Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Obama Was the Most Anti-Semitic President in History, So Let’s Stop Pointing Fingers at Trump

Does this shed some light on America's relationship with Israel during Obama's presidency?

PJ Media  "I’ve previously written about how the Democratic Party has embraced anti-Semitism and defended rabid anti-Semites in their party. But as anti-Semitism becomes increasingly mainstream in the Democratic Party, rather than addressing the problem, Democrats are deflecting, trying to paint anti-Semitism as a Trump problem. Rep. Eric Swalwell recently alleged in an op-ed in the Jewish magazine Forward that Donald Trump is “embracing anti-Semitism.” Because Trump, who has a daughter who’s a converted Jew and Jewish grandchildren, is obviously an anti-Semite, or something.
"In the wake of the Hanukkah celebration stabbing in Monsey, New York, rather than blame the attacker, Democrats chose to blame Trump — who has done more for Israel and the Jewish people in three years than his predecessor did in two terms.
"The left is deliberately trying to whitewash Obama’s record of anti-Semitism, and the welcoming of anti-Semites into their party. When Barack Obama entered the national stage and rose to become the Democratic Party’s nominee in 2008, defending him at all costs mattered more than exposing his hateful roots and record." . . .

Most poisonous Obama relationship: Jeremiah Wright or Al Sharpton?  2014:
"Al Sharpton is now an advisor to and go-to guy on race relations for Obama, including on Ferguson.
"And you didn’t think it could get any worse than Obama having Jeremiah Wright as a spiritual advisor for much of his adult life, until the political heat got too hot." . . . 

Longtime Democrat Regrets Campaigning For Obama As Farrakhan Pic Surfaces  "A 13 year-old photo of Barrack Hussein Obama smiling with Louis Farrakhan has surfaced. Farrakhan is a known anti-semite, black supremacist and anti-gay enthusiast.

"The photo was taken in 2005. It was soon realized that the photo would reduce Barrack’s chances of getting the nomination. And now a life-long Democrat is is openly regretting campaigning for Obama after learning about the picture." . . .
[Alan] "Dershowitz said if he had known about the Obama/Farrakhan photo, he would not have campaigned for Obama. In an interview with FOX News, Dershowitz slams Farrakhan as a “virtulent anti-Semite and anti-American.” He claims Farrakhan is a “horrible, horrible human being” and is quoted as saying in regards to Obama:
“If I had known that the President had posed willingly with Louis Farrakhan when he was a Senator, I would not habe campaigned for Barack Obama.”“We should have nobody in public office associating with a bigot like Farrakhan.”

Monday, December 30, 2019

UPDATED: Gunman from Texas church shooting identified as 43-year-old man with criminal record

Update: How White Settlemant got it's name: "The city got its name because it was the lone settlement of white pioneers amid several Native American villages in the Fort Worth area in the Texas Republic territory in the 1840s.[4][5] On October 14, 2005, city leaders, citing hurdles in attracting businesses,[6] announced a plan to have local voters decide on a possible name change for the town from White Settlement to West Settlement. In the November 8 election, the name change was overwhelmingly rejected by a vote of 2,388 to 219.[5][7] The oldest street in White Settlement is White Settlement Road. This original trail led from the fort to the "white settlement" about eight miles west into Native American territory. The area was called "white" because it was a settlement of "white" homesteaders, as opposed to other settlements in the vicinity that were composed of both white and Native American residents. As the Native Americans were forced from the area and the settlement moved westward, the road followed. This was the only public road in White Settlement's early history.[8]
"Two members of the city's West Freeway Church of Christ were killed by a gunman on December 29, 2019, during a morning service. The shooter was in turn killed by two members who shot him.[9]" . . .

Washington Examiner  "The gunman from the shooting at West Freeway Church of Christ was identified as Keith Thomas Kinnunen, a 43-year-old male from River Oaks, Texas, with a long criminal record.
"A security volunteer killed Kinnunen after he opened fire and killed two during a church service on Sunday morning. Kinnunen had several previous felonies on his record, including charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon from 2009 and theft in 2013.
"He was also charged with possession of an illegal weapon in New Jersey after he was spotted surveilling an oil refinery with a 12-gauge shotgun by authorities. Kinnunen had an outstanding warrant for his arrest in Oklahoma at the time of the incident. He claimed he was homeless at the time of the New Jersey arrest, but acknowledged that he was from Texas. The FBI noted that he had been "relatively transient” for the past several years.
"Additionally, Kinnunen had two arrests from 2009 and 2015 for unpaid traffic tickets in the state of Texas." . . .
Gunman Kills Two at a Texas Church, Is Killed by Armed Churchgoers  . . . "While USA Today does not include Farmer’s full statement, the Wall Street Journal does.
Britt Farmer, the church’s senior minister, said the volunteers had contained the incident.
“We lost two great men today, but it could have been a lot worse and I am thankful that our government has allowed us the opportunity to protect ourselves,” he said.
. . . . Under Texas law, weapons are allowed into places of worship unless there is signage posted stating otherwise.
"Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn said that “today, evil walked boldly among us. But let me remind you, good people raised up and stopped it before it got worse.”

"Texas governor Greg Abbott issued a statement in which he expressed his gratitude to the heroic parishioners who “acted quickly to take down the shooter and help prevent further loss of life.' ” . . .

FBI: Hanukkah Stabbing Suspect Kept Antisemitic Journal, Fixated on Hitler


. . . "Thomas, of Greenwood Lake, N.Y., has pleaded not guilty to five state counts of attempted murder and one count of burglary stemming from a machete-wielding attack at the home of a Hasidic Jewish rabbi during a [Hanukkah] party late Saturday.
"He was ordered held on $5 million bail with his next court appearance Friday.
"Meanwhile, federal prosecutors for the Southern District of New York also weighed in with additional hate crime charges against Thomas, a 37-year-old African-American man.
"FBI investigators said they found journal entries allegedly written by Thomas in which he expressed anti-Semitic views, referencing Adolf Hitler and “Nazi culture.”
"They said another journal entry allegedly stated that “Hebrew Israelites” had victimized “ebonoid Israelites,” which the FBI took to mean African-Americans claiming descent from the ancient tribes of Israel. . . .

Hanukkah Menorah Vandalized in New Jersey amid Wave of Antisemitic Attacks

. . . "NJ Advance Media reports the Mendham Borough menorah was knocked over and five of its light bulbs were broken on Friday. The Hanukkah display, which is inside a public park, has since been repaired.
“ 'Any act of vandalism directed at any religion, race, gender or age should never be tolerated in our towns. This incident is being investigated by our Police Department in cooperation with the Sheriff’s Department, and all appropriate protocols will be followed,” a statement reads from Borough Mayor Serrano Glassner.
"Detective Chris Irons told NJ Advance Media that the incident is being investigated as a possible “bias crime,” the first in Mendham Borough for 2019. No arrests have been made in connection to the incident." . . .
Fads in my day were Elvis dress and DA haircuts. Today they seem to be the destruction of monuments commemorating out-of-favor-with-the left causes. 

Democrats Must Live with Consequences of Their Foolish Impeachment Farce

Conrad Black
It’s showtime. Let the fools’ carnival of unfeasible candidates elevate the designated Democratic piƱata for this successful if edgy president to hammer through the election campaign.
"The NeverTrump campaign has sputtered to a ludicrous and pitiful end with this year. Having dragged its media lackeys and the dwindling curiosity of the country through an absurd burlesque of a “solemn, sad,” impeachment process—without alleging any actual illegalities—the NeverTrump campaign has rushed through in a procedural Star Chamber because of the “urgency” of removing the president before the country reelects him. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will not send the articles of impeachment to the Senate until Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) promises to go to court and oblige administration witnesses to testify, a step the trained Democratic seals of the House declined to take because of the urgency of trial and removal of the president.
"Finally, the revelation appears to have been noticed by the speaker, just ahead of the arrival of Santa Claus, that the Democrats have no case against the president, are slipping in the polls, and that the last stand of the argument that a moral imperative makes Trump clearly unfit to serve in the great office to which he was elected, has crumbled. 
"Trump grates on the nerves of many—including many supporters—but that is not an impeachable offense. The country will punish a party that puts its own rabid partisan antagonism ahead of the national interest in effective government. The Democrats have no case for impeachment so they can’t go forward. They cannot possibly imagine there is any smoking gun anywhere to unsettle this administration. And as the country enters a presidential election year, they can’t get anyone except their lickspittles in the national political media drooling again about any legal threat to this president." . . .

Tony Branco

Ignorant people and the Fort Worth church shooting (Updated)

First update: Texas Church Killer Didn't Use the Left's Hated AR-15. He Used the Gun Joe Biden Recommended.

Like this, Joe?

‘Is this a JOKE?!’ Andrew Cuomo’s statement on stabbing in Rabbi’s Monsey home during Hanukkah celebration goes SO wrong

‘Didn’t you hear…?’ Beto O’Rourke rolls out gun control talking points after Texas church shooting and gets reality checked

AKSHUALLY yes … Shannon Watts’ White Settlement shooting tweet has people wondering if she’s REALLY that dumb
"The only thing more certain than Brian Stelter getting mocked on Twitter is Shannon Watts finding a way to make a complete tool of herself every time there’s a shooting of any sort.   She really is like clockwork …
 Shannon Watts  
.@KenPaxtonTX shouldn’t be shocked by the church shooting in White Settlement. As Texas Attorney General, he specifically made sure that guns are allowed inside churches in the state: https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2019/05/01/texas-legislator-law-guns-allowed-churches/ 
And then this:
Before facts are out, @NRA shill and Texas Governor Greg Abbott implies armed citizens took down the shooter and that two dead worshippers is a win for his “guns everywhere” agenda.
NO people were shot at church in countries with strong gun laws today.
The whole incident could have been prevented with just this:

Biden Blasted the 'Absolutely Irrational' Texas Law That Allowed Lawful Gun Owner to Stop Church Shooting  " 'But, if it were up to Joe Biden, those worshippers would have been sitting ducks. When Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a law allowing lawful gun owners to carry guns into places of worship, Biden slammed Abbott and the law. “It's just absolutely irrational,” Biden said. “It's totally irrational.' " . . .
. . . "According to CNN, the new laws signed by Governor Abbott, in addition to allowing lawful gun owners to carry in places of worship, also allows them to properly store firearms and ammunition in their cars on school property and allows school districts to have more school marshals. It also allows some foster homes to have firearms, bans owners of rental properties from prohibiting renters from having firearms, and allows for open carry during a disaster.
"The law went into effect on the first of September. It’s already saved lives.
"And the Democratic "frontrunner," Joe Biden, blasted that law. Think about that."

Two Dead in Texas Church Shooting, Highlighting the Need for Good Guys with Guns in Places of Worship

Further updates:  Mr. 'Hell Yes I'll Take Your Guns!' Is Taken Down in Pinpoint Tactical Strike After Church Shooting Response
. . . . But it didn't occur to Beto that saving lives was actually a good thing.The gruesome video showed that the reaction time of one of the multiple good guys with guns was lightning-quick. The church's volunteer security guard took down the bad guy with one shot from with his pistol from across the sanctuary.Instead of praising the man who stopped a mass casualty event, Beto couldn't help but point out that "what we're doing in Texas, what we are doing in this country, when it comes to guns is not working."
. . . "It's unclear what the hell he was talking about. What isn't working? Was he sad that concealed carrying good guys stopped a bloodbath? Was he sad that his home state of Texas now endorsed the idea of volunteer security guards in churches? Was he sad that a sicko wanted to shoot Christians? Was he sad that the sicko had a gun? A shotgun no less?
"The former senatorial and presidential wanna-be was schooled by the gun-knowledgeable twitterati after making the remarkably clueless, even for him, response."
Blame Trump!
Guess What NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Blames For The Rise In Anti-Semitic Attacks…
"I’ll give you a hint: he’s not laying the blame with the perpetrators."

California: the state of the state

Pat Cross

The mass murder that didn’t happen because Texans are smarter than New Yorkers, Californians and progressives everywhere

‘Make sure your vote is on target’: Man who stopped Texas church shooter is running for office  "The man who fired back and saved the lives of his fellow churchgoers in Texas is running for office with the campaign slogan: “Make sure your vote is on target.”
"Jack Wilson, 71, shot and killed a gunman who opened fire in West Freeway Church of Christ in Tarrant County, near Fort Worth, Texas. Wilson was on duty as the volunteer security officer at the time of the shooting. He drew his weapon and killed the assailant within seconds.
"Wilson’s aim wasn’t surprising, given his background. He was president of On Target Firearms Training Academy until 2016, worked as a deputy sheriff, and is currently running to be a county commissioner for the third precinct." . . .
Ironic that "Jack Wilson" was the name of the gunslinger played by Jack Palance in Shane". 

Thomas Lifson:  "In the fantasy world inhabited by progressives, passing laws to restrict gun ownership and the carrying of firearms prevents violence. The precise opposite is the truth, as demonstrated convincingly by John Lott, whose research led him to change his position on gun control once he discovered the facts.  His book More Guns Less Crime is required reading for anyone who wants to be honest about preventing the death of innocent Americans." . . .
John Hinderaker of Powerline provides a picture tracing the line of return fire that took down the killer and prevented a mass murder:

Thomas Lifson: Spectacular Biden buffoonery revealed in the wake of Texans foiling attempted church massacre  "The Democrats’ frontrunner for the presidential race is an embarrassment to the world’s oldest political party.  I can only explain his polling lead by pointing to the pathetic group of competitors he faces. To be charitable, I assume that Democrats are settling for him, not enthusiastically and affirmatively choosing him as the best possible candidate.

"Biden has said and done many foolish things in the course of his long political career, but in the wake of heroic armed Texans taking down a shooter attempting mass murder, the following gem highlighted by OANN’s Jack Posobiec takes the cake. Just a few months ago, Biden actually attacked Texas Governor Greg Abbott as “irrational” for permitting church-goers to carry firearms." . . .  
Via The Gateway Pundit, where Biden is quoted:
 “Dealing with firearms, it is irrational, with all due respect to the governor of Texas, irrational what they are doing,” Biden told reporters on September 2. “On the very day you see a mass shooting … and we’re talking about loosening access to have guns, to be able to take them into places of worship, it’s just absolutely irrational. It’s totally irrational.”
This sign at the church entrance  would have saved all that violence:

WATCH: Joe Biden attacked the Governor of Texas for allowing church-goers to carry weapons just a few months ago

Greta Thunberg: where's the hoax and where's the fact?

Mask off: Greta Thunberg* comes out full Marxist  . . . "Collective action?  That's Marxist.  That's straight from the playbook of Vladimir Lenin, who always projected that particular "act now" line, the words of a single-minded fanatic appealing to bored youth, while all along plotting absolute power for himself, all in the name of "the people." 
"James Delingpole at Breitbart News smells the Marxism within and has some excellent analysis of this newly unmasked agenda here.
"It's natural to want to dismiss Thunberg as a spoiled brat, but the fanatical drumbeat emanating from her that "nothing has been done" and "we must act now" is the clarion call of a vintage Marxist looking to take over society." .  . .
*Well...those managing her, at least

Greta Thunberg's father Svante reveals he thought the 16-year-old's eco-crusade was a 'bad idea' - but believes it has actually saved her from a pit of depression he feared would KILL her  . . . "She is currently on a gap year from her education and heads back to school in August. She has suffered with depression and feels her activism has been like a medicine." . . .

Hoaxes about Greta Thunberg go after her family, image and activism. But why? 
"Like a tsunami following an earthquake, waves of misinformation, conspiracy theories and hoaxes have come crashing down on 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg after her groundbreaking speeches and protests about climate change this month.
"The attacks go after her family, her image and her activism. While hard at work debunking them, fact-checkers have speculated why there’s been so much misinformation clouding the teenager and her work.
"Last week, Thunberg sailed across the Atlantic to speak in front of the U.S. Congress and at the United Nations climate summit, held in New York. As a result, she became the object of international scrutiny and attention from a range of critics, many of which are using false or misleading claims to discredit her." . . .

Rolling Stone: Greta Thunberg Joins a Long List of ‘Indoctrinated’ Child Activists

From the Babylon Bee perspective: 
Greta Sails To Hong Kong To Lecture Protesters On Their Carbon Footprint  "HONG KONG—Many have criticized climate activist Greta Thunberg for lecturing Western countries on their inaction on climate change when most of the pollution comes from developing countries like China and India. Well, Greta has finally gone to Hong Kong to address what she believes to be a major source of carbon emissions: the Hong Kong protesters.
Greta On The Shelf watches you
" 'How dare you burn things as part of these protests when our planet is in crisis!" she said in her scathing rebuke of the pro-democracy protesters. "Every time you throw a gasoline bomb at the totalitarian police officers, you rob a little more of my childhood from me."
"Beijing thanked Thunberg for her "important work" in identifying the real root of the problem: democracy. "Thunberg is an example of true Person of the Year material, using her platform to call out the villains who would disrupt our safe, efficient, government," Beijing wrote in a statement.
"Time Magazine quickly gave the Hong Kong protesters "Villain of the Year" awards for not using green protest methods.
"Thunberg also condemned the protesters' use of tear gas when there are carbon-neutral options like throwing rocks or using pointy sticks."

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Why aren't more Americans sick of Democrats?

Power Line: Anti-Gun Pieties.  "In recent months, there have been a number of anti-Semitic attacks, including attacks on synagogues. There have been a number of attacks on churches as well. Anti-gun pieties do nothing to protect innocent people when lunatics or ideologically-motivated murderers strike. Churches and synagogues, like many other public places, should be protected. Armed guards are great, but as Glenn Reynolds has said, in any mass shooting situation there is one group of people who are present, by definition–the victims. Only, if they are armed, they don’t have to be victims."

 Blame for the recent attacks foisted on President Trump by our finest national leaders:

Despicable: Black attacks on Jews are rooted in Democrats' coddling of anti-Semites
"Once-tolerant New York City is becoming a haven for anti-Semitic, Jew-hating attacks, getting to be like Paris, eventually driving Jewish flight based on the surge of unpunished violence in the leftist-run city." . . .
. . . "Here's just one of such incidents:
Suspects arrested in last week’s spree of eight anti-Semitic attacks are being quickly released right back into the neighborhoods they terrorized thanks to “bail reform” legislation — which doesn’t even take effect until Jan. 1.
The most recent case of revolving-door justice came Saturday morning, with the release, with no bail, of a woman charged with punching and cursing at three Orthodox women, ages 22, 26 and 31, in Crown Heights, Brooklyn at dawn the day before.
The accused assailant, Tiffany Harris, was hauled in handcuffs before a Brooklyn judge on 21 menacing, harassment and attempted assault charges.
“F-U, Jews!” Harris, 30, of Flatbush, allegedly shouted during the attack.
“Yes, I was there,” Harris later admitted to cops, according to the criminal complaint against her.
“Yes, I slapped them. I cursed them out. I said ‘F-U, Jews.”
"This person got let out? That was an assault, and not just an assault, a hate-crime motivated assault that's likely to lead to another.
"Here's an even more sickening attack that followed: . . ."

"How many more Jews have to be attacked before people like NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo realize this initiative fails to provide any kind of punishment for criminals?"

Do not expect help from the demagogues of the left.
Leftists Blame Trump for Rise in Antisemitism in Wake of Hanukkah Stabbing Attack  . . . "The article named one Democrat who blamed Trump directly: Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), another frequent critic of Trump, shared a tweet by a New York-based comedian who argued that the Monsey attack followed “3 years of anti-semitism from the Trump Administration.”
“ 'So sad but predictable. His conduct has made unacceptable conduct acceptable,” Cohen said, appearing to blame Trump in part for the recent rise in attacks against Jewish people and members of other minority groups across the country. “It will take decades to cure.' ” . . .

New York's 'Bail Reform' Is Having Detrimental Impacts, Especially on the Jewish Community  "New York State's new "bail reform" initiative has been thrown into the spotlight following Saturday night's stabbing attack on a Jewish congregation gathering to celebrate Hanukkah. 
"Beginning Jan. 1, criminals charged with most misdemeanors and Class E felonies will be released from jail without having to post cash or a bond. The goal is to not criminalize "poverty by keeping someone in jail only because they can't afford to get out," the Albany Democrat reported. 
"District attorneys and law enforcement officials across the state took Issue with the initiative because some misdemeanors and felonies, like theft, assault and aggravated harassment, aren't eligible for cash bail.
"New York City Councilmen Chaim Deutsch and Kalman Yegar have repeatedly spoken out against the initiative, especially as anti-Semitism continues to rise.
""For two years, we have been sounding the alarm and asking for resources to confront rising anti-Semitism. We have begged for extra cops, for security funds, for more cameras, and for more attention towards this growing problem. Day after day, month after month, we had doors slammed in our faces. We were told to relax - that this isn't as big a deal as we think it is. Do you believe us now?" Deutsch and Yegar said in a joint statement." . . .
A woman who attacked three Jewish women in an anti-Semitic assault has been released with no bail.
This is the world of no consequences we live in now- where you can be charged with a hate crime & released hours later.
Sign on to oppose these reforms: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOvN5OrQ1icxYpjzQmQJcnLirW8j0mAhrtoJvvgtub2kOtCg/viewform  https://twitter.com/fox5ny/status/1211039636887425024 
Meanwhile on the Democrat-run west coast
California Governor Gavin Newsom Might Release A Violent Cop-Killer  "Ruben Eliceo Vasquez was found guilty of murdering Alameda County Sheriff's Deputy John Monego during a robbery at an Outback Steakhouse in Dublin, California in 1998. Deputy Monego, 33, left behind a wife and their young son. His murderer was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole but filed an application for the commutation of his prison sentence in 2018." 

"Black man, 37, pleads not guilty to 'stabbing five people at a Hanukkah party with a machete while completely silent then dousing himself in bleach' in an 'act of domestic terrorism' "


. . . "News cameras captured the suspect being walked out of the NYPD’s 32nd Precinct in Harlem after his arrest. He was taken back to Rockland County. Monsey is a hamlet of Ramapo, New York, and authorities there are leading the investigation. Assistant District Attorney Michael Dugandzic wanted the judge to hold Thomas without bail, but the judge said she couldn’t do so because of the state’s “new prison reform laws,” Lohud reports, adding that one victim has a fractured skull." . . .
President Donald Trump tweeted, “The anti-Semitic attack in Monsey, New York, on the 7th night of Hanukkah last night is horrific. We must all come together to fight, confront, and eradicate the evil scourge of anti-Semitism. Melania and I wish the victims a quick and full recovery.” The Rockland County Executive also condemned the attack.
Much more coverage at the UK Daily Mail

Truth Bomb: Former Democratic Politician Says Anti-Semitism in NY Comes From the Left . . . In an interview with Fox News on Sunday, New York City Mayor Mike de Blasio blamed Donald Trump for creating an "atmosphere of hate" that has somehow fueled antisemitic attacks in New York. 
"It was too much for Dov Hikind, a former New York State Assemblyman and founder of Americans Against Antisemitism. Hikind, a Democrat, told Fox News that antisemitism is coming from the left and said that he is tired of both Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo and Democratic Mayor Mike de Blasio doing absolutely nothing to protect Jews living in New York. " . . .
" 'When you have the Farrakhans of the world," Hikind began, "when you have members of the United States Congress -- Tlaib, Omar, AOC -- when you have them indulging in hate speech themselves and to get away with it. You know, there's a new standard, one is for antisemitism and one is for other types of hate. Unfortunately, people within my party -- I'm a Democrat -- within the Democratic Party there's a double standard. The hate, the antisemitism that emanates from within the left, you don't hear anything. You hear very little. Anything that comes from the other side, it's all -- I mean, even the mayor of the city of New York, has continued to call the hate, 'coming from the right.' All the hate in New York is coming from the left."