"Even if we’re trying to be politically correct, have equal rights and accept anyone as he wants us to accept him we should draw a line in some cases. According to many scientists Men and Women are inherently different and pretending that they’re equal is actually making some women pay a huge price for it."
. . . "Ashley McGuire, creator of Sex Scandal: "The Drive to Abolish Male and Female, stated: "Twenty years back if a man hit a lady so hard that he sent her to the medical clinic, he'd be in jail. Presently he can get paid for it.". . . "Among many comments on this fight, there is a very interesting one:"
"In the video underneath, McGuire clarifies that that sex is an individual decision that is extremely ANTI-WOMEN and ANTI-SCIENTIFIC.
" 'That is on the grounds that the people are a similar contention constantly drives ladies to be made a decision against a male standard.
"Or on the other hand, to put it another way, to be to a greater extent a lady, a lady must be increasingly similar to a man… .' "
“I don’t understand the problem. I’m constantly told that men and women are equal and that gender is a social construct. I’m constantly shown “badass women” on TV and in movies that can beat up men easily. I’m told a woman can do anything a man can do. DOVE commercials show that girls can run, punch, and jump just as well as men. So…why shouldn’t men fight vs. women? Why segregate sports? If transgender people can use the bathroom which matches their gender identity, why can’t they choose the UFC gender class that matches their gender identity? You’re not a transphobic/sexist bigot, are you?”