports, Klinzman had previously written a Facebook posted slamming “evangelical Christians,” in which he recited part of a poem that read: “Kill them all, and bury them deep in the ground.”

"Lori Sundberg, the president of Kirkwood, announced on Friday that Klinzman had tendered his resignation, which the school accepted, the Cedar Rapids Gazette reports." . . .

Villanova professor to give lecture justifying Antifa violence  "There’s room for one more scholar justifying the political violence of antifascists against whomever they brand a white supremacist, right?"

Trump-bashing, race-baiting, and fear-mongering. Or as they call it at the network, Tuesday.

A Week in the Life of ABC ‘News’

American Greatness  "ABC Nightly News,” televised daily across the nation at 5:30 p.m., offers what is perhaps the lowest common denominator of the mainstream media’s liberal, anti-Trump bias. But even if you compare what ABC has to say to what actually constitutes balanced reporting, as well as to what qualifies as newsworthy reporting, ABC falls short.

"By these standards—by what used to be the basic editorial criteria for good journalism—ABC “news” is a dangerous fraud. They spew propaganda, calibrated at an almost infantile level, calculated to reinforce carefully nurtured biases within their television audience.
"ABC News is anchored by the dashing metrosexual, David Muir, an actor of extraordinary skill. Muir, along with a laudably diverse collection of equally telegenic thespians masquerading as “journalists,” manages to exude convincing gravitas despite delivering, night after night, an embarrassing infotainment sham, mixing in equal parts pablum and agenda-driven propaganda. Forget about the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Television Political Journalism, or the Edward R. Murrow Award. Give David Muir an Oscar.
"ABC’s nightly “news” is easily dissected. Their 30-minute formula, which all three legacy networks follow, consists of a prolonged opening segment, about 15 minutes in length, in which the  top national and international stories are presented (or so they tell us). An examination of what they reported on last week, during the five days from August 5 through August 9, provides ample evidence of just how far removed they are from genuine journalism." . . .

Barna: The Cradle of Christianity in the US Is Now Its Most Post-Christian Region


"The United States' northeast region was once home to the Puritans and other devout Christians who came to the New World so they could practice Christianity in freedom. "Today, it is the most "post-Christian" region in America, according to new research by the Barna Group.
"The latest Barna study reveals that northeast cities rank in the top eight out of 10 most post-Christian cities in America. 
"The top 10 include:
  • Springfield-Holyoke, MA
  • Portland-Auburn, ME 
  • Providence, RI
  • New Bedford, MA 
  • Burlington, VT 
  • Boston, MA
  • Manchester, NH 
  • Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY 
  • Hartford-New Haven, CT 
  • Rochester, NY 
  • Santa Barbara-Santa Maria-San Luis Obispo, CA 
  • Seattle-Tacoma, WA
"In the study, Barna defines "post Christian" according to 16 characteristics, including whether individuals identify as atheist, have never made a commitment to Jesus, have not attended church in the last year or have not read the Bible in the last week. " . . .

Joe Biden's mind

Might all this explain Biden's strange behavior during his 2012 debate with Romney running mate Paul Ryan?
The Veep's strategy: Show contempt for your opponent.
Legitimate concerns about Joe Biden’s state of mind  . . . "Whether Biden’s state of mind is due to his aneurysms, his age, or his core personality, these are legitimate concerns for a future president of the United States. How much worse will this get next summer if he is the Democrat nominee, trying to keep up with the Energizer Trumpster? Will the media take any of this seriously, or simply dismiss everything as “Joe being Joe”?
"The same psychiatrists describing Trump’s “Psychotic-like state” have nothing to say about Biden‘s state of mind. Perhaps Democrat primary voters will force the issue by nominating Biden as their 2020 candidate. Then his mental state will be on full display for months before the election and we will all see if this is just “Old Joe” or something far more concerning."
Tony Branco
Joe Biden Is 'Not Going Nuts,' According to Joe Biden . . . "Which raises that age-old question, older than even Joe Biden: If a guy is crazy, does he know he's crazy?" . . .

Democrat Dilemma — Base Disconnected From Front-Runner Biden

. . . "MSNBC's Joe Scarborough is clinging to yet another fantasy: that Biden is conveying a positive, uplifting, "almost Reaganesque" message. Sorry, Joe, but Trump's record is the most conservative of any other president's since Reagan, and he is as optimistic and bullish on America's future as any political leader in decades." . . .

Team Biden to Dems: Sorry, You're Stuck with Joe  "Who is the least unappealing Democrat running for president in 2020? If you said anybody but Joe Biden, too bad. A lot of people hate Donald Trump so much that they'll vote for literally anybody else on Earth, and they're going to get their wish. They're stuck with a 76-year-old man who can't open his mouth without putting his foot in it."

CNN: Remember when they called it "the most trusted name in news"?

Anchor Brian Stelter was called out on Twitter for not pushing back on Dr. Frances’ outrageous comments. Stelter gave a lame excuse that they were having “technical difficulties” on the show so he didn’t hear the comments. We’re not buying it!
"Stelter’s comment is below and then a great tweet following points out that Dr. Frances is a Trump hater:
Stelter tweeted: I agree that I should have interrupted after that line. I wish I had heard him say it, but I was distracted by tech difficulties (that’s why the show open didn’t look the way it normally does, I had two computers at the table, etc). Not hearing the comment is my fault.
.@BrianStelter is shocked — shocked! — that @AllenFrancesMD (a guy who spends much of his time on Twitter comparing Trump to Hitler) would come on his show and spend much of the segment comparing Trump to Hitler! 
More here: CNN’s “Reliable Sources,”

Crazy News Network bores us with worse than Hitler tripe

. . . "But this foolishness is all CNN has left to offer.
"Its credibility and share of cable news audiences are at a historic low because of the incompetence of Jeff Zucker -- CNN's chief -- to produce actual news that is interesting and accurate.
"CNN has become the Shock Jock Radio of politics.
"Unable to earn audiences, CNN and others keep ratcheting up the rhetoric.
"But after Hitler, there is no worse thing to call a president.
"And it is boring.
"Which is the worst thing a TV channel can do.
"CNN is a sad and pathetic outlet for people obsessed with President Trump. And it is running a distant second to that other pathetic outlet for people obsessed with President Trump, MSNBC." . . .

Parkland School shooting survivor: CNN told me to stick to script (Video)
"Parkland, Fla. student Colton Haab says he pulled out of a CNN town hall on gun control because producers re-worded and wrote out his question for him."

 Trump supporters are quoting journalists’ embarrassing social media statements, and the NY Times is furious  . . . "The NY Times is so furious, and so is CNN:
"A. G. Sulzberger, the publisher of The Times, said in a statement that such tactics were taking the president’s campaign against a free press to a new level.
“They are seeking to harass and embarrass anyone affiliated with the leading news organizations that are asking tough questions and bringing uncomfortable truths to light,” Mr. Sulzberger said. “The goal of this campaign is clearly to intimidate journalists from doing their job, which includes serving as a check on power and exposing wrongdoing when it occurs. The Times will not be intimidated or silenced.”
In a statement, a CNN spokesman said that when government officials, “and those working on their behalf, threaten and retaliate against reporters as a means of suppression, it’s a clear abandonment of democracy for something very dangerous.”
"This is all so absurd. Why should the media be above scrutiny when others — politicians, cultural figures, and particularly anyone right-of-center — are subject to such scrutiny." . . . 
"CNN analysts agreed with each other . . . "


"These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation.  They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

Analysis / Bias
CNN has a left bias in story selection that often favors the left while being critical of the right. For example, during the 2016 Presidential Election Pew Research concluded that the majority of CNN stories covering President Donald Trump were negative. While less dramatic, Pew also determined that more stories were negative toward Presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012.
CNN typically utilizes loaded emotional words in sensational headlines such as this: Trump pounces on Justice Department report findings. They usually source their news properly through credible reporters/journalists and through hyperlinking to credible media sources. However, CNN has failed numerous fact checks from Politifact. It should be noted that these fact checks were almost exclusively from guests on their numerous talk shows and not from the reporting of actual news, which tends to be factual. TV hosts have also failed fact checks by IFCN fact checkers. Further, CNN has retracted published stories that have been deemed as lacking evidence. Finally, CNN has published misleading information regarding GMO’s that utilize loaded fear based headlines such as this: FDA allows genetically engineered ‘Frankenfish’ salmon to be imported to US. CNN has also utilized known purveyors of pseudoscience as experts on discussion panels such as the Food Babe.
Overall, we rate CNN left biased based on story selection that often favors the left. We rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to misinformation and failed fact checks from guests and pundits. However, CNN’s straight news reporting would earn a High rating for factual reporting. (5/16/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 5/24/2019)  . . .
  • Overall, we rate CNN left biased based on story selection that often favors the left. We rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to misinformation and failed fact checks from guests and pundits. However, CNN’s straight news reporting would earn a High rating for factual reporting.

Just because Trump said it doesn’t mean it’s not true: The Democratic Party is becoming unsalvageable. Just ask our ally, Israel

The lesson for conservatives in all this, after 6 decades of this, is simply never to accommodate the left. Never apologize. Never give way an inch. We've tried all that, repeatedly, and it only leads to worse vitriol and attacks. Trump is doing it right. Never ever give way or apologize or surrender. Stay on offense. Assist them in destroying themselves. Ryan Moore
Rich Terrell

Ignore It at Your Peril  . . . "It is in the spirit of Carly’s call for dialogue that does not shy away from unpleasant assertions that I would like to offer two observations about the political future of American Jews.
"The first has to do with the unthinkable descent of the Democratic Party into being not just blind to anti-Jewish bigotry, but an engine of it. We can argue about when and exactly how this happened—I’ll leave the ultimate timelines to historians—but to keep things simple let’s connect only the most recent dots.
"Shortly after Trump was elected, the left moved into resistance mode. The feelings here were entirely understandable—I myself found Trump’s election deeply worrisome. But, very quickly, the energy began to be channeled into causes and outfits with deep and clear anti-Semitic associations—including, most prominently, the Women’s March." . . .

Democrat Rashida Tlaib *forgot* to mention Palestinian Suicide Bombers in teary statement about checkpoints  "The security barrier and checkpoints were a response to relentless Palestinian terror attacks."
The barrier was built to keep suicide bombers out, and it worked, much to the chagrin of the Palestinians. In 2002 452 Israelis were killed; that number dropped by half in 2003, and now almost no suicide bombers get through, although they still try. Ironically, the barrier also saved Palestinian lives by lessening the need for Israeli military actions in the West Bank to prevent suicide bombers. 
Tony Branco

. . . "What has happened to the Democratic Party? It seems everything it disagrees with, it claims is racist or a symbol of hate. First Democrats claimed the Make America Great Again hat was a symbol of hate and now some Democrats are saying the American flag is a symbol of hate." . . .

. . . "It was late in the day when a very wobbly, eight-foot-tall figure in a trench coat approached Tel Aviv's airport security checkpoint, the person’s face obscured behind sunglasses. “Hello. Am I a very tall Jew and I would like to come into Israel. Oy vey,” said the person in a deep voice that sounded a bit off." . . .

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Climate Alarmists Foiled: No U.S. Warming Since 2005. UPDATED

RealClearEnergy  "When American climate alarmists claim to have witnessed the effects of global warming, they must be referring to a time beyond 14 years ago. That is because there has been no warming in the United States since at least 2005, according to updated data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
"In January 2005, NOAA began recording temperatures at its newly built U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN). USCRN includes 114 pristinely maintained temperature stations spaced relatively uniformly across the lower 48 states. NOAA selected locations that were far away from urban and land-development impacts that might artificially taint temperature readings.
"Prior to the USCRN going online, alarmists and skeptics sparred over the accuracy of reported temperature data. With most preexisting temperature stations located in or near urban settings that are subject to false temperature signals and create their own microclimates that change over time, government officials performed many often-controversial adjustments to the raw temperature data. Skeptics of an asserted climate crisis pointed out that most of the reported warming in the United States was non-existent in the raw temperature data, but was added to the record by government officials. 
"The USCRN has eliminated the need to rely on, and adjust the data from, outdated temperature stations. Strikingly, as shown in the graph below, USCRN temperature stations show no warming since 2005 when the network went online. If anything, U.S. temperatures are now slightly cooler than they were 14 years ago.". . . 

UPDATE: Democrats dump climate change debate, recognizing how badly it will bomb with voters  "If you want to win an election, yelling about global warming and blaming air conditioners, cars, plastic straws, and jets -- while jetting in to do it -- is probably not the best way to sell it to voters." . . .

Michael Mann, creator of the infamous global warming ‘hockey stick,’ loses lawsuit against climate skeptic, ordered to pay defendant’s costs
Language warning: contains the word "moonbat". TD

‘Enjoy your rules’: Trump allies are reportedly archiving embarrassing journo tweets and the NYT is having a MELTDOWN over it

Twitchy  Via Weasel Zippers
"In response to that NYT article we told you about earlier on Trump allies archiving embarrassing journo tweets, MSNBC referred to the Jewish man referred to in the article, Arthur Schwartz, as practicing “digital brownshirtism”:
Notorious anti-Semite Joy Ann Reid smears a Jewish man as being a Nazi: https://twitter.com/JoyAnnReid/status/1165711637132861440 
"Here’s the now-deleted tweet:
. . .
 "We seem to recall these same orgs rushing to ruin a teen’s life because he smirked:

Outlets like the @NYtimes and @CNN doxed kids and tried to destroy conservatives’ lives by pushing false allegations, but don’t you dare mock one of their past tweets.

Bias has killed the ‘Gray Lady’ — and Dean Baquet fired the fatal shot 
. . . "In this case, it is also impossible not to be disheartened and furious. The transcript shows that the rot of bias at the Times is far beyond the pale and there is no hope of recovery. Yet not a single person there declared the obvious — that the paper is ­betraying its principles.
"Rigor in reporting and restraint in judgment once made the Gray Lady noble. Now she is dead, her homicide an inside job." . . .