Monday, March 2, 2020

Think Trump is ‘outrageous?’ He’s nothing compared to these past presidents

NY Post   "Unprecedented, unprecedented. Everything is unprecedented. Nothing like this has ever happened before.
"Except it pretty much has. Whenever you see the word “unprecedented” in the media, you should ask yourself: Has this reporter ever read a history book? Make the case against Trump if you want to, but if you pretend the sorts of things he does are without precedent, you simply make yourself look ignorant.
"Virtually any presidency you examine is guilty of far worse acts than whatever you think is the worst thing Trump has ever done, from John Adams’ Alien and Sedition Acts, a breathtaking offense against freedom that was meant to punish political resistance, to Millard Fillmore’s Fugitive Slave Act, which made it so the evil tentacles of the South’s slavery regime could reach up North and pluck back people who had successfully made it to freedom. Even Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus and did nothing to stop his troops from shutting down newspapers they didn’t like.
"Think Trump is more vulgar than anyone who’s held the office before him? In 2016, when Marco Rubio once implied he had a small dingle-dongle, Trump responded, “I guarantee you there’s no problem” — and everyone got the vapors. But Lyndon B. Johnson actually liked to show off his Johnson, peeing in the open air outside the House Office Building. When reporters once asked Johnson why the US was in Vietnam, he pulled out his todger and exclaimed, “This is why!' ” . . .

Franklin D. Roosevelt threw 120,000 Japanese and Japanese-Americans into prison camps during WWII.

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