White supremacy? Sounds like a plan. Let's go with it. No made-up accusation is over the line. No plan to eviscerate the Constitution is a bridge too far. The left loathes the limits our Constitution places on our government. Thank God for the genius of our Founders. Without them, we would not have prevailed to this day. As for the loathsome Beto's vow to "take our guns," he has no idea the power of the sleeping giant he has awakened. Americans who revere the Constitution are filled with a terrible resolve. Patricia McCarthy
The Democrat debate was terrifying. Who are these people? . . . " In short, they well and truly intend to transform the country beyond what Obama did on his watch and not in a good way. They mean to punish all of us who support Trump because, like Hillary, we are to them deplorable for loving our country. They are not alone. The DNC debate audience in Houston were mind-numbed clapping seals. The more punitively race-conscious and socialist the candidates' promises, the more they applauded.
Blame academia for the insanity at Thursday's Dem debate . . . "But I soon realized that I was the anachronism in that environment. Every professor was some form of Marxist thinker. They couched it in various terms such as post-colonialism, feminism, deconstructionism, queer theory, or some other "ism," but they all believed that the U.S. is hopelessly corrupted by white patriarchy and that the institutions needed to be overthrown, replaced by some form of socialist power structure. The literature we studied was just a backdrop for these professors to project their various theories on their students.
Democrats Represent All Countries But America, Mr. Kirk . . . "Before the Stars and Stripes were Democrat- disappeared, millionaire football players [and soccer stars] were “taking a knee’ during the singing or playing of America’s glorious National Anthem, that has now metastasized like a cancer.The Democrat debate was terrifying. Who are these people? . . . " In short, they well and truly intend to transform the country beyond what Obama did on his watch and not in a good way. They mean to punish all of us who support Trump because, like Hillary, we are to them deplorable for loving our country. They are not alone. The DNC debate audience in Houston were mind-numbed clapping seals. The more punitively race-conscious and socialist the candidates' promises, the more they applauded.
"The fact that there have been no American flags on the stage at any of the Democrat debates says it all. One thing is certain: This election season is going to be a bumpy ride. Like the colonists of 1776, we are looking at the choice between freedom and tyranny. All Americans need to be cognizant of the deadly seriousness of their vote in 2020. Trump's style and his tweets may offend some but his dedication to the preservation of America is boundless. He has pledged his life and fortune to the cause. Gratitude is in order."
Blame academia for the insanity at Thursday's Dem debate . . . "But I soon realized that I was the anachronism in that environment. Every professor was some form of Marxist thinker. They couched it in various terms such as post-colonialism, feminism, deconstructionism, queer theory, or some other "ism," but they all believed that the U.S. is hopelessly corrupted by white patriarchy and that the institutions needed to be overthrown, replaced by some form of socialist power structure. The literature we studied was just a backdrop for these professors to project their various theories on their students.
"They were extremely effective at it. Propaganda works, especially when couched in academic terms that appeal to the students' intellectual vanity. Out of all my classes, only one other student offered even a peep of protest, an Army officer who was equally bemused by what he was hearing." . . .
This is why every Democrat on a debate stage sounds like he or she despises America. These candidates, many of them shifting left with the political winds, are chasing increasingly propagandized voters who are a product of colleges and universities. They are radicals chasing a growing number of radicalized votes.
"The Swan Song for the ideals that We the People cherish and revere most didn’t start with the National Anthem or flag. It started when God Almighty was removed from the Public Square.
"We should have known when the Democrats openly shunned the Creator at their 2012 DNC convention, removing “God” from their party platform that the Democrats were leading the masses down a dark and God-less path.
“ 'The word “God” is nowhere to be found in the Democratic national platform this year, an omission Republicans have seized upon as a failure of their opponents to appreciate the divine’s place in American history..” (Washington Post, Sept, 5, 2012)
"What’s followed since is proof of where we now are. Democrats have forced abortion on demand to late-term and live-birth abortion.
"The Almighty’s billions of years old Creation has come under the control of global warming/climate change alarmists, who ignore God’s Hand in the Universe." . . .
Hat tip to Canada Free Press: "Look away from the Democrats and pray fervently to God Almighty that they never transform America into a socialist state in 2020 or any time thereafter"
Perhaps O'Rourke knowing he has no chance wants to open this Pandora's Box for future campaigns. Then Democrats can hope for more mass shootings. You do not think in their private meetings that Democrats would not smile over that, do you? This party celebrated what they call the destruction of Justice Kavanaugh and the right to murder newborn infants; is this not all of a piece with leftist character? TD
Supercuts: Dems Swearing They Don’t Want To Take Your Guns Away, Then Beto Promising To Take Them To Dem Cheers…
Beto O’Rourke: “Yes,” I Want To Tear Down Existing Border Walls