Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Why Bernie Sanders’s Praise of Fidel Castro Matters

 National Review

He’s defended virtually every Communist tyrant he’s ever been asked about over the past 50 years.

"Did you know that infamous Nazi Hermann Göring was a great lover of animals, a protector of birds, and head of the forestry service in Germany? Unless you’re a history buff, probably not. After all, almost no one feels the need to preface their comments about the Third Reich with “Sure, the authoritarianism was pretty bad, but, boy, that Göring was one hell of an environmentalist!”
"Western elites, however, like to use this kind of absurd criterion whenever they talk about socialism, ignoring its vast failures and praising its piddling and alleged successes — you know, “Denmark,” but not Algeria, Albania, Angola, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Burma, Cambodia, China, Congo, East Germany, Ethiopia, Hungary, Latvia, Mongolia, Romania, Somalia, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Yugoslavia, and so on and on.
"And unlike many modern progressives, Bernie Sanders is old-school, still in the habit of praising old comrades. “When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program. Is that a bad thing?” Bernie told 60 Minutes this past weekend, reacting to criticism of his near-complete praise of the dictator back in the 1980s.
"The answer is: Yes, massive literacy programs instituted using the machinery of a tyranny are, indeed, a bad thing. For one thing, you can institute massive literacy programs without authoritarianism, just as you can build impressive highways without fascism or alleviate most poverty without collectivism. Just ask the United States, or any other capitalistic nation with wealth and high literacy rates.
"Even then, Sanders is regurgitating Communist propaganda. Cuba already had the highest literacy rate in Latin America before the revolution, and it basically kept trending in the same direction as every other nation in the region. When Castro triumphantly entered Havana in 1958, he didn’t bring truckloads of books; he ordered thousands of arrests and summary executions. When Castro “came into office,” he canceled elections, terminated the free press, and turned Cuba into the island prison that still exists today." . . . More...

Trey Gowdy: Stop Giving Classified Briefings To Any ‘Epidemic Leaker’

Daily Caller  "Former Republican South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy said Monday that any “epidemic leaker” should be denied classified intelligence briefings.
“ 'What the Intelligence Committee needs to give some thought to is to stop briefing someone who has a history and is an epidemic leaker. Quit briefing him,” Gowdy told Fox News’ “Hannity.”
. . . "While grateful that this latest story was addressed quickly, Gowdy wondered why classified information continues to be leaked. “We were lectured by the D.C. media and the Democrats that ‘No one is above the law.’ Remember that, Sean? How many times have we heard ‘no one is above the law?’ Apparently except whoever leaked classified information from [Democratic California Rep.] Adam Schiff’s [intelligence] committee.' ”
 . . .When asked why there have been no legal repercussions for Schiff after claiming he had evidence of Trump’s collusion with Russia, Gowdy replied that Schiff was largely talking to the media. (RELATED: Gowdy Goes After Schiff For Claiming Evidence Of Russian Collusion)

Joe Biden tells South Carolina crowd that he is running for the SENATE as fears for his health begin to grow

UK Daily Mail
Joe Biden left voters bewildered yesterday as he told them he was
running for the Senate and if they didn't like him they should
 'vote for the other Biden.'
"Democratic leadership contender Joe Biden left voters bewildered yesterday as he told them he was running for the Senate and if they didn't like him they should 'vote for the other Biden'.
"The former vice president, 77, sparked fresh concerns over his mental capacity as he addressed a crowd in South Carolina and appeared to forget which campaign he was running in.
"He said: 'My name's Joe Biden and I'm a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Look me over, if you like what you see help out, if not, vote for the other Biden.'
"A clip of his latest gaffe was posted on Twitter by activist Shaun King, who wrote: 'This is so sad.'
"He added: 'I honestly wish he would've retired & not subjected himself to the rigors of this campaign.'
"Donald Trump Jr took a swipe at Biden on Twitter saying: 'As I've been saying when is enough enough with Joe?'
"President Trump's eldest son added: 'He's been running for 18 months and doesn't know what he's running for? If his family wasn't making millions off of his public office they should have stepped in a long time ago. This isn't right.' " . . .

Never forget the media’s blind eye to Obama’s corruption

Jack Hellner  "The media is outraged that former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich only had to serve eight years out of a fourteen-year sentence for corruption. They say it sends a bad message that political corruption is OK. But what is outrageous and sends a message that political corruption is OK is when the Justice Department, most of the media, and other Democrats didn’t care about the massive political corruption of Barrack(sp) Obama throughout his political life and supported him no matter what he did.
"Obama was above the law.. . . 
"President Obama allowed Hillary and Biden to use their positions of power to greatly enrich themselves and their families. The Justice Department, most alleged journalists and other Democrats never cared about this pure corruption. We are constantly told that there is no evidence of wrongdoing.
"President Obama saved his most flagrant corruption for his last year in office. He so desired that his policies be continued that he wanted to pick his successor. He knew how corrupt Hillary was, how many laws she broke and how many kickbacks she took, so he had to use massive amounts of manpower and taxpayer money to protect and elect her. Then he had to set out and destroy her opponent and massive manpower and taxpayer money was needed for that abuse of power also. It didn’t matter how much illegal spying had to go on and how many individuals and families he had to destroy to defeat Trump. He of course had top level government officials at Justice and Intelligence agencies who would gladly help. He also had almost all media outlets willing to meddle to destroy Trump and elect the corrupt Hillary." . . .

Monday, February 24, 2020

Bloomberg Derides Sanders for Remarks Praising Castro

Then along came Gorbachev. And there were a couple others in there that lasted two or three days before palace intrigue took ’em out. But Ted Kennedy is literally promising the Russians, “Be patient. Work with us to get rid of Ronald Reagan, and everything will be back to normal.” What do you call that, if that’s not meddling in a presidential election? None other than Ted Kennedy. Rush Limbaugh
Tony Branco
Sanders Praises Fidel Castro for Setting Up ‘Massive Literacy Program  "They showed a video of Sanders defending Castro while explaining why the Cuban people didn’t rise up and help the United States overthrow him.
“ 'He educated their kids, gave them healthcare, totally transformed the society,” Sanders said at the time.
"During the “60 Minutes” interview, Cooper asked what Democratic socialism is." . . .

National Review  Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg on Monday criticized fellow 2020 contender Bernie Sanders over comments Sanders made praising the regime of the late Cuban Communist leader Fidel Castro.
“Fidel Castro left a dark legacy of forced labor camps, religious repression, widespread poverty, firing squads, and the murder of thousands of his own people. But sure, Bernie, let’s talk about his literacy program,” Bloomberg wrote in a tweet that included a clip of Sanders praising Castro during a 60 Minutes interview.\
"Bloomberg’s statement came after CBS aired comments Sanders made during the 1980s, in which the Vermont senator claimed that part of the reason the Cuban people did not help the U.S. overthrow Castro’s regime was because the authoritarian leader provided them with health care and education.
" 'He educated their kids, gave them health care, totally transformed the society, you know?” Sanders said in the decades-old clip." . . .

Florida Democrats not pleased with Bernie  
. . . "This morning Ed wrote about Bernie Sanders’ comments on Fidel Castro during an interview with 60 Minutes. “When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program. Is that a bad thing?” Sanders told Anderson Cooper. It will come as a surprise to no one except possibly Bernie Sanders that this did not go over well with Florida Democrats many of whom represent Cuban expats." . . .

"Rush Limbaugh calls Cuba's literacy program sheer leftist propaganda"

. . . "Do you think the Democrat Party’s moved that far left since the days of Ted Kennedy? It hasn’t. And all these brilliant columnists and commentators who are apparently shocked at what the Crazy Bernie lead and apparent nomination will mean, “Oh, my God. This party has become.” It’s always been this. Yeah, I’m little frustrated because I’ve spent how many years trying to get people to understand what liberalism is and that that is what the Democrat Party — this is now an extreme, extreme branch of liberalism called liberalism, socialism, communism, what have you." . . .

The Democrats' Russian Roulette

Rich Terrell
Clarice Feldman  "Once again operating out of their well-worn playbook, the Democrats are spinning the cylinder and placing the gun to their heads in suggesting the Russians are backing the President’s re-election, and once again they missed the empty chamber and fired a bullet into their leading candidate.

"In 2016, when they claimed that Trump was Russia’s choice and had secured his election, they ended up with highlighting to voters what the media had covered up: It was Hillary Clinton who approved the Uranium One sale of 20% of U.S. Uranium. It was Hillary who received assistance to this end from the Russian-paid lobbying firm APCO Worldwide. It was her husband who was paid $500,000 for a short talk in Russia by a bank connected to the Kremlin­­­­­­. It was Hillary’s foundation that received $145 million from companies connected to the Russian nuclear company Rosatom. It was Hillary who was responsible for not providing security to our diplomats in Benghazi and who bald-faced lied about the murder of our ambassador and his defenders. It was Hillary who prompted the murder of Qaddafi after he was cooperating with us on nuclear disarmament and set off the greatest wave of refugees since World War II." . . .

"Catherine Herridge offered more specific rebuttal of the claim:"
Catherine Herridge@CBS_HerridgeSource familiar w/house briefing @CBSNews says briefers pressed for evidence to back up claims Russia “trying to help POTUS in 2020.” Asked if there was signals intelligence -- such as phone intercepts or “SIGINT” -- to back up claims, source said briefers had none to offer #DNI
Fox's loss of this gifted journalist was CBS's gain.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

See today's angry, scowling Democrats for what they are*

His enemies blather wildly inaccurate inanities like, “He’s shredding the Constitution,” or “He’s a Russian asset,” or “He’s a racist, a misogynist, anti-immigrant, anti-Hispanic, a homophobe, an Islamophobe,” and so on, ad nauseum.   Steve Feinstein
Maxine Waters Claims Gang Members Have ‘More Integrity’ Than Donald Trump

Indiana Couple Drove Boys With Trump Flags On Their Bikes Off The Road: Police

Rep. Maxine Waters: I want AG William Barr “out of DOJ, disbarred, disgraced, & investigated”  . . . "Laugh at her all you want, but Maxine Waters is where the Democrat Party is today.
"If you thought that was not crazy enough, Waters is still pushing Russia, Russia, Russia:
Trump using AG Barr to get his criminal friends out of jail is the tip of the iceberg. I’ll say it again: Trump will pardon Flynn, Manafort, & Stone b/c the GOP cowards in the Sen bowed to his feet. Repubs now stand for crime, corruption, autocracy, & Russia! They are PATHETIC!
* A Bernie Bro (James T. Hodgkinson) Shot Steve Scalise  . . . "Minnesota attorney general Keith Ellison, the former congressman from Minnesota who gave us examples of how to treat women, has tweeted that the "Bernie Bros," that rabid group of Bernie Sanders–supporters that seem like a branch of Antifa, has tweeted that, no, they are merely passionate and as gentle as he:" . . .
"This is what happens when the likes of Eric Holder, Cory Booker, and Maxine Waters preach confrontation, intimidation, and getting in the faces of opponents." . . .
Typical of the left-wing media reaction was MSNBC's Joy Ann Reid, who, in an appalling example of the left's pathological hatred of anything and anyone conservative, said, in not so many words, that Rep. Steve Scalise kind of had it coming when a Bernie Sanders volunteer tried to assassinate him and his GOP colleagues as they practiced for the annual baseball game between Democrats and Republicans in Congress. (Emphasis mine, TD)
Right: Rep. Steve Scalise(R   )after Bernie supporter shot himMore on this here.

Why They Hate Trump  He’s not one of “them.” He’s not a lifelong politician and he doesn’t practice the usual conventions of referring to his fellow politicos with false niceties, nor does he observe the tradition regarding respectful treatment of a hostile media. On the contrary, if a rival politician or national figure behaves badly, he calls them out in no uncertain terms, in a most horrifyingly “unpresidential” manner. Likewise, he’s turned the tables on the liberal media (coining the term “fake news”) and forever ended the past Republican tradition of rolling over and cowering in the face of liberal media criticism. 

Democrats as they now are

With nothing to sell to voters, Democrats now root for economic crash

Poor Joe. No one picked on him or paid much attention to him because his candidacy is in a death spiral. He was not as incoherent as usual. But he embarrassed himself by bragging so much about how much experience he's had in DC that he made it sound like President Obama had been his VP.

American Thinker
South Bend Residents Have a Message for America: Don't Elect Pete Buttigieg
“If he’s the next president, I fear for our country. He couldn’t run our city. How can he run the United States?,” said Michelle Burger, 42, a stay-at-home mom who lives in South Bend’s impoverished and predominantly black West Side.
Biden shows signs of dementia  Not saying he has it, this writer just says he has seen signs of it.  
Joe Biden just gets farther and farther out there.  . . . "Joe needs all the help he can get, but this one's a bridge too far." . . .

Philip Haney, a genuine Obama whistleblower, found dead at age 66

Watch for updates.

Peter Barry Chowka
In 2018, Haney told Intercessors for America prayer activists that he had been working on a “special assignment” in Minnesota to stop Rep. Keith Ellison from being elected Minnesota’s Attorney General. As we approach the 2020 elections, friends of Haney’s told us he was planning on doubling down on efforts to “protect America from progressive leftists socialists”.

"Philip Haney, an expert on Islamic extremism who was a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security in 2003 and who became a prominent critic of President Obama’s questionable management of the agency after he retired in 2015, died from a single gunshot wound on February 21. Haney’s body was found lying on the ground outside his car in the small California town of Plymouth, east of Sacramento.
"On Saturday afternoon, as the news of Haney’s death began to be reported, initially in social media and the new media and then more widely, the local Sheriff’s Office of Amador County issued a statement based on the local “Coroner’s Investigation:” . . .
. . . "A number of people were skeptical of the conclusion that Haney took his own life." . . .
. . . In 2016, one year after he retired from government service, Haney published a bookSee Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government's Submission to Jihad. The book was extremely critical of President Barack Obama and his administration. Haney appeared several times on Fox News, including on Hannity (June 14, 2016) and Fox & Friends.
"An article at Law Enforcement Today on Saturday noted:" . . .

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Majority In The Arts Fear Shunning For Having The Wrong Opinion

More than eight in ten people working in culture and the arts feel those with “controversial opinions” risk professional ostracism.

 . . . "Meet your new favourite actor Laurence Fox, currently trending on Twitter because of his shocking appearance on BBC’s Question Time last night.
"It was shocking because instead of spouting the usual leftist pabulum, Fox boldly revealed himself as an anti-woke crusader.
"On the hypocrisy of actors who rack up air miles:

  • Yeah the carbon footprint’s huge. But we make up for it by preaching to everyone how they should change their lives.”

"On Meghan and Harry wanting to keep the perks of royalty while having independent lives:
“I do think there’s a little bit of having cake and eating it, which I don’t enjoy.”
"On the racism industry:
“One of the dangerous things about throwing racism around in this country which we’re doing a lot at the moment is that people become so conscious of it that things like the Manchester grooming scandal get ignored. We… should not call someone racist just when they don’t agree with you.”...
Ian Macfarlane

The Farming Wit and Wisdom of Mike Bloomberg

Victor Davis Hanson  . . . "Moreover, I seriously doubt whether farmers are going to vote against Trump should Bloomberg or anyone else be the Democratic nominee. The latest poll shows a record 83 percent of them approve of Trump’s tenure. Most farmers so far have stuck with the president in his trade stand-off with China in the belief that past asymmetries with Europe and Japan, but especially with China, on matters of food importation and export had to be addressed. And they seem willing to endure short-term hardship for long-term parity, and with it, greater profitability.
"Bloomberg’s candidacy is supposed to appeal to suburbanites, and perhaps moderate Republican women and independents in particular, while drawing minorities to a supposedly seasoned, big-city mayor whose past constituencies were heavily non-white. Most concede that Bloomberg would not steal anyone from Trump’s base, and likely not from the working classes of either party. And we can see why.
"But as the prior wit and wisdom of Bloomberg keep emerging, and as his campaign, fueled by a billion dollars, blankets the airwaves, it is hard to see what advantages he brings, either over his own rivals or over incumbent Trump.
"All that is in addition to the general paradox of a party that rails about racism, toxic masculinity, and white privilege, with anti-rich overtones, looking now at a rich, white, male multibillionaire to buy an election and thus save the party from itself.Bloomberg has only been a candidate for a few days, and already he seems in the past to have insulted, as a group, professional women, minority youth, poor would-be homeowners, and unthinking farmers and factory workers. . . .

Mr. Hanson was a professor of classics at California State University, Fresno, and is currently the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He has been a visiting professor at Hillsdale College since 2004. Hanson was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2007 by President George W. Bush. Hanson is also a farmer (growing raisin grapes on a family farm in Selma, California) and a critic of social trends related to farming and agrarianism.

Bad News For Bloomberg As Post-Debate Poll Shows Staggering Fall In Favorability

Tony Branco
Daily Wire   . . . "Looking further, the Morning Consult poll asked respondents about candidate favorability. For Bloomberg, the results were a disaster. In every demographic category except for one, his favorability plummeted following Wednesday’s debate performance.
"Overall, Bloomberg’s net favorability change after the debate was -20 points.
"Among men, it was -21 points; among women, it was -18; among liberals, it was -20; among moderates, it was -30; among African Americans, it was -16; and among whites, it was -20 points.
"The only category where Bloomberg actually gained net favorability was among conservative “potential Democratic primary voters,” where he gained +2 points following the debate." . . .