"Watters prefaced the criticism by saying “The Drudge Report is my favorite website … very fair, very aggressive, very bold” before noting it linked to a number of stories that were negative to Trump.
“You know, that’s what you log on to CNN.com for. I don’t know,” Watters said on Watters World. “But it just seems like the website has recently played up Trump gaffes and downplayed his successes.”
"Watters was joined by Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz who said “I have covered Matt Drudge since he was an unknown blogger and at this point in his career he’s primarily interested in clicks and riding the media wave and the media wave you may have noticed Jesse has been largely anti-Trump.”
“ 'There’s just been additional emphasis on some of the negative stories that you would see on other mainstream platforms,” Watters said. “It’s hard to tell whether as you said he’s riding wave for clicks or there’s something personally inside his heart and his mind that has shifted against the president.' ” . . . Read more