Lifesite News "May 21, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis describing requests to declare Our Lady Co-redemptrix as “nonsense” is a reflection of his “personal taste” and not a statement on the validity of the doctrine, a Franciscan theologian told the Rome Life Forum yesterday.
"Fr. Serafino Lanzetta delved into the six-month-old controversy during an question-and-answer session on the first day of the seventh annual forum, which was moved online because of the coronavirus pandemic, and is on the theme “Coronavirus in the Light of Fatima: a tragedy and a source of hope.”
"The question referred to the pope’s December 12, 2019, homily in which he said Mary “never wanted to take anything from her Son. She never presented herself as Co-redemptrix,” and added, “When they come to us with stories saying we have to declare this, or make this or that other dogma, let us not get lost in nonsense.”
“We cannot dismiss the word ‘Co-redemptrix’ … only because Pope Francis said we don’t need it,” said Lanzetta, a Marian Franciscan from the diocese of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom.
"Lanzetta contends that the doctrine that Mary made a unique contribution to our salvation as Co-redemptrix is part of the ordinary magisterium of the Church, and has been reiterated by many popes for the last 100 years." . . .
“We cannot dismiss the word ‘Co-redemptrix’ … only because Pope Francis said we don’t need it,” said Lanzetta, a Marian Franciscan from the diocese of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom.
"Lanzetta contends that the doctrine that Mary made a unique contribution to our salvation as Co-redemptrix is part of the ordinary magisterium of the Church, and has been reiterated by many popes for the last 100 years." . . .
Pope Pius IV, Council of Trent, Sess. 25, On Invocation, Veneration and Relics of Saints, and on Sacred Images, ex cathedra: “… the saints, who reign with Christ, offer up their prayers to God for men; and that it is good and useful to invoke them suppliantly and, in order to obtain favors from God through His Son JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, WHO ALONE IS OUR REDEEMER and Savior… And they must also teach that images of Christ, the virgin mother of God and the other saints should be set up and kept… But if anyone should teach or maintain anything contrary to these decrees, let him be anathema.” (Denz. 984)
"This dogmatic definition, that Christ alone is our Redeemer, even mentions Mary. So, in the very context of mentioning the Blessed Virgin and the saints, the Council of Trent declares that Christ alone is the Redeemer. That proves that Mary is not the Co-Redemptrix"