Sunday, February 9, 2020

Mitt Romney's self-righteousness and moral blindness are not heroic

James Arlandson  . . . Were it not for Mitt Romney, the American Republic would collapse!  He's the only one who stood his ground on Article One.  He's the only one who listened to his faith standards and opposed his own caucus.  He heard the defense counsel demolish the two articles, yet he's the only one who maintained his sense of correct thinking.  Only he had clarity of insight and profile in courage to vote his religious convictions.  And now he is the hero of the clear-thinking left.

"Everyone but Mitt could see that this partisan impeachment sham was orchestrated by the radical left just to get the president. The president of Ukraine and others in his administration said they did not feel any pressure from Trump.  And they got the money from the U.S. government after the Ukrainian president promised to root out corruption.  During the July 25, 2019 phone call, the American president asked the Ukrainian president to investigate Biden's son for corruption." . . .
Ian Macfarlane

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