Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Boom: Kayleigh McEnany Dropkicks Chris Wallace Over Suggestion That Journalists Shouldn’t Be Questioned

“Journalism is a great and noble profession but there’s been a dearth of journalists asking the real questions for President Obama, the criminal leak of Michael Flynn’s identity, who leaked that identity, the dossier used to launch a three year investigation into this president to spy on his campaign why aren’t those questions being asked?”“It’s journalistic malpractice not to ask those questions,” McEnany concluded.

"Yesterday, my RedState colleague Bonchie wrote about how Fox News anchor Chris Wallace and former National Review editor Jonah Goldberg bashed White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany Sunday for not only asking journalists at the Friday press briefing about their lack of curiosity over Gen. Michael Flynn’s unmasking, but for also pointing out that it seemed like they didn’t want churches to reopen.
"McEnany’s turning the tables on the notoriously combative, left-wing White House press corps earned her a “Twitter troll” designation by Goldberg, who stated that he believed her behavior was “indefensible and grotesque.” Wallace teed up the segment by suggesting that if McEnany “had told” him and former ABC News journalist Sam Donaldson “what questions” they should have asked during a briefing, that it “would not have gone well.”
"Their criticisms were absurd for many reasons, as Bonchie explained well in his post, but McEnany herself was asked about them during a Fox and Friends interview this morning, and she did not hold back:" . . .

Against Faux-Feminists Who Deny the Rights of Muslim Women and Jews

Women’s studies associations, national feminist organizations—many feminist Jews—are not merely “politically correct”; they have become “Islamically correct.” Phyllis Chesler
Phyllis Chesler 
Why today’s postmodern postcolonial feminism avoids the true front lines of the battle for women’s rights

. . .  "Like other American radical feminists, I was active in the civil-rights and anti-war movements. Unlike other feminists, I had “once lived in a harem in Afghanistan.” This is the opening line of my book, An American Bride in Kabul. Quite unexpectedly, I lived in a polygamous household in very posh purdah—which meant I was not allowed out without a male escort. Quite surprisingly, my father-in-law had three wives and 21 children—facts my Westernized husband failed to mention during our long American college courtship.
. . . "I can tell you that anti-Semitism—Jew-hatred—is not new among feminists. I first encountered it in the early 1970s among radical feminists and lesbians and, together with Aviva Cantor and Cheryl Moch, immediately began exposing it.
     "However, a new and what I describe as a “faux feminism” has arisen in the last 30 years, a postmodern and postcolonial feminism that passionately condemns Christianity and Judaism as the greatest danger to women’s rights but dares not critique religiously supremacist Islam for this same reason; an intersectional “faux feminism” that condemns only Western imperialism and refuses to acknowledge the long history of Islamic imperialism, colonialism, slavery, anti-black racism, and religious and gender apartheid; a “faux feminism” that is far more concerned with the alleged occupation of Palestine than it is with the occupation of women’s bodies, faces, minds, and genitalia world-wide–including those women who are being forcibly face-veiled, death-threatened, and honor killed in the disputed territories." . . . More...

Phyllis Chesler is an Emerita Professor of Psychology at City University of New York. She is a best-selling author, a legendary feminist leader, a retired psychotherapist and expert courtroom witness. She has lectured and organized political, legal, religious, and human rights campaigns in the United States, Canada, Europe, Israel, and the Far East. Her work has been translated into many European languages and into Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Hebrew.

The general election scenario that Democrats are dreading

"We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country," says a top former economic adviser to Obama.

. . . "This is my big worry,” said a former Obama White House official who is still close to the former president. Asked about the level of concern among top party officials, he said, “It’s high — high, high, high, high.”
"And top policy officials on the Biden campaign are preparing for a fall economic debate that might look very different than the one predicted at the start of the pandemic in March. “They are very much aware of this,” said an informal adviser.
"Furman’s case begins with the premise that the 2020 pandemic-triggered economic collapse is categorically different than the Great Depression or the Great Recession, which both had slow, grinding recoveries.
"Instead, he believes, the way to think about the current economic drop-off, at least in the first two phases, is more like what happens to a thriving economy during and after a natural disaster: a quick and steep decline in economic activity followed by a quick and steep rebound." . . .

Joe Biden Says He Will Kill High-Paying Jobs Created By Keystone XL Pipeline…

Is Biden a racist if he doesn't choose Stacey Abrams?

Image by Dianny of Patriot Retort

Is Biden a racist if he doesn't choose Stacey Abrams?  "We hear a lot of talk about whom Joe Biden might choose to be his vice presidential running mate.  One prominent name being bandied about is Stacey Abrams, the Georgia Democrat who lost the 2018 gubernatorial race to Republican Brian Kemp.  In fact, the former Georgia state rep. and minority leader of the Georgia House lost by about 55,000 votes.  However, in this topsy-turvy era of hyperbolic rhetoric, those on the left who lose an election can simply claim that it was stolen from them by voter suppression.  Abrams, taking a page from the Hilary Clinton "I got robbed" playbook, continues to promulgate the narcissistic folly that she is actually the governor of the Peach State.
"Moreover, if anyone disagrees with her, she declares him to be a (you guessed it) "racist."  This tactic is so old and mendacious that it's become laughable. It's used only by losers who can't deal with the fact that voters weren't able to recognize their obvious talents (sarcasm inserted).  I suppose the next best thing to winning is lamenting that you would have won if the system were fair.  It must be working, because Abrams has received more publicity for losing than Kemp has for winning.  Furthermore, the notion that she's veep timber is the left's way of pushing the notion that she actually won.  How often have we heard that winning is unfair to the losers?" . . .

Cooking the Books on COVID-19 Deaths

Brian C.Joondeph, MD  . . . "Most peoples’ moods are already melancholic over the unending economic shutdown, along with social distancing, masks, and restrictions on movement and assembly not normally seen in free societies. Why don’t news networks show a tally of recovered patients rather than deaths?
"Aside from the morbid, “If it bleeds, it leads” mantra that guides much news reporting, the media wants to pin each death on the tail of President Trump. Twitter has a #TrumpDeathCount hashtag to blame every single death on the president, the more the merrier. This is ahead of the fall presidential campaign where Democrats will attempt to blame the entire Wuhan virus mess on Trump, from the economic devastation to the total number of deaths.
"If more deaths are better for the Democrat and media narrative, expect to see inflated death counts, erroneously blaming non-virus deaths on the virus. The left is practiced at this since every type of extreme weather, from rain to snow, heat to cold, hurricanes to tornadoes, is blamed on global warming or climate change, depending on which term fits the weather in question.
"As states and cities reopen, expect each new death to be trumpeted by the media, with panel discussion by “experts” discussing Trump’s recklessness and disregard for American lives." . . .

MSM reporting of US COVID 19 mortality rate: An exercise in ‘How to Lie with Statistics’ "A book published 66 years ago and still in print is an essential reference for understanding most of the data that you see about the pandemic afflicting the world today.  Written by Darrell Huff and illustrated by Irving Geis, How to Lie With Statistics is both sardonic and a serious lesson in the abuse of math for propaganda. Whether or not it was studied by our Trump-hating media anxious to make the US look bad, some of its lessons are being employed."  . . .
. . . "But the media keeps screaming about the hard numbers (conveniently no longer interested in “per capita” data) and I’ve yet to see anyone from the administration pushing back nor our elected officials making this point.
"This is not to minimize the number of those who have died from this virus that communist China thrust upon the world. But when speaking about how we have fared, how well Trump has addressed this pandemic, and how well our health care system took care of people, it’s important to be accurate and clear.
"The administration needs to be pushing this information out. Americans need to know the truth, not only about what Trump has done (against so many odds), but also about how miserably Cuomo and de Blasio failed."

Gov. Whitmer’s Husband Caught Planning Boat Party While She Orders Michigan To Stay At Home

News Punch

"A Michigan dock company says Gov. Whitmer’s husband asked to have his boat placed in the water off their second home for the Memorial Day weekend — while his wife was instructing people not to travel to the area and stay at home.
"Gov. Whitmer lives in the governor’s mansion with her husband Marc Mallory in the state capital of Lansing, but the couple also own a property in the Elk Rapids area, meaning Mallory was presumably set to break Michigan’s stay at home guidelines and travel to their second home to spend the holiday weekend on the water.
"Tad Dowker, the owner of NorthShore Dock, posted a comment on Facebook on Thursday claiming that Gov. Whitmer’s husband requested to have his boat placed in the lake near the family’s second home for the weekend.
" ‘This morning I was out working when the office called me, there was a gentleman on hold who wanted his boat in the water before the weekend,’ the post read.
" ‘Being memorial weekend and the fact that we started working 3 weeks late means there is no [chance] this is going to happen.
" ‘Well our office personal had explained this to the man and he replied “I am the husband to the Governor, will this make a difference”.’ " . . .

Monday, May 25, 2020

BET co-founder blasts Biden over comments on black voters: 'Arrogant and out-of-touch attitude'

Religio-Political Talk

"I never discuss anything except politics and religion. There is nothing else to discuss." ~ G.K. Chesterton

. . . "Biden has benefited by his hiding-in-the-basement strategy, which allows his handlers to minimize his gaffes. But even in that controlled environment, Biden gonna Biden, a preview of the general election.
"A good example of what the general election holds in store for when Biden no longer can hide was revealed during a Biden appearance on The Breakfast Club, hosted by ‘Charlamagne Tha God’:
BIDEN: “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.
CTG:“It don’t have nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with the fact — I want something for my community.”….

"Vice President Biden’s statement today represents the arrogant and out-of-touch attitude of a paternalistic white candidate who has the audacity to tell Black people, the descendants of slaves, that they are not Black unless they vote for him," Johnson told Fox News. "This proves unequivocally that the Democratic nominee believes that Black people owe him their vote without question; even though, we as Black people know it is exactly the opposite. He should spend the rest of his campaign apologizing to every Black person he meets."

Dem Strategist Steps in It Big Time, Tries to Play a ‘Gotcha’ on Whether ‘You Ain’t Black’ ‘Models’ Are Trump Supporters


"Democrats never know when to quit.
"They keep trying to defend Joe Biden’s indefensible “You ain’t black” comment or spin it to be something less offensive that it is.
"Of course the problem is they’re trying to make it go away but it’s not something that people are going to forget.
"So what have Democrats and their willing agents in liberal media been trying concentrate on instead? How dare President Donald Trump point out Biden’s racist remarks or tell others about it!
"Republicans pounce!
"Democratic strategist Joel Payne tried that tactic on CBS, according to Townhall:
“Within hours they had these t-shirts, ‘you ain’t black,’ that were on sale at the president’s online store,” a CBS host asked Democratic strategist Joel Payne, as pictures of two black models wearing the Trump campaign’s t-shirts appeared on the screen. “The campaign has confirmed a million-dollar ad blitz against the former vice president. Ads have already begun circulating online within hours. How does the Biden camp combat these kind of aggressive moves particularly online by the Trump campaign?”
The Democratic strategist answered by questioning whether the two “models” wearing the campaign’s t-shirts would actually vote for President Trump.
“It’s so interesting, the two models you showed showing those shirts, I wonder if they would actually vote for Donald Trump. That might be a good question for an industrious journalist to dig into,” said Payne.
"Never ask a question to which you don’t know the answer." . . .

Biden segregates voters into "black" and "ain't black"

“Ain’t black” is Biden’s “deplorables” moment. Yet his supporters seem oblivious to the lethal blow it has delivered to his prospects, just as Hillary Clinton didn’t comprehend the catastrophe of her “basket of deplorables” insult to half of America in 2016.  Miranda Devine
A ‘deplorables’ moment for Joe Biden shows why he won’t win the black vote . . . "It was a statement so staggeringly, primitively racist, that it landed like a gut punch to many black Americans, of all political persuasions, who took to the airwaves to denounce it over the weekend.
“ 'It played into the long-standing notion that the black vote is uncritical and guaranteed,” said left-wing writer Roxane Gay.
"Former NFL player Jack Brewer declared “the mask is off.”
“ 'Pure unadulterated hubris, the taking for granted of the black vote,” said ex-Bernie Sanders campaign co-chair Nina Turner, one of many who took issue with Biden’s patronizing use of the ungrammatical “ain’t.”
"Attempts by the Biden campaign to claim the comment was made “in jest” were futile, even as Democratic-friendly media such as CNN ignored the story." . . .

Gropey Joe Thinks He’s an Expert On What Minorities Should Think  . . . "But the Democrats have always had a special relationship with black Americans – “special” in the sense that it was especially horrible and abusive. Leaving aside the whole Democrat-initiated Civil War over Democrat slavery, the Democrat-founded KKK, and Democrat-imposed Jim Crow tyranny (a history they are still trying to rewrite today), Democrats still think that they owned a monopoly on black American votes." . . .

Pastor Scott at WH roundtable: ‘I’ve lived under 12 administrations, Trump has been the most pro-black president in my lifetime’
The pastor of the New Spirit Revival Center in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, told Trump that “we have your back…because we know you have our back as well.”
Biden Apologizes for Saying Black Voters ‘Ain’t Black’ if They’re Considering Trump
. . . "The remark sparked immediate pushback on social media, with liberal activists and conservatives alike jumping on Mr. Biden, 77, for acting as the arbiter of blackness. His words also exposed wounds among Democrats that date to 2016, when many leaders felt the party took black voters for granted." . . .

Babylon Bee had their own version of this Bidenlogic:

Biden: 'If You Don't Let Me Sniff Your Hair, You Ain't A Woman'

Witnesses then walked in on Biden conversing with a Cabbage Patch doll who he mistook for a female interviewer. After hearing the news, feminists around the country responded by lining up outside Biden's house to get a complimentary hair sniff, thereby affirming their statuses as real women. 

Queen Elizabeth Snubbed Barack And Michelle Obama – Humiliated Them In Front Of The World

The American Mirror  "New reports have revealed that Queen Elizabeth brutally snubbed Barack and Michelle Obama during their time in the White House in a humiliating way for the former president and first lady.
"The U.K. Express reported that when Prince William married Kate Middleton back in 2011, over 1,900 people were invited to attend, including celebrities like Elton John, David Cameron, and David Beckham. The Queen personally invited forty heads of state to the wedding with gold-embossed invitations, but two people who did not receive this invite were Barack and Michelle.
"To make up for this snub from the Queen, the British government set up a state visit for the Obamas the month after the wedding, marking the first time such a visit from an American president would take place since 2002. It is believed that the added security cost of protecting Barack is partly what led to the Queen leaving them off the guest list, but nobody knows her reasoning for sure.
"Leaders from Australia, Canada and New Zealand were all invited, as were the kings and queens of European nations like Spain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Greece. Millions of people from all over the globe then tuned in to watch the wedding on television, making it the event of the year in the eyes of many.
"For Barack and Michelle, the snub must have been devastating, as it is known that they very much valued meeting the Queen and the royal family. In her memoir “Becoming,” Michelle recounted how she broke protocol during her first meeting with the Queen by touching her back." . . .

This, of course, was not the end of Michelle’s incendiary comments, though. She went on to insult the Queen, saying that her food wasn’t as good as what Michele was used to eating at the White House.

Biden Reelected Trump Last Friday

President Trump’s pre-pandemic job creation initiatives and criminal justice reform have done more for blacks in three years than Joe Biden accomplished in half a century backstroking around the swamp.

The American Spectator

The former VP’s patronizing remark was no jest and it was fatal to his campaign.
     "Usually, it’s necessary to wait until after a presidential election is over before it becomes possible to identify the point at which the dynamics of the contest began to favor the eventual winner. Occasionally, however, the turning point is blindingly obvious. President Reagan’s 1984 reelection, for example, was all but assured when Walter Mondale included a promise to raise taxes in his speech accepting the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. Likewise, former Vice President Joe Biden almost certainly handed the 2020 election to President Trump last Friday when he told an African-American interviewer, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
     "That blunder not only unmasked Biden’s condescending attitude toward a bloc of voters without whose support he cannot hope to win, it revealed that his campaign is worried about poll numbers they’re seeing for those very voters. A new Quinnipiac poll shows that 81 percent of African-Americans support Biden. If that seems high, remember that Clinton won 88 percent of the black vote in 2016 and lost the election. African-American turnout was also down in 2016. In other words, Biden must turn out more black voters than did Hillary and win a larger percentage of their votes. Biden can’t win with 81 percent of a tepid African-American turnout and his campaign knows it.
.     "This is why the candidate condescended to be interviewed by Charlamagne tha God on “The Breakfast Club.” Biden’s campaign recently rebooted his outreach to the black community and the interview was part of that effort. Charlamagne has real influence in the African American community. “The Breakfast Club” is among the most-listened-to morning radio shows in America, reaching millions of listeners every week, and Charlamagne boasts 2.1 million Twitter followers. Biden’s remark, for a lot of his listeners, reinforced the view that the Democratic Party takes the black vote for granted. Sunday morning, Charlamagne was asked on MSNBC if he believed that this was the Democratic attitude:

Democrats Will Sacrifice America to Win a Presidency

 Democrat overseers will make us pay to be free.  They do not understand suffering, and they like control.  They know not the absolute terror of being afraid you cannot pay your bills or feed your children. All Democrats are like Barack Obama, whose hardest day was when there was not a Marine available to hold his umbrella. . . .They do not care what happens to us; they care only about being in power.
William L. Gensert  "The Dems will not allow any semblance of normalcy to return until Trump and recalcitrant Republicans in the Senate agree to bail out Democrat-run states facing fiscal insolvency.  Democrat socialist policies have left states like California and Illinois with unsustainable pension obligations and exponentially growing deficits too dear for a shrinking tax base to sustain.
"Buying votes ain't cheap.
"Yet why would citizens, prudently residing in red states, acquiesce to paying for votes Democrats have bought in the past and wish to purchase in the future?
"They would not unless forced to.
"Democrat governors, in particular Newsom (Calif.), Pritzker (Ill.), Murphy (N.J.), and Cuomo (N.Y.), are like terrorists, unwilling to release their states from lockdown unless they get their ransom.
"The heck with the little people, the deplorables who refuse to see.  They need to be shown the error of their ways.  Should they perish in the process, they brought it upon themselves with their constant pleas of "I beg of you, let me work" and "I need to feed my family."
"Pelosi, with her three-trillion-dollar dream bill, demands just shy of a trillion dollars for state and local governments — you know, as a gift to balance their books.  This is the crux of her ask: bail out liberal mistakes and bad policy, or they and their minions in the media will counsel the wisdom of remaining closed indefinitely while blaming Trump for the all the misery." . . .

All Democrats are like Barack Obama, whose hardest day was when there was not a Marine available to hold his umbrella.