Sunday, November 24, 2019

How's Mr. Schiff doing today?

Donkey Hotey
Irony (and hypocrisy) alert: Adam Schiff first won his House seat by campaigning against Clinton impeachment  "It’s obvious that Rep. Adam Schiff has no principles beyond self-interest and only occasional acquaintance with the truth. Comparing his current scurrilous impeachment effort with the principles he invoked when first seeking a seat in Congress demonstrates that personal advantage is all that matters to him.
"Kudos to Peter Hasson of the Daily Caller for going back two decades to examine how Adam Schiff first won the House of Representatives seat that he’s held for 10 terms. It turns out that Schiff defeated Republican incumbent James Rogan by going after him for supporting the impeachment of Bill Clinton." . . .

Schiff Lies Again: Claims Impeachment Support Has Risen Dramatically CNN, of course.

Schiff Suggests He Wouldn’t Testify If Called By House Or Senate  "He is a fact witness, because of the contact with the whistleblower with him/staff and his lies about it."

Impeachment Inquiry Finally Sees the Light of Day  . . . "The hearing commenced shortly after 10 a.m. when Chairman Adam Schiff introduced the proceedings with his trademark admixture of bombast and innuendo. He began with a gratuitous account of the historical antipathy between Russia and Ukraine and quickly proceeded to a rote recitation of the evidence-free charges he and other Democrats have been leveling against the president since the mystery whistleblower filed his original complaint. Schiff then spent several minutes attacking Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, accusing him of blackmailing Ukrainian officials and spreading “debunked conspiracy theories.” At long last he finally got to the point of the exercise: . . ."

Michael Bloomberg launches 2020 presidential bid: Say no to the nanny

NBC News  "The ad promotes Bloomberg's record as mayor and then promises "to rebuild the country and restore faith in the dream that defines us.' "

Not many understand economics and are vulnerable to those who declare it to be "bad" or not. Biden has used this in his campaign with supporters nodding heads in agreement. Driving across the US South this month we were struck with seeing signs on trucks appealing for more drivers with the promise of wages and benefits; restaurants in many places have "Now hiring" signs in their windows.

Michelle Malkin: Say No to Nanny Bloomberg
He thinks he knows how to run your life better than you do.

. . . "On the eve of the midterms, the former New York City mayor dumped $5 million into a self-serving ad bashing President Donald Trump, promoting Democrats, decrying border enforcement, and preaching about a “higher purpose” in Washington.
"Bloomberg has cast himself as the great healer of the political divide, calling for us to transcend labels, “offer solutions,” and “work together” with “calm reasoning” and “opened hands” instead of “hysterics,” “fearmongering,” and “pointed fingers.”
"Take your phony olive branch and shove it.
"It was a hysterical Bloomberg who divisively blamed the 2010 Times Square bomb attack on “somebody with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health-care bill or something” — demonizing tea-party activists who had risen up against Obamacare — when the real culprit turned out to be a Pakistan-born jihadist on a mission to avenge Muslims and fight foreign infidels." . . .

A bill would make it harder to control California’s thriving rats

The Economist

Rats, raptors and Californian liberals make a formidable political alliance

"Counting rats in a city may be impossible. But with plump specimens scurrying about during the day on State Street, the main shopping drag in Santa Barbara, a tourist destination in California, it appears that the beach town’s rodents are numerous. In fact, rats seem to be thriving statewide. Louis Rico, of American Rat Control, says Los Angeles’s rat population has probably grown by 50% in five years, bringing public-health problems. His Los Angeles County firm is “busy as heck”. Los Angeles comes second on a ranking of America’s “rattiest” cities by Orkin, a pest controller.
"What is behind the rat boom? Thanks to the end of California’s long drought, more fruit has fallen from trees or is tossed into the compost piles that rats love. Lengthening warm seasons have increased rodent breeding. Also to blame are policies that have restricted homebuilding in California and thereby driven up rents. Homelessness is soaring as a result—California is home to 12% of Americans but nearly half the country’s “unsheltered”, according to federal statistics. The resulting outdoor defecation feeds roaches for rats to eat." . . .

Why they won't convict Trump

Don Surber

"A few conservative bloggers are panicked. They believe a Republican Senate will convict President Donald John Trump and remove him from office. They genuinely believe this because they do not trust the party. Let me talk them down off the ledge.
"This won't happen.

1. Republicans overwhelmingly approve of Donald John Trump.
"The lines start forming two days before his rallies begin. There is always an overflow crowd and he almost dragged the least popular governor in America over the finish line in Kentucky.
"Reuters put his approval at 82%. Politicians will not turn their back on 82% of their base.

2. President Trump is an ATM.
"Thanks to President Trump, the Republican National Committee is flush with cash." . . .

And so on.....

Gotta love those social justice warriors

Leftist professors love those skulls full of mush.

Climate change activists storm football field, delay Harvard-Yale game "It would be hard to imagine climate change hijinks more hilarious than the protest at Saturday’s Harvard vs Yale football game.
"Both institutions are deep blue and filled with virtue-signalling administrators and professors. However, according to green justice warriors, both universities are “complicit in climate injustice.

. . . "Members of Reservists on Duty, an organization that tours North American campuses “to speak with knowledge and confidence on behalf of Israel,” were hosted by Herut Canada at York University’s main campus on Wednesday evening. Earlier in the week, posters appeared all over the campus urging “No Israeli soldiers on our campus!” – leading to security concerns ahead of the scheduled event.
"Officers of the Toronto Police Service and private security personnel were on hand to enable attendees to enter the event, despite the best efforts of protesters outside to block them." . . .

Left Wing Student Protesters Block Entry to Ann Coulter Speech at UC Berkeley
“Campus police said on Twitter that ‘multiple’ mask-wearing protesters were arrested.”

Schiff is Nurse Ratched in the cuckoo's nest

Patricia McCarthy  . . . "Watching Adam Schiff's ridiculous impeachment "inquiry" hearings is like descending into the cuckoo's nest, that psychiatric realm of the lethal Nurse Ratched.  Adam Schiff is Nurse Ratched, the vicious and tyrannical head nurse of the psychiatric unit.  It's as though he has walked off the pages of Kesey's book!"
. . . "The message of Kesey's book is the contrast between the cruel insanity of Nurse Ratched and the essential humanity of her inmates.  Ratched is who came to mind watching Schiff's hearings meant to depose our president.  Schiff is nearly an exact parallel in real life, a dismal example of what the Democratic Party has become: angry, vicious, and bitter." . . .

Coming attractions in the Senate trial

Thomas Lifson  "I wasn't at all surprised when President Trump told Fox & Friends yesterday, ”I want a trial.” I’ve long believed that it could offer the perfect opportunity to turn over the boulder of the Deep State conspiracy to hobble his election and presidency and examine the creepy-crawlies that scramble in the light of day. As the undisputed champ of reality TV, he grasps the power of the medium and understands story arcs better than any of his foes.

"One of many actions of the plotters that the Senate trial could probe is hinted at by the request Senators Grassley and Johnson just made to the Federal Archivist: Via the Epoch Times:
"Johnson, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, and Grassley, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, asked Archivist David Ferraro to produce records so as to “better understand the nature of these meetings, including who attended and what was discussed,” in a letter sent on Thursday (pdf).
“ 'According to recent reports, in January 2016 Ukrainian governmental officials and corruption investigators met with members of former President Obama’s National Security Council (NSC), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of State and Department of Justice (DOJ). Obama Administration officials also met with Alexandra Chalupa, a contractor for the DNC, who reportedly worked with Ukrainian officials to undermine the Trump campaign,” Grassley said in a news release.
"Their letter, citing those reports, elaborated that in 2016, “some of Ukraine’s top corruption prosecutors and investigators [met] face to face with members of former President Obama’s National Security Council (NSC), FBI, State Department and Department of Justice (DOJ).' ”  . . .
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Friday, November 22, 2019

Trump Is 100% On His Game

Lloyd Marcus
I thank God that President Trump is not like other Republicans.

. . . "Do these people who are supposedly on our side not understand what is at stake? If Trump is not reelected in 2020, Democrats will kill healthy babies even after they are born.
"Sixteen-year-old girls will have double mastectomies without parental consent or knowledge in absurd attempts to become men.
"Democrats will roll out the red carpet to drug dealing, murderous illegals along with illegal alien children carrying strange diseases being admitted into our schools. The Democrats’ Green New Deal promises to stop air travel, kill the fossil fuel industry, and implement a long list of insane job-killing and economy crushing initiatives. You cannot imagine the huge number of jobs Democrats will kill or force overseas.  Trump has our economy booming. Black unemployment has hit a new historic low.  All of Trump’s unprecedented remarkable successes for America will be flushed down the toilet if Democrats take the White House.
"Therefore, I do not care if Trump is what some would describe as rude to Democrats and fake news media. These people are arrogant, nasty, and view everyday Americans as their inferiors. Every time Trump fearlessly gets into their snooty faces, a huge smile appears on my face and I say, “Thank you, God!”
"It has been revealed that a few days after Trump was elected in 2016, Democrats, the deep state, and fake news media launched their coup to remove him from office. In essence they said, “Screw idiot American voters. We will not allow this guy to interrupt our plans for America’s decline and transformation.' ”

CNN's Don Lemon Calls Trump-supporters 'mental'

Speaking of hypocrisy, Lemon once said of Antifa, "No organization's perfect."  Does Lemon think Barack Obama ever did "anything wrong?"  JFK?  LBJ?  Don Lemon?
American Thinker "On Tuesday, November 19, CNN anchor Don Lemon made a mind-boggling statement.  He said, of the ongoing impeachment hearings, "I think on this one, the Republicans are on the wrong side of history, and they are the most hypocritical.  I'm not a partisan.  I know people think that I'm some liberal Democrat.  I'm not."  He went on to say, "I don't think the Republicans are serving themselves well."  Talk about hypocrisy!  If Lemon isn't "partisan," neither were Hitler or Stalin.  Lemon is to hypocrisy as Macy's is to Thanksgiving Day parades.  And it is the Democrats who are demonstrably damaging themselves with this carefully — if bizarrely — orchestrated farce."

"Incredibly, Lemon called the impeachment hearing testimony of Wednesday, November 20, "explosive" and deemed it "not a good day" for the president.  In fact, the painfully boring and tedious testimony went a long way towards exonerating Trump.  Again.  One wonders if Mr. Lemon would characterize testimony that Bill Clinton is a "fibber" and a "bit of a womanizer" as "explosive."  Does he think watching paint dry is "spine-tingling" and rearranging his sock drawer is "thrilling" and "dangerous"?
"Then he truly lost it, stating: "I have to say, at this point if you're continuing to say that there was no, as they say, 'quid pro quo,' or the president didn't ask, whether or not it's impeachable, that again is not up for me to decide, not up for you to decide, that's up for the Senate to decide and the American people.  But to deny that the president did not do something wrong at this point''s mental.  It is mental."  He added: "If you can look at the mountain of evidence and say, 'Oh, nothing's wrong, the president didn't do anything wrong, he's just rooting out corruption,' you've got a problem because that is not what happened...the problem is you.' " . . .

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood’ review: Tom Hanks gently lights up Mr. Rogers tale

Seattle Times  "A movie so sweet I’m not sure we deserve it, Marielle Heller’s “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” celebrates the gentle legacy of children’s television host Fred Rogers. Inspired by a 1998 Esquire magazine article by Tom Junod, it’s the story of how a rumpled, depressed and mildly jerky New York writer named Lloyd (Matthew Rhys) became transformed by an unexpected friendship with Rogers (Tom Hanks), whom Lloyd met when assigned to profile him. Through Rogers, Lloyd manages to reconnect with his difficult father (Chris Cooper) and his own newborn son. “I’m gonna get better at this,” he promises the infant.

"This is exactly what we’d expected from Fred Rogers, or a cinematic version of him: The man, who spent more than three decades as the creative force and star of “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” on public television, was kindness personified. (This subject matter must have been a fascinating lurch for Heller, whose previous film, last year’s wonderful “Can You Ever Forgive Me?,” centered on two thoroughly nasty characters.) And while “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” is charmingly filmed (I loved the animated depictions of the toy Neighborhood, and the way Heller switches camera formats to give a more old-school portrayal of Rogers’ TV show), it didn’t quite have the emotional wallop I expected. Perhaps last year’s documentary “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” (a movie I, and surely countless other former residents of the Neighborhood, sobbed through) sweetly stole its thunder; perhaps this father-and-son tale is just a little too on-the-nose." . . .

★★★ “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood,” with Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys, Susan Kelechi Watson, Chris Cooper, Tammy Blanchard. Directed by Marielle Heller, from a screenplay by Micah Fitzerman-Blue and Noah Harpster, inspired by the article “Can You Say … Hero?” by Tom Junod. 108 minutes. Rated PG for some strong thematic material, a brief fight, and some mild language. Opens Nov. 22 at multiple theaters.


Power Line  "We ate lunch at a Chick-fil-A today. When we entered the restaurant, the first thing we saw was an empty table that was set up to honor fallen military personnel over the Memorial Day weekend. There was a red rose, a folded flag, an inverted glass and an open Bible, along with text explaining the elements of the display." . . .

. . . "Chick-fil-A is unabashedly pro-American. I suspect that is the real reason for the animus that so many liberals bear against the company. There was a time when liberals were generally patriotic. George McGovern is a good example: he was wrong on just about every issue, but he was a veteran who loved his country. That is no longer true.
"Now, while no doubt there are honorable exceptions, liberals are usually anti-American. They have been taught a twisted, Zinnified version of American history, and they have internalized a Chomskyite view of the world in which all evils are traceable to American misdeeds. Liberals tend to be angry, unhappy people, and it is convenient for them to blame their problems on their country’s supposed failings. Organizations like Chick-fil-A that are pro-America, pro-religion (Chick-fil-A restaurants are closed on Sunday), and culturally upbeat are anathema.
"One of my daughters lives in Texas. Coincidentally, she ate lunch at a Chick-fil-A today, too. (She loves Chick-fil-A, so it isn’t that much of a coincidence.) She wrote this on our family text chat:
The very high functioning Down syndrome boy who took our order jogged next to the car as we pulled forward, running our card at the same time and then wished us a blessed day. And then a very obviously gay kid handed us our food. Take that haters.
"Of course, nothing will shame the haters. But it is good to see that a few outposts of sanity are holding out against the tidal wave of left-wing hate that has engulfed the country."
But now:.....Today’s saddest news story: Chick-fil-A To Stop Donating To Christian Charities Branded “Anti-LGBT.”  
. . . "The Salvation Army is probably the purest force for good in the U.S. The idea that it is “anti-LGBT” is false; the Army serves all comers. Of course, as a Christian organization, it does not subscribe to the radical LGBT agenda. But so what? Is kowtowing to demands of the most extreme elements of a tiny minority now a prerequisite for being allowed to do business?
Chick-fil-A’s unabashed Christian, pro-American culture is an important reason for the company’s explosive growth. It also serves great fast food. I won’t stop eating at Chick-fil-A on account of this retreat, but I won’t do it with the same enthusiasm, either.
It’s too bad: it isn’t as though the dimwitted left-wing Chick-fil-A boycotts hurt sales. On the contrary, Chick-fil-A is America’s fastest-growing restaurant chain. So the company’s caving in to the far Left wasn’t, apparently, an economic decision. Maybe it is another instance of corporate executives caring more about their standing within their peer group than about the well-being of the organization they lead, a phenomenon that Glenn Reynolds has described many times.


Hollywood Conservatives for Trump  H/T to Jeffers MacArthur Dodge