An Iranian Comments On The Rage of the Democrats
In short, America is on a precarious path to lose its freedom and our Constitution we have cherished for over 200 years. We must accept that the current Democrat Party is no longer the party of Kennedy. It has become the greatest threat to our national security and our survival as a nation.
Amil Imani "What underlies the rage of the Democrat Party and of the leftist Democrat Establishment vis-à-vis President Donald Trump?
"Over forty years ago, during my high school years in Iran, my father and I had a conversation. He was an avid Republican, even though he lived on the other side of the world. Right before I prepared to leave Iran for the U.S., he gave me some fatherly advice. He explained why the Democrat Party was bad for America, bad for Iran, and bad for the world. He advised me that if I ever became a US citizen, I should never vote for Democrats. After all these years, I now understand what he meant by those words of wisdom.

"For over twenty years, I did not vote simply because I was not a U.S. citizen. Even after I became one, I was not fully aware of the depth of this party's evil ideology, although eight long years of Obama's presidency was enough to make me realize where America was headed and what brand of Democrats were in charge. But it was not until the election of President Trump that exposed just how corrupt the Democrats and every government institution were. Now that that genie is out of the bottle, they cannot put it back in. Public trust is out the door — all because it was Hillary's turn to be president." . . .
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