Faced with a virus threat from foreign countries, Democrats still oppose a border wall or a travel ban. Democrats are happy for people to poop in the streets of the cities they run, adding used injection needles to the toxic mess, yet they are worried about an aggressive cold virus. Is the Left fearful over public health or simply pushing fear for political gain?Brian C. Joondeph "Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1933 inaugural address contained a phrase, remembered to this day. In the wake of the Great Depression, he told Americans,
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
"Flash forward nearly a hundred years and the American Left is pushing fear as hard as they have ever pushed anything. We have had plenty of scares since the days of FDR, including the overpopulation, acid rain, and Y2K. Some scares have changed names, from global cooling in the 1970s, only to be replaced by global warming, climate change, and now extreme weather.
"Infectious diseases invoke fear as they are a frequent movie theme, from Andromeda Strain to Contagion. We were told to fear the bird flu, SARS, MERS, and Ebola. Now we are to fear Coronavirus.
"Every election year seems to have a disease outbreak, as this tweet chronicles. Academic researchers study how these disease outbreaks influence federal elections. Is the Coronavirus outbreak on the eve of an election just a random coincidence?
"One useful rule of thumb in assessing fear and crisis is to look at those screaming loudest. When the elites who are telling us it’s a crisis actually act like it’s a crisis, then it may be worth listening to them.
"Progressive climate warriors tell us the world will end in (fill in the blank) years, yet they go merrily about their ways, flying in their high carbon footprint private jets, sailing yachts measured in the hundreds of feet, and purchasing multi-million-dollar homes along the ocean coasts. These are the same coasts they say will be under water in (fill in the blank) years due to global warming, polar melting, and rising sea levels." . . . More...