Monday, October 14, 2019

Environmentalists have a new target: Charmin toilet paper

CBS News  "Consumer goods giant Procter & Gamble faces pressure from environmentalists to clean up its act. 
"More than 150 groups are pushing the maker of Charmin toiler paper and Bounty paper towels to use recycled materials in its products. Currently, neither of those products uses recycled paper, and about one-third of it is sourced from Canada's boreal forest — a large swath of virgin forest that rings the Arctic Circle and acts as a critical check on climate change.
" 'It's just unacceptable that a company like P&G is making toilet paper, a product that is used for seconds and flushed, from virgin pulp," said Shelley Vinyard, boreal corporate campaign manager for the Natural Resources Defense Council and one of several dozen protesters at P&G's annual shareholders meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, on Tuesday." . . .

Use recycled toilet paper? Wake up in the night thinking of that!

UPDATED: How can anybody take these candidates and their network, CNN, seriously ever?

Cringeworthy moments from CNN Via Liberal Privilege

Is our educational system capable of creating voters for these Democrats? I fear so! Be afraid of these people; be VERY afraid.  TD

Maybe you do not like the often-abrasive President Trump, but he is all that "stands between America and Tyranny"  
. . . "Anything that damages Trump will help an American-hating socialist who promised to run her choice for secretary of education through a child-abused 9-year-old girl dressed in a suit.  That was a mildly instructive moment in the insane CNN LGBT town hall in that you had a false Cherokee pandering to a false boy in the modern leftist version of Peter Pan.  Truth is always one of the first casualties of leftism. 
"The entire town hall was one giant promise to relentlessly persecute Christians while shredding religious freedom in America. " . . .

Related: No more ‘Ladies and gentlemen’ for Air Canada inflight announcements
. . . "There is nothing new about leftists inflicting bizarre theories on the rest of society, but what is remarkable is the speed with which the major institutions of advanced capitalist societies have capitulated to the demand that biology be superseded by political and social fashion." . . .

CNN’s Anti-Religious Town Hall; "Billed an "equality" town hall, the CNN event was anything but."
. . . "Pete Buttigieg took this same tack, insisting that “the right to religious freedom ends where religion is being used as an excuse to harm other people.” Which of course depends entirely on what Buttigieg means by “harm.” There is certainly “harm,” for instance, in mutilating the genitals of a young girl — a more ecumenical venture than progressives care to admit — but does a baker’s refusal to bake a cake that violates his religious convictions “harm other people”? What if a church refuses to host a ceremony that offends its moral precepts? Does “religious freedom end” when someone refuses to grant moral approbation to someone else’s choices and behavior?" . . .

The Democrats’ Disastrous CNN LGBT Town Hall  . . . If the Democratic party were calling the shots, candidates would have been focusing on Trump and Syria and Ukraine, but the Human Rights Campaign, the most powerful LGBT special-interest group in the country, had partnered with CNN for the event, and the previously scheduled show had to go on." . . .

The always-biting Babylon Bee reports: "Being Outraged By Stupid Nonsense Replaces Baseball As National Pastime"   . . . "Baseball is unsure of how to compete with constant outrage for people’s free time. They’ve reportedly tasked top academics to come up with an argument that the designated hitter rule is racist to get people yelling about it again."   

Sunday, October 13, 2019

" ‘Paralyzed with hatred of President’: Sara Carter shares speech Nancy Pelosi wishes she NEVER gave on impeachment and WOW"

Twitchy  "Sara Carter shared the speech Nancy Pelosi gave about the Republicans impeaching President Clinton and it’s very, very telling.
"And as Carter says, it’s likely Nancy wishes she never gave this speech.

"Transcript of Speech of Rep. Nancy Pelosi on December 18, 1998 during the impeachment proceedings for then President Bill Clinton:
"Today the republican majority is not judging the President Clinton with fairness, but impeaching him with the vengeance.
"In the investigation of the President, fundamental principles which Americans hold dear, privacy, fairness, checks and balances have been seriously violated.
"And why?
"As we are here today, because the republicans in the House [of Representatives] are paralyzed with hatred of President Clinton. And until the republicans free themselves of this hatred our country will suffer.
"I rise to oppose these unfair motions, which call for removal of the President of the United States from office, and in doing so wish to point out some differences between the investigation of the president and the investigation of Newt Gingrich.
"The first principal of the investigation of Newt Gingrich was, that at the moment we found exculpatory information it will be reported immediately to the accused and be made public.
"The independent counsel knew that the President was exonerated Travel Gate, White Water and File Gate and he held that information until the hearing, indeed after the election.
"This was not fair, indeed it is the responsibility of any prosecutor to immediately release information that is exculpatory."
 "Huh, this sounds sorta relevant to the impeachment of today, doncha think?"  Sara Carter CNN! Let's hope Project Veritas has what it promises about them.

In a country governed by public opinion, and where public opinion is largely governed by the press, isn’t it critical to understand what governs the press?  And this is why Project Veritas will be exposing CNN this week. James O'Keefe
On the Eve of the CNN Insider blowing the whistle on his own network…  . . . "This week, a CNN insider will blow the whistle and through Project Veritas will release dozens of recordings made of officials at the highest levels of CNN, revealing a political agenda, bias and misconduct hidden from public view.
"This series of tapes — which we think will be the biggest story of the year for Project Veritas — blends two extraordinary series of events; a brave insider secretly recording at work and a hard-hitting piece of hidden camera muckraking into one of the supposed “most trusted names in news.”
"A major aspect of this story is the heroic actions of an insider." . . .

Project Veritas announces major undercover exposé of CNN next week . . . "At the end of his speech to the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.on Oct. 12, James O’Keefe, Project Veritas’s founder, announced what “may be the biggest story Project Veritas has ever broke.” An insider at CNN has come forward, O’Keefe said, having covertly recorded videos for months that promise to reveal what CNN has really been doing to – essentially – spin and fake the news. The revelations are scheduled to see the light of day next week."

As an aside, the CNN Equality townhall came in dead last.

Hillary Clinton's 1969 Thesis on Saul Alinsky

TD has endeavored to group the disjointed sentences into what seems like the proper order. Refer to the text as displayed in the document itself should it give you proper clarification. Adam Schiff was not available to help with proofreading. TD

Economic Policy Journal   “ 'THERE IS ONLY THE FIGHT…”
"An Analysis of the Alinsky Model"
"A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree under the Special Honors Program, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts.
"Hillary D. Rodham
"Political Science
"2 May, 1969
"So here I am, in the middle way, having had twenty years—Twenty years largely wasted, the years of l’entre deux guerres  Trying to learn to use words, and every attempt Is a wholly new start, and a different kind of failure
"Because one has only learnt to get the better of words For the thing one no longer has to say, or the way in which one is no longer disposed to say it. And so each venture Is a new beginning, a raid on the inarticulate with shabby equipment always deteriorating In the general mass of imprecision of feeling, undisciplined squads of emotion. And what there is to conquer By strength and submission, has already been discovered Once or twice, or several times, by men whom one cannot hope To emulate–but there is no competition–There is only the fight to recover what has been lost And found and lost again and again: and now, under conditions That seem unpropitious. But perhaps neither gain nor loss For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business.  T.S. Eliot, “East Coker' ”
Acknowledgements………………………………… i
CASE STUDIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
V. REALIZING LIFE AFTER BIRTH . . . . . . . . 68
Appendices……………………………………… 76
Bibliography……………………………………. 84

"Political pornography"?  Anyway, in her acknowledgements, Clinton wrote this:
Although I have no “loving wife” to thank for keeping the children away while I wrote, I do have many friends and teachers who have contributed to the process of thesis-writing. And I thank them for their tireless help and encouragement. In regard to the paper itself, there are three people who deserve special appreciation: Mr. Alinsky for providing a topic, sharing his time and offering me a job; Miss Alona E. Evans for her thoughtful questioning and careful editing that clarified fuzzy thinking and tortured prose; and Jan Krigbaum for her spirited intellectual companionship and typewriter rescue work.

Hat tip to Pete Johnson

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Biggest Story Project Veritas Has Ever Broke!” – James O’Keefe Drops a BOMB! Announces Project Veritas Has Undercover Video from INSIDE CNN

The Gateway Pundit

James O’Keefe III, the ‘guerrilla journalist’ and founder of Project Veritas, spoke today at the Family Research Council conference in Washington DC.

"As he ended his speech James O’Keefe fired off a warning shot to CNN.
"Project Veritas has undercover video from INSIDE CNN.
And Project Veritas has undercover video of CNN ‘talent’ Brian Stelter!
"James told the crowd Project Veritas will release the video this week.
It might be time to recall the worst things you’ve said to CNN staff in the hallways, @brianstelter. Project Veritas has a reliable source who wore a hidden 🎥   James O'Keefe
 On the Eve of the CNN Insider blowing the whistle on his own network…
. . . This week, a CNN insider will blow the whistle and through Project Veritas will release dozens of recordings made of officials at the highest levels of CNN, revealing a political agenda, bias and misconduct hidden from public view.
"This series of tapes — which we think will be the biggest story of the year for Project Veritas — blends two extraordinary series of events; a brave insider secretly recording at work. This is a hard-hitting piece of hidden camera muckraking into one of the supposed “most trusted names in news.”
"A major aspect of this story is the heroic actions of an insider." . . .

. . . "And so it was destiny that the CNN wayfarer met me in the Spring by a happenstance, inspired by the actions of the others who came before him, I received a simple answer as to why: “I started at CNN with a dream to work in media, but my dream had become a nightmare,” With that, a hidden camera began to record…well…everything.
"In our current media landscape, people are famous figures for notoriety. Celebrity is a big name. Hero is a big man. So there is a new breed of heroes – the sort that Daniel Boorstin spoke about in his book The Image: “In our world of big names, our true heroes tend to be anonymous. In this life of illusion and quasi-illusion, the person of solid virtues who can be admired for something more substantial than his well-knowness often proves to be the unsung hero: the teacher, the nurse, the mother, the honest cop, the hard worker at lonely, underpaid, unglamorous, unpublicized jobs.  
" 'These anonymous heroes become part of the Veritas army.' ” . . .

Xi The Pooh slam dunks the NBA

Grrr Graphics

"Communist China is run by a tyrannical oligarchy that’s headed by the thin-skinned President Xi. He banned ‘Winnie the Pooh’ from China after dissidents said he resembled the cartoon bear. As a result, the meme bear is now routinely applied to him.
"China has a penchant for basketball and the NBA plays exhibition games there. The players aren’t allowed to have free speech when it comes to topics such as Hong Kong. The Chicoms are authoritarian control freaks. They want their social credit score system in America as well and Silicon Valley seems happy to oblige.
"The NBA coaches could have set an example for freedom, but 1.4 billion fans in China are hard to ignore. It’s a big market there. The left is all too eager to lambast Trump, but the left in the NBA will not criticize Xi and his brutality. It boils down to money. For the left, money always trumps freedom. President Trump criticized Warrior’s coach Steve Kerr for pandering to China. Or maybe it was panda-er-ing.

"The NBA also caves into China to protect Nike. They make billions of dollars in sales to the Chinese and they also pump a lot of money into the NBA through advertising. Americans must loudly criticize that organization for caving to tyrants. The Chinese are using companies and economic threats to control American culture. Rather than pandering, we must push back against the control freaks in China.

"Kudos to South Park for having the courage to push back at China while the rest of corporate America caves to China’s every demand."  —Ben Garrison

Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Chick-fil-A Bill into Law to ‘Protect Religious Liberty’

Sarah Watching  . . . prohibiting local governments from retaliating against an individual or business for their membership in, or support for, faith-based organizations.

. . . "The legislation was introduced after the San Antonio City Council voted to block the restaurant from participating as a vendor at the San Antonio International Airport because of its Christian beliefs.
“ 'Discrimination is not tolerated in Texas,” said the Republican governor, as he signed the bill amid Chick-fil-A cups. “No business should be discriminated against simply because its owners gave to a church or the Salvation Army or to any other religious organization. No business should lose a government contract because of their religious beliefs.”
"Abbott said the law is a “victory for religious freedom in Texas.”
"The Texas House passed Senate Bill 1978 on May 20 in a 79–62 vote, CBS DFW reported.
"In March, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced his investigation into whether the San Antonio City Council violated the First Amendment when it banned Chick-fil-A from the airport’s concessions." . . .

DNC Passes Resolution that Condemns Religious Freedom or as they call it, "hate speech".
In her latest music video, Taylor Swift advocates for LGBT people while mocking the ignorance and hatred of the anti-LGBT movement. The video is a playful tune with a not so subtle message to anti-gay bigots: “You Need To Calm Down.” As a Christian, I don’t know of any anti-LGBT movement. Christians do believe that drunkenness, idolatry, murder, theft, adultery, human sacrifice, licentiousness, homosexuality, etc. are all spiritual sins. However, that doesn’t equate to a movement, it’s a set of ideals and beliefs. Christians must wrestle with their own sins daily and are admonished not to pick the speck out of their brother’s eye while ignoring the log in their own eye. And many of them did, praying for the survivors of the Pulse Nightclub massacre, inviting them to churches in Orlando to be prayed over and celebrating that their lives were saved in the tragedy while mourning those who were so senselessly gunned down. And unlike the left, they publicly called out the real enemy, which is radical Islam.

Ocasio-Cortez Says Dreams of Motherhood ‘Taste Bittersweet’ Due to Climate Change

We knew she'd find some way to be a victim.

Breitbart  . . . "The freshman lawmaker delivered a speech at the summit this week and emotionally declared that her dreams of motherhood “taste bittersweet” because of climate change and the impact it will have on “our children’s future.”
“I speak to you not as an elected official or public figure. But I speak to you as a human being,” she began.
“A woman whose dreams of motherhood now taste bittersweet because of what I know about our children’s future and that our actions are responsible for bringing their most dire possibilities into focus,” she continued, audibly holding back tears.
“I speak to you as a daughter and descendant of colonized peoples who have already begun to suffer,” she added, citing the thousands of Puerto Rican lives lost due to Hurricane Maria, which she described as a “climate change powered storm.”
She said her grandfather died in the aftermath along with others, all because “they were living under colonial rule, which contributed to the dire conditions and lack of recovery.” . . .

FLASHBACK: Tom Brokaw called out Biden corruption — in 2008!

The American Mirror  "Former vice president Joe Biden faces increased scrutiny on his son Hunter’s shady business deals in the Ukraine and China, but it’s not the first time the Bidens’ conflict of interest has caused problems in a presidential campaign.
"More than a decade ago, Tom Brokaw asked Biden to his face about a different arrangement with a Delaware credit company called MBNA, which hired Hunter on a six-figure salary and paid then Sen. Joe Biden hundreds of thousands more in campaign contributions to win his favor."  Video  . . . 

“ 'This is an issue that you’ve heard about before. Your son was working for the company at the same time. In retrospect, wasn’t it inappropriate for someone like you in the middle of all this to have your son collecting money from the big credit card company while you were on the floor protecting its interests?” Brokaw questioned.
"Much like Biden’s deflections and denials during the current presidential race, he also refused to acknowledge the shady shenanigans in 2008, alleging instead that his son could have made much more money working on Wall Street.
“ 'Absolutely not,” Biden responded to Brokaw. “My son graduated from Yale Law School. The starting salary on Wall Street is $140,000 a year as a lawyer, options he had.
“ 'He came home to work for a bank, surprise, surprise,” Biden said, clearly bitter about the question." . . .

Another opinion on the Syrian pullout: Missing the Bigger Picture in Kurdish Syria

Lt. Col. Robert L. Maginnis, US Army Ret.
The Syrian civil war which led to the rise of ISIS is over and the bloody dictator in Damascus won, thanks to the Russians and Iranians.  We can blame Obama for that outcome, not Trump. 

"President Trump’s decision to withdraw our few troops from the Syria-Turkey border area earned him considerable criticism from allies.  Senator Lindsey Graham said the decision is “a catastrophe in the making.” Representative Lin Cheney said it’s “a catastrophic mistake.”  Former UN Secretary Nikki Haley said, “We must always have the backs of our allies.” 
"President Trump has answered these critics.  The Kurds were engaged in a contractual relationship fighting the Islamic State (ISIS).  They were well paid and equipped for their fighting, much like any mercenary group.  Further, they were given three years to consolidate eastern Syria to feed their long-held desire to form an independent Kurdistan with other Kurds in Turkey, Iraq, and Iran.  They failed. 
"The Kurds’ problem, and by association that of the U.S., is that regional powers like Turkey and to a lesser extent Iran and Syria have long held the Kurds in disdain.  In fact, Turkey considers the Syrian Kurds to be allies of the Kurdistan Workers' Party or (PKK), which are Turkish Kurds and terrorists fighting for independence for the last 35 years.   
"Basically, the Kurds hijacked our fight with ISIS to feed their regional civil war to earn independence." . . .
I’m reminded of what English statesman and General Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) said to his troops: “Put your trust in God, but mind to keep your powder dry.”   That’s an apropos view in the Syria account.  America has too many fights ongoing now and much bigger ones ahead.  For our national interests, we too must “mind to keep” our powder dry and not squander our resources on others’ wars.  Let’s put Syria in the rearview mirror.

Beto just saying anything these days

Silvio Canto, Jr.  "How much longer will Robert F. O'Rourke be around?  I don't know but he has become a rather interesting fellow lately.

"Beto is now pushing a new idea about "gay marriage":
When the former Texas congressman was asked if religious institutions — "colleges, churches, charities" — should be stripped of tax-exempt status Thursday night by CNN anchor Don Lemon during the LGBTQ town hall, he immediately responded, "Yes."
"There can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break for anyone or any institution, any organization in America, that denies the full human rights and the full civil rights of every single one of us," he said.  "So as president, we're going to make that a priority, and we are going to stop those who are infringing upon the human rights of our fellow Americans."
"Infringing upon the human rights?  Did you hear that, former justice Anthony Kennedy?
"Beto's latest proposal has two objectives.
"First, this is a man desperately looking for a headline.  In other words, you can expect him to say this and other bizarre ideas before the funds finally run out.
"Second, Beto is still hopeful that he can get the nomination by saying everything the Left wants to hear.
"Of course, Beto did not explain, or may not know, that he would have to get 60 votes in the U.S. Senate to get that idea to President O'Rourke's desk."

Potential NeverTrump Candidate Beto O'Rourke: You're Damn Right I'll Yank Churches' Tax-Exempt Status Unless They Start Performing Gay Weddings!
Elizabeth Warren Also Calls for Destroying Religion
Since we brought up Bobby O'Rourke:  Remember a year ago when this came out? O'Rourke: Police Are the 'New Jim Crow' ; Well, after the mass murder of several Dallas police officers, there are homes with blue police memorial ribbons:

...and there are homes with Beto signs...

But after searching for some time, I have yet to find a home with both on their yards.  The Tunnel Dweller.