Monday, December 2, 2019

Kellyanne Conway Just Made Adam Schiff an Offer on Impeachment Testimony

Katie Pavlich

"Speaking to reporters from the White House Monday morning, Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway offered to testify as a witness in the Democrats' impeachment inquiry if House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff does the same." . . . 
. . . 
"The White House replied on deadline and will not be sending any participants. 
"Before leaving for the NATO Summit in in London Monday morning, President Trump called the impeachment inquiry a "hoax." 
" 'The whole thing is a hoax. Everybody knows it. All you have to do is look at the words of the Ukrainian president that he just issued, and you know it's a hoax. It's an absolute disgrace what they're doing to our country," he said." . . .

Jerry Nadler and company were not happy

. . . "As Cipollone explained, there are a few problems. In his letter to Nadler, the White House counsel rejected the Democrats’ argument that their impeachment inquiry is affording President Trump the same due process that President Clinton got during his impeachment proceedings. For instance, during that 1990s scandal, the Judiciary Committee allowed committee members two and a half weeks to prepare their questions. As Cipollone points out, the hearing was scheduled for only five days out from the day they received Nadler’s latest invitation.
“ 'Today, by contrast, you have afforded the president no scheduling input, no meaningful information, and so little time to prepare that you have effectively denied the Administration a fair opportunity to participate,” Cipollone notes." . . .

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Revealed: Six of London Bridge terrorist Usman Khan's fellow Stock Exhange bomb plotters have also been freed from prison since 2012

. . . " and another was freed only to be re-jailed after plotting a Lee Rigby-style attack

UK Daily Mail  "Six of the eight terrorist plotters who were jailed along with London Bridge attacker Usman Khan in 2012 have also been freed from prison, it has emerged. 
London Bridge terrorist: Usman
 Khan (pictured) carried out the
 atrocity on  Friday a  year after
 he was released  on licence 
"The nine jihadists were members of an al-Qaeda-inspired cell which plotted to blow up the London Stock Exchange and kill Boris Johnson. 
"One is still in prison, another was convicted for a further terror plot and Khan is dead - leaving six back on the streets, it is believed. 
"Three of the nine - Khan, Mohammad Shahjahan and Nazam Hussein - were initially handed indefinite prison terms, but the trio won an appeal in 2013 which changed them to fixed sentences.
"Allowing their appeal, former press inquiry chair Lord Justice Leveson found they had been 'wrongly characterised' as more dangerous than the others. 
"Khan was released in December 2018 after serving half of his fixed sentence - and the other two have also been freed, The Sun on Sunday reported." . . .
. . . "That meant Khan left prison in December 2018, apparently feigning rehabilitation, but committed the London Bridge atrocity only 12 months later. " . . . 

Will There Really Be a 2020 Landslide for Trump?

Confidence is necessary, and we should expect to win big.  Hubris, however, is the cardinal sin in sales and winning elections.  We have an opportunity to win 35–40 states, but only if we convince ourselves that we're losing 35–40 states. 
Remember Hillary's 2016 fireworks celebration?
Queen Hillary Has Already PAID for her Giant “Victory Celebration”
Rich Logis  "As we head into the most consequential election in our republic's history, you can listen to what you want to hear or what you need to hear.
"Hillary Clinton was far closer to winning than most realize, and whatever liar or crazy Democrats nominate for 2020 will have the identical advantages Clinton enjoyed.  Furthermore, much of the rhetoric espoused by our Trump nationalist side is almost verbatim what Democrats circa 2016 said; as Yogi Berra once quipped, it's déjà vu all over again. 
"Democrats three years ago:
"Make history; shatter the glass ceiling; there are more of us than of you (Republicans); 50-state landslide; we'll win Texas; Republicans will vote for Clinton.
"Republicans in 2019:
"There are more of us than of you (Democrats); we'll win 480 electoral votes; we got this; majority of minority voters will President Trump; what time is the buy-one-get-one early bird dinner special?  . . .
. . . "Confidence is necessary, and we should expect to win big.  Hubris, however, is the cardinal sin in sales and winning elections.  We have an opportunity to win 35–40 states, but only if we convince ourselves that we're losing 35–40 states.  I've asked dozens and dozens of Republicans to show me the pathway to a landslide, and none has been able to.  Winning teams always play scared, urgent with a sense of urgency.  It's not that Democrats are merely motivated; they're in a trance-like state of hatred toward us and Trump.  I see a president who recognizes that politics is sales (promises made, promises kept) and understands innately that nothing is guaranteed and that every win is hard fought.  Clinton actually believed that the landslide balderdash that came out of her mouth and the DMIC (Democrat Media Industrial Complex).  On the bright side, at least our side isn't publicly asking why we aren't 50 points ahead." . . .

Rich Logis is host of The Rich Logis Show, at, and author of the upcoming book 10 Warning Signs Your Child Is Becoming a Democrat.

It’s real! A third poll reveals 33% nonwhite support for Trump

Thomas Lifson "This seems almost too good to be true….
"A few days ago, two respected polls—Rasmussen and Emerson -- came out showing that black approval for Trump had reached 34%. Now comes confirmation from another respected poll NPR/PBS Marist, this time aggregating blacks with other racial minorities, and finding an almost identical rate of support of 33%. Sundance provides the results of the poll in a chart:
"As he notes, “…the Marist poll was 1,224 voters with a 26 percent minority (black and Hispanic) share of the poll – so that’s a significant poll of minority voters.
"While the Trump economy has dramatically improved wages and employment opportunities for minorities who are disproportionately found in lower-wage occupations, that has been true for at least a couple of years. Why are three polls now showing a dramatically higher level of support than polls only a few months ago?
"One possible answer that occurs to me is that the spectacle of the kangaroo court House hearings aimed at impeaching President Trump has resonated with blacks and other minorities who feel that the criminal justice system is biased against them, generating sympathy for a man they see being railroaded by “the system” (in this case House Democrats).
"Whatever the cause in the surge of approval for Trump, this may be part of a historic realignment, one that could destroy the coalition that has kept the Democrats viable at a national level." . . .

Mask off: Greta Thunberg comes out full Marxist

Monica Showalter "Surely you didn't think climate change was the only thing Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg had in mind, did you?
"Nope, she's now got bigger ideas:
. . . 
"In a Soros-linked Project Syndicate op-ed she likely didn't write, given the sophistication of its fanatical exhortations, she says:
On the next two Fridays, we will again take to the streets: worldwide on November 29, and in Madrid, Santiago, and many other places on December 6 during the UN climate conference. Schoolchildren, young people, and adults all over the world will stand together, demanding that our leaders take action – not because we want them to, but because the science demands it.
That action must be powerful and wide-ranging. After all, the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all. Our political leaders can no longer shirk their responsibilities.
Collective action works; we have proved that. But to change everything, we need everyone. Each and every one of us must participate in the climate resistance movement. We cannot just say we care; we must show it.
"Collective action? That's Marxist. That's straight from the playbook of Vladimir Lenin, who always projected that particular 'act now' line, the words of a single-minded fanatic appealing to bored youth, while all along, plotting absolute power for himself, all in the name of "the people.'"  . . .
Photoshop, I'm sure

"Dimwitted dingbat gives the game away"

Patriot Retort

"Appearing on CNN last night the dimwitted Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accidentally exposed the reason Democrats are rushing through this crime-free shampeachment."
. . . 
If you, like so many, cannot stand listening to this moron’s aimless twaddle, I have taken the bullet for you and dutifully transcribed the pertinent part:
“We have to move quite quickly because we’re talking about the potential compromise of the 2020 election. And so this is not just about something that has occurred, this is about preventing a potentially disastrous outcome from occurring next year.”
"You got that?
"Apparently the one High Crime Donald Trump is committing is being such a successful President he’ll be reelected. Therefore, it would compromise the 2020 election to have him on the ballot. And by “compromise,” this dimwitted dingbat means “The Democrat nominee will lose in a landslide.”
"Now you understand why they’re moving ahead with Schiffy’s Impeachment Porn despite the absence of any impeachable offenses." . . .
Heaven forbid the voters “compromise” the 2020 election by actually, you know, reelecting Trump.

49 Conservative Leaders Urge Chick-Fil-A to ‘Reverse Course’ on Pro-Family Charities

The Daily Signal

"Leaders of pro-family, pro-life, and other conservative organizations have sent a letter to Chick-fil-A asking the fast-food chicken company to reconsider its decision to no longer financially support the Salvation Army.
“ 'We are tremendously disappointed at your company’s complicity in defaming the mission and intent of the Salvation Army, one of America’s oldest and most accomplished charitable organizations,” the conservative leaders write to Dan Cathy, chairman and CEO of Chick-fil-A, in a letter dated Tuesday.
See the source image“ 'We urge you to immediately reverse course and reconfirm your commitment to America’s families,” they add.
"Among the 49 signers of the letter were Penny Nance, president and CEO of Concerned Women for America; Kay Coles James, president of The Heritage Foundation; Aaron Baer, president of Citizens for Community Values; Brent L. Bozell, founder and CEO of the Media Research Center; Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel; and Kelly Shackelford, president and CEO of First Liberty Institute.
"Chick-fil-A announced Nov. 18 that, under new giving plans, it would not renew multiyear donations to the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, both organizations known for their support of traditional marriage.
"Conservative leaders apparently prepared the letter before Townhall broke the news Tuesday that tax records show Chick-fil-A donated $2,500 to the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2017." . . .

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Globalist Climate Candidate Michael Bloomberg And The Humanitarian Hoax Of Climate Change

Linda Goudsmit

"Michael Bloomberg became a multi-billionaire by understanding global markets. He analyzed the 2020 U.S. presidential political marketplace and concluded three things:
● None of the hysterical, radically leftist Democrat candidates can beat President Trump in 2020.
● Joe Biden’s political corruption exposed in Ukraine is irreversible and focuses unwelcome attention on the political corruption of the Clintons, the Pelosis, the Kerrys, and the Obamas.
● The single most successful humanitarian hoax and galvanizing political issue of our time is climate change.
"So what does astute multi-billionaire globalist Michael Bloomberg do? He announces himself the climate candidate of the 2020 presidential election. In a November 20, 2019 article, Billionaire Buys Climate Change on Google, Brian Kahn reveals how Bloomberg plans to spend $1 billion of his personal fortune to buy Google ads that will reinforce his image as the climate candidate.
"It is a brilliant political move by a brilliant market analyst because anyone opposing Bloomberg is seen as opposing climate change. The advertorial message is that Bloomberg will deliver the world from the catastrophic threat of climate change, so a vote for Bloomberg is a vote to save the planet."Bloomberg is betting that the galvanizing message of climate change is powerful enough to overcome any anti-Semitic objections to his candidacy.
"Let’s examine what it means in real terms, in real life, to the lives of real voters if this self-described climate candidate wins in 2020." . . .

Bloomberg: The Billionaire Nothingburger  "Michael Bloomberg, who served as mayor of New York City, has announced that he is a candidate for the Leftocratic Party's nomination to run for president in 2020.  In his announcement, he said President Donald Trump is an "existential threat" to our country.  This hyperbole is his way of reaching out to the extreme, panicked, deranged, and enraged Leftocrats who literally believe that everything worthwhile about America is being assaulted by our president." . . .

Saturday Schadenfreude: Kamala Harris’s staff quits and tells media her campaign is a disaster

Thomas Lifson  "While the field of Democrats running for the party’s presidential nomination contains some seriously scorn-worthy politicians, Kamala Harris is the worst of the lot when it comes to dishonesty, hypocrisy, and a willingness to say or do anything to advance her career.  When she launched her campaign with a rally in Oakland, I was worried about the organizational capabilities that brought a claimed 20,000 people to downtown Oakland to cheer her on toward the White House. A woman who began her political career by sexually servicing a decades’ older powerful male politician who bestowed public office on her should not get anywhere near the Oval Office as its tenant."

Hillary the Barbarian

Hillary Clinton Is not just a sore loser, she is a total loser  . . . "In addition, she is bereft of a trace of integrity or character, has absolutely no judgment, and is devoid of people skills ( she’s very easy to dislike and distrust and thereby become a member of her deplorables). The 2016 race was hers to lose, and by failing to listen to advice on where to campaign, she managed to do just that -- lose! Thank God -- a Hillary Clinton presidency would be the last nail in America’s coffin.
"We could go through the litany of Hillary Clinton’s failures – Cattlegate, Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, her clumsy and opaque handling of the health care assignment her husband handed her, her tour of duty in the U.S. Senate, or her stint at the State Department, starting with her failure to get the Russian word for “reset” correct and ending with her dereliction of duty in the case of Benghazi (which produced four dead Americans, including her “friend” Ambassador Christopher Stevens), which, on testifying before Congress, she fobbed off with “what difference, at this point, does it make?” . . .

Hillary the Punisher: Ronan Farrow says he was cut dead from Clinton circles after he exposed Weinstein: Monica Showalter
 Rules of decency do not apply to her. Women's rights, or anyone's rights, are window dressing. Money talks. Maybe that can be brought up next time someone bruits about her name for president again.
"According to the Washington Examiner:
“It’s remarkable how quickly even people with a long relationship with you will turn if you threaten the centres of power or the sources of funding around them,” Farrow told the Financial Times.
“Ultimately, there are a lot of people out there who operate in that way. They’re beholden to powerful interests and if you go up against those interests, you become radioactive very quickly,” he said.
Clinton appointed Farrow as her special adviser on global youth issues in 2011 when she was secretary of state. Farrow said he had worked with Clinton “for years” when he was looking into the Weinstein story.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Democrat Brenda Lawrence Suggests Impeachment Exit Strategy — but Quickly Recants

"Rep. Brenda Lawrence (D-MI) stated Sunday that she no longer believes the impeachment of President Donald Trump is the route Democrats should take to winning back the White House."Lawrence’s comments on the House impeachment process came during a discussion with Charlie LeDuff on the Michigan radio show No BS News Hour. Instead of removal from office, Lawrence hopes her colleagues will seek to censure the president."Lawrence said:We are so close to an election. I will tell you, sitting here knowing how divided this country is, I don’t see the value of taking him out of office. I do see the value of putting down a marker saying his behavior is not acceptable.I want to censure. I want it on the record that the House of Representatives did their job and they told this president and any president coming behind him that this is unacceptable behavior and, under our Constitution, we will not allow it. . . .
NRO: Swing State Dem Flips on Impeachment
Comment to this post:
More evidence that when you vote for a democrat to the House, you’re just voting for Pelosi. No one else there as a democrat is allowed to have any say in a goddamn thing going on there. What a sh***y party.

Elizabeth Warren: “Peaked Too Soon” Or Just a Bad Candidate?

Legal Insurrection

"Latest national poll shows Warren’s “support cut in half in the span of a month.' ”

"Things are not looking good for Massachusetts’ Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D).  Her presidential campaign, according to Politico, “nosedives in new national poll,” and the Washington Post is asking, “What happened to Elizabeth Warren?
"The numbers both in Iowa and nationwide are unmistakably bad for Warren.  In Iowa, Politico’s Natasha Korecki reports that Warren has lost “her mojo” and that Democrats are starting to wonder if she “peaked too soon.”
. . . 
"We’ve covered Warren’s Medicare for All problems, and all of them have been self-inflicted. It all started when she announced that she was “with Bernie” on his untenable Medicare for All plan.Then came her empty promises that the middle class would not be taxed. She later released a revised plan that holds its own myriad problems, including compounded issues regarding who will pay for it.
"There seems little doubt that these issues have contributed to her nosedive among Democrat primary voters.  Democrat primary voters care about health care, and they care about beating President Trump.  In both areas, Warren’s unforced errors create doubt in their minds.
"She seems to have treated health care as an afterthought after she declared she stood “with Bernie.” She repeated her stance for “free” universal health care for every person in America (including illegals). She promised that billionaires would pay for it, and average Americans would save money and on.
"Only when pressed for details did she add a Medicare for All plan to her already massive stack of plans for broad-based, disruptive change across every aspect of Americans’ lives.  "And when it bombed with both the left and the right, she rushed out a new plan . . . that also bombed.
"It’s not exactly the sort of performance likely to beat Trump. Democratic primary voters see it and appear to be test-driving Mayor Pete who, not incidentally, has become a vocal opponent of Medicare for All.