Saturday, December 21, 2019

Of course! California Governor Gavin Newsom Blames Homelessness On President Trump

Years back, when Obama was President and Jerry Brown was governor we travelled to the flower district in LA and saw homeless campers lined up together, covering blocks. I observed that they remained there uncommented on, having heard no public issues with the problem. I told my companions that if a Republican was mayor or governor the issue would be covered critically nationwide. Now, true to form here is the very example. The Tunnel Dweller

Daily Wire  "California Governor Gavin Newsom says that California’s failure to curb rising homelessness in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco is the fault of President Donald Trump and the Trump Administration, not a stalemate in the California legislature or failed progressive efforts to curb the rise of tent cities and transient populations.
"Speaking in Sacramento, California, last week, Newsom claimed that Trump is deliberately withholding “key information” that California needs in order to properly address the homelessness problem, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
“ 'California is making historic investments now to help our communities fight homelessness,” Newsom said. “But we have work to do and we need the federal government to do its part.”
"He repeated the claims, adding the GOP as a partner villain, in remarks made this week, again claiming that the federal government is standing in the way of California’s ability to enact meaningful reforms to help the homeless.
"But while Newsom is quick to place the blame, he isn’t quick to give details on precisely why Trump is to blame for the California homelessness crisis — and that’s probably by design. The “very important material” California is waiting on from the federal government is nothing more than an official Housing and Urban Development count of precisely how many homeless people live in the state of California. Newsom claims that, without those numbers, he can’t release more than $500 million earmarked to abate the systemic problem." . . .

What incentive has the local government to handle these problems when they can simply blame Republicans? TD

Evangelical Leaders Close Ranks With Trump After Scathing Editorial

MSN  "The publication is small, reaching just a fraction of the evangelical movement.

Donald Trump, Tony Perkins are posing for a picture: President Trump with Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, at the Values Voter Summit in October.

"But when Christianity Today called for President Trump’s removal in a blistering editorial on Thursday, it met the full force and fury of the president and his most prominent allies in the Christian conservative world. If the response seemed disproportionate, it vividly reflected the fact that white evangelicals are the cornerstone of Mr. Trump’s political base and their leaders are among his most visible and influential supporters." . . .   But...
Being the NY Times, you knew there would be a "but", didn't you? After all, they are the closest kin to CNN that you can use to line your bird cage. TD

Christianity Today Betrays the Truth  
. . . "Unless you just accept the Democrat talking points line for line, these two statements make no sense. The Mueller investigation revealed nothing because there was nothing to reveal. The impeachment hearings revealed moral deficiencies, but not of the president." . . .

Ralph Reed: Evangelical magazine that slammed Trump should change name to 'Christianity Yesterday'

Christianity Today Was 'Never Trumper' Before Impeachment
. . . "A survey of the magazine’s Twitter posts suggest its opposition to Trump is hardly new:" . . . "The publication also has published several articles that urge Christians to respond to climate change reports based on the biblical paradigm of stewardship." . . .

That baleful presence of Hillary Clinton in the last two impeachments

Monica Showalter  "Remember all the flak Rep. Tulsi Gabbard got for this one?

“Thank you @HillaryClinton,” tweeted Gabbard, who is vying to win the Democratic primary.
“You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain.”
"Someone on Twitter, some chick* who likes to show her boobs (with a gargantuan 264,000 Twitter following), not the person you'd expect to show brain-depth, has pointed out a pretty significant fact: 
The United States now has two Presidents impeached for embarrassing Hillary Clinton.
. . .  Her ambition only extended after that, with her amazing lunges toward power and the presidency after that. It was her fury at losing the election to President Trump that led to the phony Russia collusion narrative, debunked by the Mueller report, and then its sequel, the phony Ukraine quid-pro-quo, which of course was rooted in the climate of corruption that festered at the State Department, the U.S. diplomatic corps, and the rest of the Obama administration foreign policy establishment, ending with Hunter Biden turning foreign aid into his own personal money trough. That's the basis of the impeachment of President Trump now, who rightly wanted to get to the bottom of it.
"What a baleful presence this woman has been in American politics. Devoid of political talent to get the electoral results she wanted or even sex appeal to keep Bill busy, all she has ever wanted was power. And she's corrupted everything she's touched to get it, including the damage to our democracy that the impeachment precedent has set (don't think Republicans won't try for payback on the next Democrat elected).
"Tulsi was right. The sooner this person is gone from politics, the better. " . . .

This came to mind somehow:

. . . "Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
"Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God's help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.
"I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.
"Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
"In the name of God, go!"

Much more at The Tunnel Wall

West Point cadets vindicated on ridiculous charge of ‘white supremacist’ hand gesture at Army-Navy Game

Thomas Lifson  "Some people are so hysterical with fever-crazed hallucinations of omnipresent racism that they throw out reckless charges and cause people who should know better to launch official “investigations.”  Such was the case a week ago when, during the telecast of the Army-Navy Game,  a West Paint cadet played a common trick among adolescent and post-adolescent males, known to generations as “The Circle Game.

. . . "On these pages, Trevor Thomas drew on his 27 years of teaching high school to debunk the charges.
"Of all the ridiculous, baseless charges of racism taken seriously by people who ought to know better, the claim that cadets used a racist hand gesture at the Army-Navy Game last weekend is among the worst, because it slimes the best among us, who are part of the least racist institution in the United States (and the world). (snip)
"In case you're unfamiliar, in this game, a person makes a circle with his thumb and forefinger, exactly as if you're making the "okay" sign, except this finger circle is usually held low, near one's waist, or off to the side, or wherever is needed.  The circle-maker then attempts to get their target, usually a friend, to look at the finger circle.  If one looks, then one gets punched in the arm.
"Don't just take my word for it.  According to
"After 6 days of wasting the time of our military leaders and putting cadets through hell, the United States Military Academy officially rejected the charge." . . . 
The silliness even penetrated the Kavanaugh hearings. Imagine the torment inflicted on the judge and his family by such silly people as these.
Read it here: True racist hand signal guide for you wanna-be racists:

The Bee Explains: Common Racist Hand Signals "If there’s one thing you’ve noticed about white nationalists, it’s that they have hands. And something they’ve been doing a lot with their hands lately is sending out secret messages in support of white supremacy. If you see anyone doing any of these hand gestures, you can be certain they are a racist and should report them to the nearest racism reporting facility (usually Twitter)."

See the list of hand signals here. You need to recognise racism when you see it eveywhere.

Cool-Guy Finger Guns
. . . "This is the one hand gesture you can be sure is not meant to symbolize white supremacy as it is only used by cool people. Anyone doing double finger guns is definitely too cool to be a racist. (They might, however, be an NRA member and thus a domestic terrorist. Oh well. At least they are not racist).
"What’s your favorite racist hand sign? Form it now!"

Escape global warming! Buy one of these frozen farms

RayStevens - The Global Warming Song

Trump Accuses Pelosi Of Quid Pro Quo, Suggests Impeaching Her

Daily Wire via Weasel Zippers  "President Donald Trump ripped Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday for withholding the articles of impeachment from the Senate, stating that was engaged in a “quid pro quo” and suggesting that she should be impeached.
"Trump’s tweet comes as Pelosi continues to hold the partisan articles of impeachment against Trump from going to the Senate because she is worried that the political trial would be biased in favor of the president.
“ 'Nancy Pelosi is looking for a Quid Pro Quo with the Senate,” Trump tweeted. “Why aren’t we Impeaching her?”
Nancy Pelosi is looking for a Quid Pro Quo with the Senate. Why aren’t we Impeaching her?

"Following the Democrats’ vote on impeachment, Pelosi told reporters in reference to sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate, “So far we haven’t seen anything that looks fair to us. That would’ve been our intention, but we’ll see what happens over there.” . . .

Analysis: With Glaring Missteps, Pelosi Exposes Her Supposedly Urgent and 'Prayerful' Impeachment as a Partisan Sham

They now claim that the trial won't be "fair" because some of the jurors aren't impartial, citing comments from McConnell and Graham. Wait until they hear some of the things Chuck Schumer said in the late 1990s about the Clinton impeachment trial
Guy Benson  "When this idea first started percolating on Twitter among the Very Online Left, I dismissed it as silliness.  Nancy Pelosi wants impeachment over and done with, and she's made a grand show of carrying this 'duty' out with supposed 'prayerful solemnity.'  It seemed obvious that she would instantly dismiss any harebrained scheme that would needlessly and pointlessly drag out the process, accomplish nothing, and fuel the Trump narrative that the whole enterprise is a petty partisan sham.  And yet...

"I fail to see the "pressure" or "leverage" this plan allegedly places on Senate Republicans. Mitch McConnell will happily ignore the House's dumb games, keep confirming judges day after day, and hammer House Democrats for their unseriousness -- which would likely further erode support for impeachment. Remember, Democrats argued that they had to rush through the process at warp speed because time was of the essence and our very "democracy was at stake," or whatever. But now they're going to sit on the articles of impeachment they've passed, for an indefinite period of time, until...Senate Republicans adopt minority-demanded rules that are less favorable to President Trump than the 1999 trial rules were for President Clinton? C'mon. This is especially rich, given Team Pelosi's dominance of the process in the lower chamber, eschewing the bipartisan template set out during the previous two modern impeachments.

"Democrats say the evidence they've collected is open-and-shut. Clear as day. Indisputable. They should be eager to allow the 'jury' to weigh it and render a verdict. They now claim that the trial won't be "fair" because some of the jurors aren't impartial, citing comments from McConnell and Graham. Wait until they hear some of the things Chuck Schumer said in the late 1990s about the Clinton impeachment trial. Or what Democratic jurors are saying this very week. Recuse: . . ."       Illustration by Stilton's Place

Democrat’s Impeachment Lawyer Says Trump Is Not Impeached If Pelosi Sits On Articles Of Impeachment

Daily Caller
[Feldman] notes that just because the media reported Trump was impeached, doesn’t mean he really was. “As for the headlines we saw after the House vote saying, ‘TRUMP IMPEACHED.’ those are a media shorthand, not a technically correct legal statement.”
"The Harvard law professor who appeared as a Democratic witness before the judiciary committee impeachment hearing says impeachment hasn’t been concluded until the House delivers the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.
"Noah Feldman indicated in an op-ed published by Bloomberg that the Articles of Impeachment, approved in a House vote Wednesday night, need to be delivered to the Senate in order to actually impeach President Donald Trump.
“ 'The House must actually send the articles and send managers to the Senate to prosecute the impeachment. And the Senate must actually hold a trial,” Feldman wrote. (RELATED: Democrats Stack Judiciary Impeachment Hearing With Anti-Trump Lawyers)
"That poses something of a problem for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi  who is being coy about when, if, or how she plans to move impeachment forward. The Democratic California congresswoman says she might sit on the articles until she is assured of a “fair” trial in the Senate. House Majority Whip James Clyburn has even suggested the Democrats might never advance the impeachment process.
"That’s a position that Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, called “incredibly dangerous” and “uncharted waters — constitutionally,” on Thursday.
"Feldman, no ally of Republicans or the president, would agree." . . .

More on why we must not let Democrats rule over us

'Let's do this!': Tlaib posts gleeful video before impeachment vote

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi instructed her caucus to come to the impeachment vote Wednesday with a somber bearing, insisting that there be no cheering for the occasion of referring charges against the president of the United States to the Senate.
"But the congresswoman known for declaring only hours after being sworn into office her intent to "impeach the motherf----" couldn't help herself.
"She posted an Instagram video of her grinning with delight as she walked toward the House floor to cast her vote." . . .
So solemn. So somber. So gleeful

"President Trump posted Tlaib's video.
'This is what the Dems are dealing with. Does anyone think this is good for the USA!" he said.
"Tlaib also posted a photograph of herself and Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif. – known for her regular calls over the past three years to "impeach 45" –smiling with the caption: "MOOD."
"The hashtag "impeached" was prominently stamped on the photo."

Friday, December 20, 2019

Republicans, let's find a synonym for "deplorable" that we can use

Democrats will rue the day they forced this impeachment through the House
"Note the disconnect between Democrat triumphalism in D.C., and a packed 10,000-seat arena in a key battleground state."

Is this man just the tip of the iceberg?

Dems Learning the Hard Way Why Impeachments Are So Rare
The current "animosity" of congressional Democrats can no better be personified than in Rashida Tlaib, just hours after being sworn into the House of Representatives, telling the nation that she had told her child, "We're gonna impeach the m-----------." 
 " The Democrats will learn the full impact of our disgust on election night 2020. Predictably, they'll be quick to blame the Russians or Ukrainians for yet another of their failures."

Steven Ziegler at Mark Levin's Fan Club of Intelligent, Thinking Women (and Men)

The insanity continues. Adam Schiff went public with claims he’s investigating Vice President Mike Pence.Adam Schiff Is Now Targeting Vice President Pence For Impeachment;


"The insanity continues. This week, Congressman Adam Schiff went public with claims he’s investigating Vice President Mike Pence."

"Via Gateway Pundit: Adam Schiff went on with Rachel Maddow last night to push their Trump-Ukraine conspiracy — something that was completely debunked everywhere after three weeks of testimony except on CNN, MSNBC and the fake news media.

"During their conversation Schiff announced he was going after Vice President Mike Pence next and may have “acquired evidence” that the Vice President is hiding information in the House Ukrainian investigation.

"Jennifer Williams testified before Congress in November and offered nothing. She worked for Vice President Mike Pence. So now Schiff has Democrats thinking Williams holds the key to Pence’s impeachment."

Adam Schiff Sets Eyes on Pence – Tells MSNBC He’s “Acquired Evidence” from Vice President’s Office on Ukrainian Investigation

"Adam Schiff went on with Rachel Maddow last night to push their Trump-Ukraine conspiracy — something that was completely debunked everywhere after three weeks of testimony except on CNN, MSNBC and the fake news media."
. . . 
"Jennifer Williams testified before Congress in November and offered nothing. She worked for Vice President Mike Pence. So now Schiff has Democrats thinking Williams holds the key to Pence’s impeachment."
He may replace Obama as the favorite guest of TV talk shows.

Democrats are joyful over this?

The impeachment and crossing over  . . . "Though I’ve been leaning and often voting Republican in recent years, it was the Democratic Convention from July 25-28, 2016, and the radical left agenda introduced there, that was for me the defining moment when I knew I was no longer a Democrat." .  . .
. . . "The guilty conscience, the uncertainty, the shame, were all dispelled in a single gavel strike.  Not only was I right to switch parties, I am proud to have done so; to become Republican. And proud to have voted for Donald Trump.  Now, for me there is no looking back; only looking forward.
"I clicked off the TV, went to bed, and slept like a baby. And awoke with a feeling of optimism, and a renewed invigoration heading into 2020.  I can’t help wondering how many Democrats can say the same." . . .

The case is a rhetorical one following Wednesday night’s vote to impeach the president on two articles. The U.S. Constitution grants the House of Representatives full authority over impeachment. But the argument is part of an effort by the White House and Senate Republicans to maximize their leverage as lawmakers debate when and how to conduct a trial on charges that the president abused his power to solicit an investigation into political rival Joe Biden, and obstructed the congressional investigation into the matter.