Lloyd Marcus "Rush Limbaugh announced that he has advanced cancer. The American left and their fake news media minions went ballistic over Trump rightfully awarding the conservative talk radio icon the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
"Leftist hater Whoopi Goldberg said she thought the award is given to “people who have actually done something.” Other deranged leftists said Trump was out-of-order presenting the award to a mere radio host. These same progressives celebrated Obama presenting the award to mere actors, Robert Redford, Robert De Niro and Tom Hanks.
"As expected, Democrats and fake news media chimed in with their standard baseless accusation that all conservatives and Republicans are racist. They absurdly claim Rush is a racist which makes Trump a racist for honoring him. My response is blah, blah, blah.
"Leftist hater Whoopi Goldberg said she thought the award is given to “people who have actually done something.” Other deranged leftists said Trump was out-of-order presenting the award to a mere radio host. These same progressives celebrated Obama presenting the award to mere actors, Robert Redford, Robert De Niro and Tom Hanks.
"As expected, Democrats and fake news media chimed in with their standard baseless accusation that all conservatives and Republicans are racist. They absurdly claim Rush is a racist which makes Trump a racist for honoring him. My response is blah, blah, blah.
"Please watch this 2 minute video in which I defend and express my respect and gratitude to Rush Limbaugh, a truly great American. Please share it." . . .
Rush Limbaugh's True Contribution . . . "We realized that our beliefs were shared by many and that we had power. Rush was the Voice of America broadcasting through the Iron Curtain. Like the prisoners of the Iron Curtain, we needed these broadcasts for more than mere information. We needed to know that our fellow prisoners knew the truth also. The liberating and unifying effect of these broadcasts sometimes translated into election results that we never dreamed possible. The unity that Rush provided helped stop some of the worst Clinton programs and gave us the momentum that resulted in the historic congressional elections of 1994 that liberated Congress for the first time in four decades. There is nothing so dangerous to a totalitarian as a unified people that know they are not alone." . . . Visit Rush's site