Friday, March 20, 2020

Democrats praising Trump? Really? CNN?

Rich Terrell
Political tectonic plates are shifting as media and other Dems start praising Trump’s crisis management (and as his polls rise)  "Political tectonic plates are shifting as progs like Ilhan Omar start praising Trump’s crisis management (and as his polls rise)
"At first, the growing wave of praise for President Trump’s handling of the Coronavirus catastrophe seemed like pigs flying, an unexpected and rare event. But now that the governors of deep blue California and New York have been joined by Ilhan Omar in admiring his handling of the crisis, we can see that forces far larger than individuals going rogue from Trump Derangement Syndrome are at work. TDS  is being swamped by the reality of an existential crisis." . . . 
"To my eyes, he also seems to be getting his metaphorical sea legs as a presidential crisis leader, backing his team strongly (and receiving visible and effusive support back from them) while bringing along the public with them as they scramble to figure out together what is in the best interests of the nation.
"Seven and a half months, the amount of time until the nation votes, is an eternity in politics, and a lot can happen. But right now, President Trump is solidifying his role as our leader, who is doing his best to save his allies and his foes alike from a threat that could kill any or all of us."

States Making Life Impossibly Hard for Truckers, Who Can't Find Food and Bathrooms UPDATED

PJ Media "In this unprecedented crisis brought to us by the lying Communists in China, the COVID-19 pandemic panic has gone too far. America's truckers, the people we rely on to restock our empty grocery shelves, are being treated like disease vectors and worse, they've been forgotten.
"The state of Pennsylvania thought it was a good idea to shut down all the rest stops where truckers sleep, including closing the bathrooms—until the trucking lobby caught the ear of the president. Thirteen rest stops have been reopened in Pennsylvania, but our truckers are being forced to use porta-Johns that are far dirtier than the public bathrooms. How is this helping?
"It's not just rest areas, but restaurants are closing their dining rooms, even in truck stops. Truckers can't go through drive-thrus. How are they supposed to eat while they are killing themselves to bring us toilet paper and fresh produce? Companies receiving the goods aren't even letting the drivers use their bathrooms.
"This has to stop, people. We owe our truckers more consideration than this. Read this thread from a trucker on Twitter and feel ashamed. Then call your representatives and tell them to do something about this. It begins, "TRUCKERS NEED YOUR HELP" and describes the terrible conditions they are faced with due to the WuFlu lockdown." . . .

UPDATE: PA Turnpike to reopen all 17 closed service plazas to support truckers amid COVID-19 crisis "The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission has agreed to reopen all of service plazas that they shuttered earlier this week for Coronavirus.
"All 17 closed service plazas are set to reopen at 7 a.m. on Friday, March 20, according to a news release from the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission.
"Restroom facilities will be available to drivers 24 hours per day starting at 7 a.m. on Friday. Porta-potties will remain in place for use at the service plaza locations for another week.
"The service plazas will be offering limited food options for take-out only from 8 a.m." . . .

Trump moves beyond calling the media Fake News and calls them Corrupt News.

Andrea Widburg   "Chanel Rion, who is half Korean, is the White House Correspondent for One America Network (aka OAN), an openly conservative news station. On Thursday, during President Trump’s now daily press briefing, she asked him why it was appropriate to use the phrase “Chinese Virus” when referring to the coronavirus.
"President Trump seized the opportunity to say that this was an accurate term and that the Fake News media were parroting Chinese propaganda when they accused him of being racist. The mainstream media responded by doing everything short of falling on the fainting couch with smelling salts at the horror of it all – and then by demonstrating that they are, in fact, repeating the Chinese party line.
"Rion’s question didn’t pull punches about her pro-American, anti-Chinese-communism bias. She first asked Trump whether the phrase “Chinese food” was racist. Trump, after noting that he liked OAN, agreed that the phrase wasn’t racist at all.
"Then, Rion got to the heart of the matter:
On that note, major left-wing news media — even in this room — have teamed up with Chinese Communist Party narratives and they’re claiming you’re racist for making these claims about ‘Chinese virus.’ Is it alarming that major media players, just to oppose you, are consistently siding with foreign state propaganda, Islamic radicals and Latin gangs and cartels? And they work right here at the White House with direct access to you and your team?
"Given an opening, Trump took it:" . . .
Videos in the article and a wrapup with this:

After inserting a knife into CNN, Ms. Widberg twists it with this: 
. . . "These things, though, don’t interest CNN. Filling airtime and attacking Trump are its bottom line goals. No wonder Sean Penn is now one of its go-to experts. The mainstream media are corrupt, and they are disgusting."

Soros' $2M Helps Lift Prosecutor Who Dropped Smollett Charges

Newsmax  "The Illinois prosecutor whose office dropped felony charges against actor Jussie Smollett after his staged hate crime won the Democratic primary, helped by a $2 million donation from liberal billionaire George Soros, The Washington Free Beacon reported Wednesday.
"Cook County State Attorney Kim Foxx defeated the other contenders in the primary with 50.2% of the vote and will be heavily favored to beat Republican Patrick O'Brien in the November elections in the solidly Democratic county.
"In addition to Soros, other liberal donors and groups also backed Foxx, despite the national criticism directed at her for her handling of the Smollett case.
"The actor last year claimed a pair of masked men attacked him in Chicago, hurling racist and homophobic slurs at him while declaring the city "MAGA country."
"However, a police investigation revealed Smollett hired two men to fake the attack, leading to 16 felony charges against him for disorderly conduct, according to the Free Beacon.
"In a controversial move, Foxx's office dropped the charges after she discussed the case with one of Smollet's relatives at the request of Michelle Obama's former chief of staff." / / /

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Biden’s Top 12 Running Mates, Ranked

"He says he’s going to pick a woman. So which woman should it be?"
"Joe Biden embraces social distancing for 2020 Presidential campaign."
Politico  "Joe Biden’s unequivocal declaration that his running mate will be a woman began the 2020 veepstakes with a brutal cut. There will be no consolation prize for Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg or Julián Castro. There will be no unity ticket pairing Biden with Bernie Sanders. Mansplainers and manspreaders, you can go home. Joe has binders full of women.
"Perhaps there has never been a more serious veepstakes than this one. Biden won’t say on the record that he would serve only one term as president, but he has given enough hints that many have assumed it. That makes his vice presidential choice the automatic frontrunner for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination and potentially the first female president of the United States. This is no time for your last-call, falling-off-your-bar-stool, so-crazy-it-just-might-work vice-presidential musings.
"Already, some names Biden has casually thrown out are nonstarters. Senator Jeanne Shaheen is highly accomplished as a former governor of New Hampshire, but Biden should not team up with a fellow septuagenarian. Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates is a fun name to bat around, but getting fired by Donald Trump is not a qualification to be a COVID-19 diagnosis away from being commander in chief.
"Beyond a plausible president, the 77-year-old Biden needs a running mate who can help him either win the critical Midwestern states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin or energize the more racially diverse generations of young voters, who could help not only in Midwest cities but also in swing states such as Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida.
"Who can fit the bill? My rankings, on a scale from Sarah Palin to LBJ carrying Texas for JFK:"... .Full article...

Trump wanted to bury Biden after the primary. Now he can’t.
"The former vice president gets a reprieve from the Mitt Romney treatment."
"President Donald Trump’s top political advisers in recent weeks envisioned unleashing a massive advertising campaign against Joe Biden to define him for the general election before he had a chance to recover from the primary.
"Then the novel coronavirus arrived." . . .

Ilhan Omar Commends Trump’s ‘Unprecedented Leadership’ During The COVID-19 Crisis: “Incredible & The Right Response”

Has CNN mentioned this?

The Freedom Times

"Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar turned heads on social media Wednesday evening, as she issued praise towards President Trump and his “unprecedented leadership” during the COVID-19 crisis.
"The rare moment occurred when Omar, who is often critical towards the Trump Administration, responded to an observation made by a journalist over the President’s decisions and ideas to bring relief to Americans.
“Trump suspending mortgage foreclosures, demanding cash payments to Americans, now invoking the Defense Production Act to force private firms to produce needed supplies is incredible,” investigative journalist Lee Fang wrote.
"He added, “Kind of a shell shock for anyone who reported on any economic policies in the Obama years.”
"In reaction to Fang’s remarks, Rep. Omar replied with a hand-clapping emoji, “Politics aside, this is incredible and the right response in this critical time.” 

See Below . . .

Kellyanne Conway proves again she’s worth whatever Trump pays her

Instead, the media’s shrieking harpies spoke in one voice: Tell us how guilty the whole Trump administration is because an anonymous White House official allegedly made a joke that offended an Asian reporter.

Andrea Widburg  "The mainstream media are disgusting. That sentence could open every article about the mainstream media in a time of coronavirus. The media’s hostility to Trump is so extreme that there is no lie they won’t tell to damage him – never mind that doing so might destroy the American economy or cause other unimaginable harm to the American people.
"In addition to lies, the media’s other line of attack is to call everything Trump says or does “racist.” When it comes to the coronavirus, the media have a friend in the Chinese communist party that started this epidemic. The communists would also like Trump to be “racist,” because attacking him deflects attention from the Party’s disgraceful and deadly behavior in hiding coronavirus from the world to keep the Chinese government looking good.
"This anti-Trump bias had led to the latest media meme, which is that the phrases “Wuhan Virus” or “Chinese Virus” are racist. Naturally, Trump doubled down, for he now speaks only of the Chinese Virus. The problem for the media is that, just a month ago, used the words Chinese or Wuhan non-stop when referring to the virus. Reporters, therefore, know that they’re on shaky ground when attacking Trump on this point.
"The only thing to be done, of course, is to lie. In this case, the lie is that an unnamed White House official went beyond saying Wuhan or Chinese Virus. Instead, speaking to an Asian reporter, s/he called coronavirus the “Kung Flu.” " . . .

This video is a bit long, but shows Kellyanne at her best:

Whatever Trump is paying Conway, it’s not enough, based on that performance alone.

Fear from the Democrats

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Retweets David Hogg’s Suggestion to F*** a National Day of Prayer

Lloyd Marcus: Scoundrel Time: Coronavirus brings out the ugly face of the left
. . . "CDC data confirms that the martial-law-light mandates steamrolling across America are disproportionate to the threat of the virus. Some governors and most corporations are responding to media-mob pressure to halt life in America. Others see an opportunity to land a death-blow to the Trump administration.
"Insidiously ignoring the CDC's no-need-to-panic-data, fake news media created and is gleefully fueling corona-madness. Using their huge bully pulpit, fake news media says anyone who dares to contradict their you're-all-gonna-die narrative will be dragged into the high tech public square, stripped naked, branded an irresponsible idiot with a hot iron and their career will be canceled.
"It is disturbing that there is practically zero pushback against governors instantaneously overruling our constitutional freedoms. Sadly, many youths are clueless regarding their constitutional freedoms. They grew up in public schools where progressive teachers taught them that the Constitution is an outdated piece of paper written by racist, sexist, homophobic, and Christian dead straight white men.
"We have far too many Bernie Bro youths who say, “If the government is going to give me free stuff, I am down with whatever controls government deem necessary.' ” . . .

‘Scum’: Never Trump Rick Wilson Tweets a Vile Hashtag About Melania Trump and Wuhan Coronavirus  "Whenever you think Never Trump pundit Rick Wilson can’t go lower, somehow he always manages to."   From Melissa A.  @TheRightMelissa
Replying to @TheRickWilson
CNN & MSNBC commentator wishing the first lady gets infected with the Corona virus. The vile hatred of these people knows no bounds. They are evil 

Actress Rosanna Arquette Blames Jews For Coronavirus Outbreak In Twitter Rant


"Actress Rosanna Arquette is under fire from most corners of civilized society after she accused the nation of Israel of being part of a conspiracy to spread the COVID-19 virus, known as the coronavirus.
"In a tweet posted Tuesday, the 60-year-old actress claimed Israel has been working on a vaccine for coronavirus for over a year. She insinuated that Jews were essentially allowing the outbreak to spread to heighten profits from a potential vaccine.
"Arquette deleted the tweet within hours, after taking near-universal criticism. A screenshot of the tweet is included below.
"Apparently, Arquette is unaware that the term “coronavirus” applies to a family of viruses, many of whom have vaccines. However, COVID-19 does not have a vaccine or a widely-available test to diagnose it." . . .

"A History Of Disturbing Tweets

"Arquette has a history of outrageous tweets. She is an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump, calling his presidency a “sick dictatorship.” He Twitter bio includes the phrasing “resisting fascism on a daily basis. silence is complicity. Green new deal.”
"Last year, she tweeted “I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame.” She deleted the tweet after much ridicule.
"In addition, she has also tweeted that “The president of the United States of America incites racist violence. The end.' ” . . . Full article   Hat tip to Guardian Eagles

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

MSNBC Analyst Suggests Using Coronavirus To Prosecute Trump For ‘Negligent Homicide’ — Gets An Assist From Former Democratic Candidate

Daily Caller
Kirschner concluded by accusing Trump of “negligent/grossly negligent (and/or possibly intentional) mishandling” of the response to coronavirus and claiming that the issue was “thorny” and “nuanced” but that all possible “criminal charges will have to be investigated.” 

"MSNBC Analyst Glenn Kirschner suggested Tuesday that he would attempt to prosecute President Donald Trump for negligent homicide over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
"Kirschner laid out his explanation in a series of tweets, first claiming that the president “may have criminal exposure for some level of negligent homicide or voluntary/involuntary manslaughter for the way he’s mishandled the Coronavirus crisis.” (RELATED: MSNBC Analyst Accuses Fox News Of ‘Getting People Killed For Years’)
"He went on to tout his own career as a prosecutor, saying that he had always been “on the lookout for novel ways to apply homicide … liability in an attempt to appropriately and ethically hold accountable those who were responsible for taking the life of a fellow human being.” . . .

Trump Secures GOP Presidential Nomination With Tuesday’s Primary Victories

Weasel Zippers

"Setting a record for turnout for an incumbent president."

Fox News  "President Trump has officially secured the 2020 Republican presidential nomination after victories in the Florida and Illinois primaries Tuesday, according to an Associated Press delegate count.
"Trump surpassed the 1,276 delegates needed to secure the nomination two months earlier than he did in 2016, when he battled a huge field of rivals as an insurgent candidate.
"The Republican Party is more unified and energized than ever before and it’s because of President Trump’s leadership and clear record of accomplishment on behalf of all Americans," Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale said in a statement. "As his response to the coronavirus has shown, and as the broad and strong economy demonstrates, the President wakes up every day putting America first in every decision he makes. And voters have responded."
"This put an end to the longshot challenges that Trump faced, from candidates including former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld, former Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh, and former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford." . . .

Cheap TVS, Expensive Flu

According to the dire estimates of the Imperial College of London -- whose assessment we are following -- excepting those with underlying medical conditions, the new coronavirus is far less deadly than the seasonal flu to anyone under 60 years old. It’s no worse than the 2017-18 flu season for those in their 60s.But it's five to 10 times more deadly than the regular flu for those in their 70s and 80s, respectively.

 Ann Coulter  "Here's a thought: While self-quarantining with their families in multimillion-dollar Manhattan co-ops, Wall Street wives ought to have a chat with their Master of the Universe husbands about China, globalism and political correctness. Those are the vectors of their robber-baron wealth.
"Thanks to “globalism” -- i.e., cheap goods from China -- we’ve gotten many wondrous things, for example:
-- Toothpaste on American shelves made with a poison found in antifreeze.
-- Toxic Chinese drywall installed in about 100,000 U.S. homes, emitting noxious fumes that destroyed electrical wiring and metal fixtures and sickened homeowners. Replacement of the drywall, pipes and wiring cost Americans billions of dollars.
-- Hundreds, possibly thousands, of American dogs killed by melamine-laced Chinese dog food in 2007.
-- The loss of about 200,000 beautiful maple trees lining the streets of small New England towns, eaten by Asian long-horned beetles that arrived on Chinese cargo ships in 1996. The U.S. taxpayer spends hundreds of millions of dollars to eradicate the repeated outbreaks that continue to this day, despite promises from the Chinese to do better.
-- Viral pandemics -- H1N1 (from China), bird flu (from China), SARS (from China) and now the Wuhan virus (from China).
"Is it really worth paying $3 for a T-shirt at Walmart, rather than $9? The precise reason Chinese goods are so cheap is that they skip the crucial quality-control step.
The media’s reaction to this latest pandemic out of China is to say ...
"Well, like most animal-to-human viruses, this one did originate in China and then spread across the globe when Chinese tourists infected people in other countries.
"As described by Melinda Liu in Smithsonian Magazine, the Chinese wet markets, “often poorly ventilated, with multiple species jammed together -- create ideal conditions for spreading disease through shared water utensils or airborne droplets of blood and other secretions.”
"This 2017 article was titled: “Is China Ground Zero for a Future Pandemic?
"When the pandemic arrived, at least the World Health Organization leapt to action. First step: Find a cure? Develop a vaccine? Demand protections for the elderly?
"WHO officials got together and worked on coming up with a new name for the “Wuhan virus” that sounded less Asian." . . .

Trump Responds To Reporter Who Asked If ‘Chinese Virus’ Is Racist: ‘No, It Comes From China’   

MSNBC’s Richard Engel Insane Explanation For Why You Shouldn’t Call It ‘Chinese Virus’

Biden Adviser Praises Communist China’s Response To Coronavirus…