NBC News "The ad promotes Bloomberg's record as mayor and then promises "to rebuild the country and restore faith in the dream that defines us.' "
Michelle Malkin: Say No to Nanny Bloomberg
He thinks he knows how to run your life better than you do.
. . . "On the eve of the midterms, the former New York City mayor dumped $5 million into a self-serving ad bashing President Donald Trump, promoting Democrats, decrying border enforcement, and preaching about a “higher purpose” in Washington.
"Bloomberg has cast himself as the great healer of the political divide, calling for us to transcend labels, “offer solutions,” and “work together” with “calm reasoning” and “opened hands” instead of “hysterics,” “fearmongering,” and “pointed fingers.”
"Take your phony olive branch and shove it.
"It was a hysterical Bloomberg who divisively blamed the 2010 Times Square bomb attack on “somebody with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health-care bill or something” — demonizing tea-party activists who had risen up against Obamacare — when the real culprit turned out to be a Pakistan-born jihadist on a mission to avenge Muslims and fight foreign infidels." . . .