On the wall of the Jefferson Memorial are the words: “God who gave us life gave us liberty.” The two are inseparable. Slaves were once considered something less than human, as the unborn currently are. The Supreme Court, which gave us Roe V. Wade, once gave us the Dred Scott decision. A Trump court may soon correct another gross injustice.
Daniel John Sobieski . . . "The media will no doubt minimize the crowd size and characterize it as part of a racist president’s war on women. Never mind that a disproportionate percentage of abortions are of black babies and that Planned Parenthood is responsible for more black deaths than the KKK. Never mind that the Democrats make war on unborn women in their mother’s womb. Equal rights for unborn women, anyone?
"Certainly House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is Catholic like Judas was an apostle, won’t go for that, and neither will her abortion-until-birth-and-even-after Democrats. "As LifeSiteNews reported during a recent abortion-funding battle:
Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi blasted Catholics for fighting for the right not to perform or fund abortions, describing their abhorrence for supporting abortions as “this conscience thing,” in remarks to the Washington Post.Last month, during a debate in the House over a bill to stop abortion funding in the health care bill and to strengthen conscience rights on abortion, Pelosi had described the bill as “savage,” claiming that it would allow doctors to let women “die on the floor” because they could refuse to perform an abortion.In her remarks to the Post, Pelosi, who says she is Catholic, defended her statements against the Protect Life Act. While some “may not like the language,’’ she said, “the truth is what I said.”“They would” let women die on the floor, she said. “They would! Again, whatever their intention is, this is the effect.’’“I’m a devout Catholic and I honor my faith and love it ... but they have this conscience thing [about abortion],” added Pelosi.
"Apparently this “conscience thing” may be invoked in the name of open borders, sanctuary cities, and states coddling murderers of American citizens, but not when you are someone who believes life begins at conception and ends at natural death and not at the point of an abortionist’s scalpel." . . .
Democrats will joyfully remind us that Trump was once pro-choice .