Sunday, March 8, 2020

Elites’ response to coronavirus shows just how post-Christian our culture has really become

The Bridgehead; . . . " I will admit that I felt a slight shiver run up my spine when late night host Stephen Colbert, who identifies as Catholic, decided to take the opportunity to mock Christians by walking across the stage clanging a large bell and shouting: “Plague! Plague! A righteous cleansing to punish man for his lust and vanity! Oh, swing your scythe oh angry God! Repent! Repent! Repent!” This routine was greeted with roars of laughter. "
Lifesite News
It is not the prayers of those who are working to confront this virus that make me afraid—but the mocking of those who think prayer has no place.

"March 4, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – When the Spanish Flu pandemic struck in 1918, many churches responded by appointing special days of prayer, calling upon their congregants to beg God for assistance in the face of a spreading disease that was felling millions. In some instances, people called on national leaders to urge citizens to their knees (the prime minister of Australia received one letter asking for an entire week of “Humiliation and Prayer to stay the ravages of the Pneumonic-Influenza Plague”). It was understood, if not accepted, that God was in control of all things, and thus that begging Him for a reprieve was essential.
"A century later, and the response of our elites to the potential of a new pandemic is highlighting just how post-Christian our culture has really become. A February 26 photograph of Vice President Mike Pence praying at the White House with the coronavirus task force went viral earlier this week, with many bitterly mocking the fact that Pence and his team would seek God’s guidance in dealing with the potential pandemic. “I have yet to attend a scientific meeting that begins with a Christian prayer,” sneered Dr. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University, on Twitter.
"Much of the reaction to the photo on social media was in the same vein. Thomas Chatterton Williams, a writer for New York Magazine and Harper’s Magazine tweeted out the photo with the caption: “Mike Pence and his coronavirus team praying for a solution. We are so screwed.” His tweet received 4,300 retweets. Rasmussen and Williams seemed unaware of the fact that most of the great titans of science were profoundly religious and praying men themselves—or, as writer Jonathan Merrit noted, that 79% of Americans reportedly prayed in the last three months." . . .

Voters rejected Elizabeth Warren because she was a terrible candidate

The Bridgehead   "With Elizabeth Warren’s decision to drop out of the 2020 presidential race, the progressive pundits have flung themselves into fits of mourning.
"Warren was, we are being told, a magnificent candidate, with her penchant for perfect plans and her brilliance rendering her the obvious choice. The fact that people obviously did not see her this way has the commentariat calling out the stupidity of Democratic primary voters, with Megan Garber in The Atlantic announcing that “America Punished Elizabeth Warren for Her Competence” and Jessica Valentia sniffling that “It Will Be Hard to Get Over What Happened to Elizabeth Warren,” among dozens of other hard-to-make-up headlines.
"It must first be pointed out that America didn’t punish Elizabeth Warren for anything: It was the Democrats who decided to go with one of two geriatric white men over her. That is the sort of thing that Democrats claim to care quite a lot about, so perhaps a bit of soul-searching about the obvious chasm between the professed values of the Democratic elites and the preferences of their voters might be in order. One obvious factor that nobody likes to discuss is the fact that African American voters are actually far, far more socially conservative than white Democratic voters — they lean heavily left economically, but are not, as a demographic, big fans of the LGBT agenda. (That is one of the key but unspoken reasons Pete Buttigieg could not get any traction in the black community.) . . .

Democrats’ hunt for Trump slayer may lead to Hillary Clinton comeback

NY Post  "Now that the once-sprawling field of Democrats seeking the presidency has become a two-man race, many in the party are breathing a sigh of relief. All the more so because Joe Biden is the clear front-runner and the dreaded Bernie Sanders looks to be fading.
"So it’s all set. Biden will be the nominee and give the party a solid chance of scoring a November trifecta: beating President Trump, taking the Senate and holding the House.
"Count me as skeptical. Instead of a smooth ride, it’s more likely that the Dems’ desperate search for a Trump slayer will hit more turbulence and an alternative to Biden still could be necessary.
"Guess what — one just happens to be waiting in the wings, hoping for an invitation. Before you laugh at the prospect of a Hillary Clinton comeback, consider the too-weird twists and turns of Biden’s campaign." . . .
. . . 
"Put it this way: Which Joe Biden will we see from now on? Does the new, improved version have the stamina and mental health to go all the way? Or will the long summer and the attacks from Trump on him and his family break him?
"It is noteworthy that his wife, Jill Biden, seems to be by his side far more often. The image is that of a nurse or mediator between him and the world."

Hillary Clinton takes back email scandal apology as James Woods trolls her over botox   Stephen Colbert probably has called already.

Bernie and his Bros

Lost in Space: Joe Biden decries the 'Bernie Brothers'
Biden just doesn't get it.  He doesn't know where he is, he doesn't know who is enemies are, and he still doesn't have a clue. 
Thanks to American Thinker and Ben Garrison

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Larry Elder: Hollywood in the Trump era: Conservatives not welcome

“That’s all. This is the world I work in every day, and it’s disgusting. I grew up in a country where people, even total strangers, would say that they might disagree with my opinions, but they would fight to the death to defend my right to speak my mind. Those days are gone. Apparently, now they would fight to the death to keep me from talking.
"Hollywood is one leg of the Axis of Indoctrination, with media and academia completing the trifecta.
"There are some outspoken nonliberals in Hollywood. Self-described “libertarian” Clint Eastwood comes to mind. But the list is short. A month before the 2016 election, I met a young actress at a party. She just arrived in Los Angeles from Michigan and excitedly told me about a meeting scheduled the following morning with one of the major agencies in Hollywood, an agency she hoped would represent her. For an actor, getting an agent — especially with one of the major firms — is a huge accomplishment. Later at the party, I overhead the actress say something about voting for Donald Trump by absentee ballot. I wasn’t sure I heard her correctly, so I quietly asked her if she voted for Trump. She said yes. I advised her not to mention this, under any circumstances, at her meeting the next day. She was surprised, and I was just as surprised at her naivete. “This place hates Republicans,” I said, “and hates Donald Trump to a degree I’ve never seen.” 
"A few days later, the host of the party told me that actress called her and asked her to thank me for the warning about not sharing her politics with the agency. The actress said that for the first 10 minutes of the meeting, three agents completed one another’s sentences about Trump, calling him degenerate, racist, sexist, idiotic and other things not printable.
"How hostile is Hollywood toward Republicans? Consider this recent letter I received from a well-known, prominent and successful Hollywood conservative:" . . .

Bing lists Hollywood Republicans

What lies ahead for Biden?

Biden braces for ‘negative bloodbath’ from ‘Bernie Brothers’  "Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden ignited social media when he referenced Sen. Bernie Sanders’ hardline supporters.
"The former vice president reportedly warned of “an increasingly negative campaign” he expects in the coming months during a phone address to donors on Friday, Politico reported." . . .

During the Iran hostage crisis, did U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders express support for the Iranian regime of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.?

Snopes  "In January 2020, we received multiple inquiries from readers about the accuracy of a social media meme that made striking claims about the past record of U.S. Sen. and 2020 Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders. The meme featured black-and-white photographs of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who led the Islamic revolution of 1979 and became Iran’s supreme leader; former U.S. President Jimmy Carter; and Sanders, along with the following text: (In the illustration below.)

. . . "The claims contained in the meme appeared to borrow from two articles published in January 2020, just two weeks before the Democratic presidential primaries began in earnest with the Iowa caucuses. 
"On Jan. 16, The Daily Beast published an opinion column written by historian Ronald Radosh, which carried the headline, “When Iran Took Americans Hostage, Bernie Backed Iran’s Defenders.” There, Radosh wrote that Sanders “aligned himself with the Socialist Workers Party (SWP), the self-proclaimed Trotskyist revolutionary party, became its presidential elector in Vermont, and campaigned for its candidates and platform that defended the Iranian hostage seizure.”
"On Jan. 18, The Jerusalem Post published an article that bore the headline, “Bernie Sanders Backed a Party That Supported Iran During Hostage Crisis.” The piece largely restated portions of Radosh’s earlier column.
"Important differences exist between the claims made in the above-displayed meme, which contained several key falsehoods, and Radosh’s article, but the latter also omitted important context and made misleading assertions." . . .

Abortion Czar? Sanders Administration Would ‘Require Preclearance’ For Pro-Life

Daily Wire

"Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has unveiled a comprehensive abortion agenda that would require states to receive approval before fully enacting new pro-life laws. 
"The idea, which is outlined in the candidate’s Reproductive Health Care and Justice For All proposal, would “ban” state laws that “put undue and unnecessary burdens and regulations” on abortion providers.
"Specifics for the “preclearance” process have not yet been outlined, nor is it clear what government body would be approving these laws. " . . .

Study says Millennials lack knowledge of the Holocaust

"Less than half of Americans know how many Jews were killed in the Holocaust, while also being unaware of how Adolf Hitler and his nationalist Nazi party came to power in Germany ahead of World War II, according to new survey data.

"Pew Research Center released the findings on Wednesday, a little less than a week ahead of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the infamous Nazi death camp Auschwitz, which took place on January 27, 1945. The survey asked nearly 13,000 American respondents to answer multiple-choice questions about the Holocaust, finding that only 45 percent correctly said that 6 million Jews were killed during the World War II genocide.

"Of the respondents, 29 percent answered that they were not sure or had no answer to how many Jews were killed, while 14 percent underestimated the number. An additional 12 percent overestimated the amount, believing that more than 12 million Jews had been killed.

"Most Americans also didn't know how Hitler came to power, with only 43 percent correctly answering that it was through a democratic political process. Twenty-five percent believed the Nazi leader had violently overthrown the German government, while 28 percent said they were not sure or had no answer." . . .

Yad Vashem - World Holocaust Remembrance Center

Yad Vashem is a poignant - often painful - Holocaust memorial that must be visited.
"Yad Vashem’s 45-acre campus comprises indoor museums and outdoor monuments, exhibitions, memorial sites, gardens, sculptures, and world-class research and education centers – all devoted to preserving the memory of the Holocaust. The hollowed-out cavern with a single candle reflected by a series of mirrors commemorates the 1.5 million children killed."

Friday, March 6, 2020

What about Joe?

Timothy Bishop
Declining Joe Biden   . . . "I am not a physician, so I am not attempting to diagnose what is causing Joe Biden's mental decline.  Still, the public deserves to know what is happening to him and his prognosis.  My guess is that his neurologic state is only slightly worse than that of President Reagan when he left office.  What makes things different is that Joe Biden isn't leaving office; he is seeking the highest office in the land, so I believe that the public deserves to know what is happening to him and if he we can reasonably expect him to be able to perform the duties of president.
"I ask again: Does Joe Biden have Alzheimer's Disease?"

A Threat Is a Threat, Sen. Schumer
"And Mitch McConnell knows that, but still lies about me!"

A Threat Is a Threat, Sen. Schumer  "Arrogant Sen. Chuck Schumer crossed the line in threatening United States Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. His words were shocking, even for him.
"I don't usually get too exercised about political rhetoric, realizing that impassioned politicians regularly engage in hyperbole. But Schumer's remarks were inexcusable by any standard.
. . . 
"It's one thing for members of the political branches to criticize judges after they've made decisions they disagree with, but to threaten them with consequences in advance of a decision is shocking. If I had hair-trigger sensitivity for impeachable offenses like congressional Democrats, I'd call this a "high crime or misdemeanor." But I don't, so I won't." . . .
Schumer's lack of repentance appears in his defiant response to the normally mild-mannered Chief Justice Roberts calling his remarks "dangerous." Schumer shot back, accusing Roberts of bias for not calling out President Donald Trump for criticizing Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsberg last week. But Trump didn't threaten the justices. He simply pointed out they were biased against him and that Sotomayor had accused Republican-appointed justices of being biased in favor of Trump.

The hideous face of abortion extremism

The case before the court:    
The Supreme Court on Wednesday took up June Medical Services v. Russo, which considers the constitutionality of a 2014 Louisiana law requiring doctors who perform abortions to obtain admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their clinic, a credential many abortionists do not have. According to critics of the law, it threatens to shut down all but one abortion clinic in Louisiana, which sees roughly 10,000 abortions every year.The Unsafe Abortion Protection Act was introduced by Democratic state senator Katrina Jackson, who told National Review she considers her bill “a health-standard law” that is “very common sense.”
Mark Levin Demands Multiple Actions To Be Taken On Sen. Schumer

. . . "In response to Schumer’s threats, Mark Levin said Schumer “absolutely” endangered both Supreme Court justices and to back it up, he cited Chief Justice Roberts, who condemned the Senate Minority Leader earlier on Wednesday over his remarks.
"Levin also suggested Schumer should be “sanctioned by the Bar, admonished by the Senate, investigated by the Senate ethics committee and even reviewed by the DOJ.” 
“ 'Chuck Schumer’s direct threats today against two Supreme Court justices absolutely does endanger them. The Chief Justice said as much,” Levin tweeted. “Schumer also insisted that the justices rule on an active case as he demands.” . . .
Der Schumerglower

Chuck Schumer: I Didn’t Threaten Justices but Used the Wrong Word Well, we have seen what Democrats did - did- to Justice Kavanaugh and his family.  They were Teddy Kennedy's apt pupils. TD

It's amazing what abortion has done to the Democrats  . . . "Also, what about the many Democrats who are pro-life or believe a late-term abortion is just plain wrong? "I am waiting to hear what de-facto nominee Joe Biden will say about this incident." . . .
The hideous face of abortion extremism  . . . "As for the idea that abortion should be rare, that’s gone too. For today’s abortion activists, abortion is all about “me, me, me.” Nothing exemplifies that mindset more than a speech that Busy Philipps gave at the same venue in which Chuck Schumer issued his threats: . . .  Which is uglier: Phillip's words or the female cheers she gets?
. . . "It’s open to question, though, whether Americans will accept that abortion is an excellent idea because it can lead to careers and those all-important, saving-the-planet hybrid cars. Most Americans might find this self-centered thinking off-putting, if not out-and-out horrifying."

State AGs Condemn Schumer Threats, Demand Censure . . . "At least seven state attorneys general have condemned Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) for his threats against Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Many of them called for Schumer to be censured over his remarks." . . .
The Cynical Optimist is cynical:
It's only got 15 cosponsors, that's the good old Republican Party for you. Sen Graham is too busy making TV appearances during which he says absolutely nothing of substance, Sen. Burr is too busy washing Sen. Warner's car and polishing his shoes, Sen. Portman is too busy caucusing with the Democrats, Senators Collins and Murkowski had a series of important strategy sessions with the leaders of Planned Parenthood to attend, Sen. Johnson is too busy holding actual hearings that matter so he's off the hook, and Sen. Grassley is working on his lawnmower.